PC 77-241RESOLUTIOt~ t10. PC77-241
w'HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a ver(fied
Petition for Reclassification from EASTEP ISLAt:D, LTD., 2?;i5 East Vine Street, =C,
Orange, Califorciia °266°, oarner, and JAMES KINCANNON, 3`131 MacArthur E3oulevard, ~'206,
Newport Beach, California 92660, agent, of certain real prooerty situateJ in the City
of Anaheim, County of Oranqe, S[ate of California, descrihed as:
PARCEL 1- Those portions of Lot i af Mrs. Bush's Subdivision of a
portion of the Bush Tract, as per map recordeci in boo4: 3(, oage 52
of hliscellaneous Records in the officP of the County Recorder of
Los Angeles County, California, of the Third Class Land allotted
to Y. Y. de Cota according [o a map attached to and made a part of
the Decree of Parti[ion o` the Rancho Canon de Santa Ana rendered
in Case tJo. 197$ of the t7th Judicial Distric[ Court of
California, a certified copy of r+nich is recorded in hoc4 22, paqe
158 0` Deed, in the office of saici County Recorder anci of the tand
allotted to Maria Per~lta de Alvarer. in Decree of Partition of the
Rancho Santiago de 5anta Ana, recordr_d in Bool; P of Judarnents of
said l;th Judicial District Court, described as a ~•~hole as
fol lc~,:s:
E3eginning at an "X" in the pavement marking the intcrsection of
the center line of the Santa Ana Canyon Road as s~rveyed in 192G
by the Cou;~ty of Orange v:ith the Southerly extension uf the Eas[
linc of said Lot i of Mrs. Bush's SuNdivision, said poin[ belnn
30.00 feet Northerly from the Northwest cor~ier of Lot 1 of Tract
Mo.°3~, as shown on a map recorded in hook 30, pages 1 and 1. of
Misceilaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, thence
North 0° 12' 30" West along said cxtended line and along [he
East~:rly linc of said Lot 1 of Mr,. Bush's Subdivision and [hc
tdortherly extensio~ thereof 1251.74 feet, more or less, to the
Southeast corncr of the land described in the deed to Oran9e
County Water District, recorded August 29, 1940 in book 1059, page
19; of Official Records, said point 6einy 29.54 fect North ~0 12'
30" 41est from Lhe Nort~eas[ corner of said Lo[ 1 of Mrs. Bush's
Subdivision; thence North dto 42' Q5" West 18G.55 feet alona the
Southerly line of the land described in s~id deed; thence ~~orth ?4°
2~' S5" west 233•Z> feet along the Sou[herly line of the la~d
described in said deed to the Southrrest corner of the land
described in said deed, said point heinq 23.5~ feet North Oo 15'
3Q" West from the Northo,est corner of said Lot 1 of Mrs. Bush's
Subdivision; thence South ~° 15' 30" East 1371.41 feet along the
Northerly extension of the Westerly line of said Lot 1 of t1rs.
Bush's Subdivision and along the Westerly line and the Southerly
extension thereof to the center linc of said Santa Ana Canyo~
Road; thence North 87° O1' ~0" East ~+15.~+F feet to the po(n[ of
Except that portion lying Plorth of the South line of the main
canal of tfie Sar.ta Ana Valley Irrigation Company.
Also except thc portion convcyed *_o Santa Ana Valley irrigation
Company hy deed recorded July 18, 1934 in book 685, page 255 of
Official Records.
Also except it portion ~bi said ~0~3 innho~..117'l~he~~~PLe51~
California by u~ed recorded arch 2, 1.
of Official Records.
Also except that portion nf said land lyina Nesterly of 'ih~e
Eastcrly line of Pinney Drive as sha~•rn on thc ~+ap of Tract
4953, as per rrap recnrded ~~ b~Recorder~ fASa~d~Orangee,County5
~~ap5, in the office of the Co~anty
P~4CEL 2- That portio~ of the land allotted tn the Heirs of
~ominquez in Decrec of Partition of the Rancho Santiano de Santa
Ana, recorded in book "B" oP Judgments of th^ 1]th Judicial
District Co~rt of Cali`ornia, described as folloo-rs:
Beginning at the inter'section of thc Northerly prolongation of thr.
West line of Lot 1 of Tract tlo. 43E, ~5 Pef man recor:led in booE:
3p, page 1 of 11i5ce1~y~ChutheMcenternline offSantafAnae Canyon
P.ecorder of said ~.ounty, o ~ n0~~ East, 125~•~~
Road as shoarn on said t1ap; thencc North `37 0~
feet along said centeroliie; the4rest',~FS~•SZ f!r_et~,n'thence~t7or[~h ;20
feec; thence South ~35 5~ 35
47' 3~'~ West, 599•1~ feet to the West linr of said allotment;
thence Southerly 1261+.d0 feet along said West linc to thc ~oint o`
Except that portion thereof conveyed io tQe!'S~~n~ h~okva635Y
Irrigation Company f:y deed recorded July 13, 1 3
page 255 of Official Rec~rds.
Also excep[ that oor[ion thereuf included ti•~ithin the bo~ndaries of
thc land conveyed to Oranoe County ~la;er District by deed recorded
October 2°, 1°3~ in book QS~, pa9e 574 of Official Records.
Also except that portion thrreof ~iescribec~ as follows: Beginning
at the intersection of the ~dortherly prolongation of the Easterly
line of said Lot 1 with said cen[er line; thence Soutf~ 3?° 1G' 00"
West, 446.10 fect along said center linc to the t~ortherly
prolongation of [he Westerly line of said Lot 1; thence '~orth ~1°
D2~ r~p~~ W~~t, 4~~,18 fect along said prolonaatlan; thence ~lorth 87°
j~~ 33" East to the Southerly line of the land described in the
deed to the San[a Ana Valley Irrigation Ca'+pany, recorded in book
~8;, page 255, Official Re~ords; thence Easterly alonn said
Southe~ly line on a curve concave Northerly, having a radius of
of b~ginning.
Also except that portion lying North of the South line of the Main
Canal of thc Santa Ana Valley Irriqation Comnany.
PARCEL 3' Alt that certain real ~rooerty lying within the land
allotted to the heirs of Dominouez and to [hc tieirs of Leandro
Serrano in ehe Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa
Ana recorded in book "B", Pe9e 410 of Judyments of the District
Court of the 17th Judicial District in and for Los Angeles County,
California, a~d within Lot 1 of Mrs. Bush's Subdivision of a
portion of Lhe Bush 7rac[ per the map recorded in book 3~, P~9e 52
of Miscellaneous~~Reco~dnn ffeetd in~S~idthgcon5the~Mapyof Tract r~os
S.A.V.I. Canal ,
-2- PC77-2~f1
~+95c; recorded book 2Qo, pa~es 4~, 49 and '> ~f Nisccilanrous
Maps, records n` said Orar~gc County.
Excenting therefrom any part6on of said land lyina Easterly af tne
Southeriy prolongation of the ~asterly iine of lot 13 of ;aid
Tract No. 4°53 and lying ~,estcrly of the Easterly linc of 'inn~y
Drive, 6~.00 feet in ~yidth, ~s shown on said Map; a~d
41HE°,El15, the CiLy Planning Co~:mission did schedule a ou511c hearin~ at the
City llall in the City of Anaheim on July 13, to77~ 3t ~;jp p,m „ notice oF said
public hearin9 having heen duly giveri as renuired by law and in accoruance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Codr, Chanter 1R.03, to hear ar~d tonsider
evidence for and a_yainst said proposed reclassification and to investiqate arod make
findings and recommendations in connection therewith; said oublic hearing havirig Neen
continued to thc Plannir~ Comnission meeting of Novenber 7, 1Q77; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, a~tcr due inspection, investigation and study made
by itseif and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and deter^~ine the followin~7 facts:
1. That the petitieoer proposes reclassification of subject nroper[y from
RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/Agricultural-Scenic Corridor Overlay) to the r5-7200(SC)
(Residential, Single-Family-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone.
7.. That [he Anaheim General Plan designates subject propcrty for hillside,
low-density residential land uses.
3. That the proposed reclassification of subject pronerCy is necessary
and/or desirable for the orderly and proper develo~ment of thc co~munity.
4. That the proposed reclassification of suhject pronerty does properly
relate to the zones and their pernitted usrs locally established in close aroximlty
to subjeci property and to the :ones and [hcir pcrmitte~ uses generally established
thrpughout the Community.
5. That the proposed reclassification of subject pronerty requires [he
dedication and improvement or abut[ing streets in accordance v:ith the Circulatian
[lement of the General °lan, due ta the antlcipated i~crease in traffic which will be
9encrated by thc intensification nf land use.
6. That one pcrson indicated tlieir presence at sairf ~.~blic hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence wos recefved in opposition to subject
Et~VIRGt~NEIJTAL IMPACT FIIIpING: That the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission has
rcviewcd subject proposal [o reclassify the zonin9 fron the RS-A-1E3,0!l0($C)
SIIIGI.E-FA111LY-SCE-~IC CORRIDQR OVERLAY) 7.ONE on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land
consisti~g of approximately 1.8 acres, located at the northeas[ corner of Santa Ana
Canyon Road and Pinney Drive, having approximate frontages of 777 feet on the north
sicJe of Santa Ana Canyon Road and 92 feet on [hc east side of Pinney Drive, with
waiver of requirement that all lots rear onto an arterlal hiyhrray, and does hereby
approve the Negative De~laration frcx~ the requirement to prepare an environmental
impact report on thc basis th~t there ~,nuld be no significant individual or
cumutative adverse environmental impact due 2o the anprovai of this IJegative
Declaration since the Anahelm Genera) Plan designates the subJect property for
hillside, lo~•r-densi[y residential land uses commensurate wi[h the proposal; that no
sensitive environmental impacts are involvecf in the proposal; [hat the Inttial Stu~y
submitted by the petitioiier indicates no significant individual or cumulative. adverse
_3_ P~77-24t
environmentzl impacts; ~d that the t~egative Declara[i~ ;ubstantiatino the foregoing
findinys i~ on file in ~he City of Anaheim Planning Depart~~~ent.
t~~,ld, TfiE!:EFORE, QE IT RESOLIiE~ that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Cammission
does hereby grant suhject Petition for Recl~ssification and, by so doing, that Title
13-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Cocie t~e anended to exclude the aF,ove-described
20t~E and to incorporate said described property into the RS-720~(SC) (!tESIDENTIAL,
SINGLE-FP,'11LY-SCE"!IC C022190P, OVERLAY) ZOHE upon the fnlloriing :.on.fiticns Yrhich are
hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite [o [he proposed use of sublect property
in ordcr to preserve [he safety and general ~-relfare of the Citizens of the City of
1. That fire hydran[s shali he installecl and ch~rged, as required and
determined to he necessary by the Chief of the firr_ Departmen[, prior to corrcnencement
of structural framing.
?. That subject property sha!1 be served Fy underc~round utilities.
3. That drainage of suhject prooerLy sh~ll ~e disposec'. of in a ~ranner
satisf.~ctory to the City Enn~nccr,
~i. That the owner(s) of subject property shall p~y to [he City of .Anaheim
the appropria[e park .and recreation in-lieu fees as de[r_rnined to he appropriate by
the City Council, s~id fces [o he paid at thc timc thc huilding pernit is issuec.
5, That a final traci map of suhject property shall be sutxnit[ed to and
approved by thr City Council and th_n Le recoraed in the offic~ of the Orange County
G. Prior to [he introduc[ion of in ordinance rrzonin9 sub.lect property,
Londition No. 5, ahovc mentioned, shall be cor~pleted. Thc provisions or rights
yra~te:l by this resolution shall become null and void hy ac[ion of the Planning
Commission unless said conditions are complied ~•~itfi ~~i[I~in one year fram the date
hereof, or such further time as the Planninc; Commission may gran[.
7, That Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above mentio~ed, shall be comptied with
prior to final huildirg ~nd zoning inspections.
THE FOREGOIt~G RESO WTION is signed and approved 6y me Chis 7th day of
tlovember, 1~77.
~u ~
CF!A I P,MAt~, AMnHE I r~ C I7Y PL~a!Ir! I r!G CO'~M I SS I Or~
~~ ~° ~~
I, Edith L. Narris, Secre[ary of the Anaheim Clty P'anning Commission, do
herehy certify tfiat the foregoing resolution ~•~as passed and ~dopted at a meetiny of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Novrmber 7, 1977,at 1:30 p.m., by the
following vote of the members thereof:
-4- Pc77-24t
!N WITNESS WtiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of Hovember,
lo lL~, d. ~W~-c..~s
-5- PC77-z4t