PC 77-24RESOLUTION N6. PC77-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMNt5510N THA'f PETITION FOR RECIASSIfICATiON N0. 76-77-3~ BE APPRCVED NHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon dld receive a verifled Pe*_itlon far Reclassiflcatlon from A. CHRISTENSEN AND C. STALLINGS, 2o53 Orangegrove. Orange, Cal~fornta 92667 (Owners) of ccrtain real property situate~ in the C3ty of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of Callforria described as: Lot 67 in Tract 109a, as per map recordcd in Boo~ 39 Pages 1 b 2~f Miscellaneous Maps, ln the Office of the County Recorder oY sald county. WHERF_AS, the Clty P1•~nning Commission did schedulc a public hearing ~t the C1ty Hall in the Clty of Anaheiin or. January 17. 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notlce of sald publlc hearing having been duly given as +•equfred by law ~nd in accoril~n~t with the provislons of tlie Anahelm Municipal Code, Chaptrr 18.03, to hear and consider r_viden~e for and against said proposed reclasslflcatlon and to investlgate and make findings and recommsndatlons In connectlon therewiCh; sa;~ public hear9ng haviny 5een continued to the Planning Commisslon meeting of January 31. 1917; and NHEREAS~ said Commisslon, ?fter due inspectlor~, Investlgation and study made by itsel~ and In lts behalf, an~i after eue consideratlon of all evidence an4 reports effered at sald hearing; does find and determine the following facts: 1. That Che pet!ti~~ner proposes a reclassificatlon of zoning on the above- descrlbed property, from th~ RS-7200 (RESIDEN71Al, SINGLE-f~~MILY) ZONE ta the RM-2k~0 (RESIDENTIA~, MUL7iPLE-FAHILY) ZONE. 2, 1'hat the Hnahelm General Plan designaCes the subJect property for low- density, rasldentlaS lond uses. 3, That Yhe subJecr property fronLS en an arterlal ni~hway, creating an undesirablc living envi~onment far s~ngte-`amlly resi~entiai develapment with a potentially greater numbcr pf chlidren than a mult?ple-famlly, resldentlal development, tht proposed devctc~v~a~~t wlll serve as a buffer between the arterial highway and single-famlly reslclences to Yha east; and, furthermore, app~oval of thls reclassificatlon of zoning N'~1 not set a precadent for other l~ts ln the area located to the east, slncc sa?d lots do not front on an arterlal highway. q, 7hat the proposed reclasstficatlcn of sub)cct property is necessary and/or deslrable for the orderly and proper development of the ccrm~nlty. 5, fhat the proposri~:f r~classlficatlon of subJect properYy does properly relate to tht zones a~d thr.I:' p:~r~it*_ed use3 locally established In close proximity to subJect praperty and c~ t:~r. znnes and thelr ~~~~+tted uses gcr•~erally eiteblishad ihroughout lha community. G. That olx (G) prrs~~nr ~~~~~~~d, roprnwertinp a~praxlrnataly oight6en (18) por~on• prosnnt ot 9mid publfc !~~ori~p ;;r oF,yowltlon; thnt one (1) porron appaared In fevor of ¢ho uropo~alj ar~d th~~ a pwt'lt~c~ri algnod by epprox(metoly eighty~seven (87) a~~a CYlI~anLq and proporty ~~•r«rs Ne~ ~~colvod !n oppo~ltibn to tne aubJcct pettClon. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-74 ENVIROWHENTAL ~MPAC7 REPORT FINDiNG: That the Anahelm City Planning Commissioii daes here y recortmiend to the C(ty Councll of the Clty of Anahetm that a nagative declaration from the requirements to prepare an environmental impact report be app~oved for the subJect proJect, pursuant to the provlslons of the Calttornla Envfronmental Quallty Act. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Cfcy Council of the Lity of Anahelm ehat subJect Petltion for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, tha[ Title 18-Zoning of the Anahelm Municipal Lode be amended to ~xclude the above-descrlbed property fror,~ the RS-j290 (RESIDENTiAL, SINGLE-FAHILY) ZONE and to incorporate saPd descrTbed property i~to the RN-2400 (RESlDEkTiAL, MUL7IPLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon the following ccnditions Nh(ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subJect property in order to preservc th~ safeiy and general rrelfare of the Citizens of [he City of pnaheim: 1. That s(dewalks shall be Instailed along Knoti Strcet as required by the City Enyineer and in accordance with standard plans and ~aecificatlons on file in the Offtce of the City E~ngineer. 2. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City af Anahetm the sum of sixty cents (60ti per fro~it foot along Knott Street ~or trec planting purposes. 3. That tt~e owner(sj of subJect property shall pay ta the C![y of Anahelm the sum of two dollars ($2.06) per frcnt foot alon9 Knott Street for street ltghting purposes. 4. That trash storage areas shali be provided in accordance wltti approved plans on file with the Offtce of tht Director of Publtc Morks. 5. That flre hydrants sh~ll be lnstall~~:d and charged as requlred a~d da[ermined to be necessary by the Ch~ef of the Fire Department prior to c~rtrnencemen2 of structurat framing. 6. That subJect ~~ropert~~ shall be served by underground utitttl~~. 7. That a 6-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed along the north, east, and sou[h property iines. 6. That dralnage of subJect proparty shail be dlsposed af in a man~er satisfactory to the Clty Enginecr. 9. That thc owner of subJcct property ~hall pay to the City of Anahelm the approprlote park nnd rncr¢acion in-11eu faes .as deCerml~od to be approprlaie by the City Council, tslrf }d~s to ba p~ild et the ilme tha bullding permlt t~ I~fued. 10. Fhnt sounJ atcenuotio~~ mea~ures sdJscent to Knott Street shail ba provlded In accordance wlth Councli Policy No. 542, unless otherwise watved by the CI¢y Councll. 11. That subJnct property ~hell be dovel~ped precYseiy in accordence wlth plans and specificatlons on ftle with the Clty of Anahelm marked Rev(s~on Na, i of Exhibit Nos. 1 throuqh 3. Prlor to the (nt~~auctlon of an ordlnance rezoning subJect property~ Cond(tlon Nos. 2 and 3, a-~ove-ment.:oned, sha11 he completed. 7he -2- RESO~UTION NC. PC77-24 pravlsions or rights granted byi [his resofutlon shall become null and voEd by action of t?ie City Council uniess said con~itions are complied wich withtn one year fTmm the date hcreof, or such further time as the Lity Cauncil may grant. 12. 7hat Condttfon hlos. l, 4, 6~ 7, 8, 10, and 11, abov~-mentioned, shall be complied wlih prior to final bullding and zoning {ns~ecttons. THE FOREGOING aESOLUiION Is signed and apprnve~ by me this 31st day of January~ 1977. ~ ~ ~HAIRHAN ANAHEI LI Y PG,ANNING LONNISSIDM ATT'cST: ~~~,~'~~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIhS CITY PLA~NING COMMISSI~JN S7ATE Of CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAMCE )ss. CITY OF ANAHE4M ) i, Patricla B. Scanl.~n, Secretary o` :hc Anai~~im CI[y Planning LcrtmTsslon, do hercby certify Lhat che. forcr,oir~g resolut`.e~ was passed and adop2ed at a m~etiny of the Anaheim Ctty Planning t;nrtmisslo~~, heid on January 31, 1977, at 1:30 p.m „ by tht following vote of the membzrs there~f: AYES: GOMMISSIOMERS: BARNES, OAViD, NER(?5?~ I(~HG, M~RLEY~ 70LAR HOES: CQHMISSIOFiERS: NONE ABSEN7: COHHISSI~NERS: NONE ABS7AIN: COM',11SSIONERS: JOHNS~N 1977. iN WITHE55 NNERE~F, I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of January SE RE/~ AR{~AN N. NN I~~G C4MM I SS I i)~i -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77~24