PC 77-248RLSOWTIOtI FlO. PL77-24~`, A RESULUT I Ora oF THE ANAHE 111 C I TY PL~'~r~u I NG COMHI SS I Oti TNA7 PET~TION FOR R[LLASSIFICATIO!! N0. 77-7~-2$ BE DEtlIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Lommission diti receive a verified Petition for Reclassificazion from FRAt~K H. AFID LOUISE GERRY, 62G South Euclid Street, Anahcir,i, California 92:'02, cwner5 of certain real propr_rty siiuated in thc Lity of Anaheim, County of Orange, StaCe of California, described as: Lot 2 of Tract 2;~1, as per map recorded in book 69 pages 15 to 17 of Miscellaneous Fiaps in ttie office of ttie county recorder of said county; and WHEREAS, Che Lity Planniny ~ommission did hold a put~li~: hcaring at thc City Nall in the City of Anaheim on November 7, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., no;ice of said public hearing having been duly c~iven :is required by law and in accordance with the provisions of th~e Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 16.03, [o hear and consider evidencc far and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommeradations in co~nectio~ there~aith; and WIi~P.[AS, s~id Lomriission, after due inspection, investigatian and study made by itself and in iCs tr.f~alf, an~ af¢er due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said tecariny, docs finJ and determinc the follrnaing fac[s: 1. Th,at the p~LaKioner proposes reclassification of subject praperty from thc CO (CQ111ERCdRL, aF~.IL'[ AidU PRQFE:SSI01lAL) ZOhE to thc CL (CONMERCIAL, LIMITED) 20t~E . 2. That :he ~r.aheim General Plan designates subject property for commercial/professional and/or low-density rasidential land uses. 3, Thai thc proposed reclassifica[ion is hereby denied on the basis [hat approval ~•iould not bc consistent with the Anaheim General Plan and tquld be considered as spot zoniny, allowing yeneral commercial uses in an area desi9na~ed for more restrictive professional and office commercial uses by the General Plan. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is not necessary and/or desirable for thc orderly and proper developr~en[ of the community. 5, 7hat the proposeJ reclassificatian of subJect property does not properly relate to the zones anJ their pennitted uses locally established in close proximi[y to subject property and to the zones and their permitied uses generally established througfiout Chc cornmuni[y. 6. That no one indica[ed their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in oppositior, to subject petition. PC77-24L ENVIRONMEPJTAL IMFAC3 fINDIi7G: That the Anaheim City Planning Com.n+ission has reviewed t e subjec2 proposa t¢ rec a~ssify zoning from CO (Commerciai, Office and Professional) to C~. (Commercia~, Limited) on property consistin9 of appro::ima*.ely 6208 square feet, having a frontage of approximately 61i feet on the east side of Euclid Street, having a maxir~um de(~th of 97 feet, and being located approximately 357 fcei souCh of tlie centeriine of Ora~ge Av~nue; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requir~ment' [o prepare an environmental impact report on the basis t~ha.L there would be no siynificant it~dividual or cumuiative adverse environmental i.n.pact due to the approval nf this I~egative Dectaration since the Anaheim Gen~eral i'l:~n designates the 'subject property for commercial/professional and/or low-density residential land uses cornmensurate with Che proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are +nve~lved in the proposal; that the tni[ial Study submitted by the petitioner inJicates no significa~t individual or cumulative adverse environmental ampac[s; and that the tiegative Declaration substantiating the foregoin9 findings ts on file in the City of Anaheim Pian~ing Depar[ment. NOW, TIiEREFQR[, BE IT RESOLVED that the Analieirn City Plenning Commission does hereby deny sutrject Petition for Reclassification on the 6asis of the fore9oing findings. TfiE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOtI is signed and approved by me [his 7th day of November, 1977. ,~...~ ~ ~~ CHAIR U, A AHtIH CI Y LAtIN(NG COt1MISS1011 ATTEST: `~s.~. ~' -~L ~ SECRETARY, AI~AHEIM CITY PLANt~II~G CONr115StON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIITY OF ORAt1GE ) ss. CITY Of ANAHEIM ) 1, Edith L. tlarris, Secretary of thc Anaticim City Planning Commission, do hereby cerYify Ztiat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City 'Planning Commission held on Novembcr 7, 1977, at 1:;0 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C0~;1115SIOt~[R5: UAVID, IfER4ST, JOt1NS01~, KING, TOLAR NOES: LOMMISSIO;JERS: NONE AkiSEt~T: COMNISSIOtlERS: DARIIES ABSTAIN: COM111SSIOsdERS: l.ft~t! (not having becn present for entire hearing) Ifl WITNESS Wt{E.ft~.OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of November, 1977. SECRETARY, ANAIIE~~~'1Y P ~NI~MHISSI011 -2- PC77-248