PC 77-249R[SOLUl'IOii t70. PC77-24!1 A R[SOLUTIOL' OF THE AiiAiIEIM CITY PLAi1NlilG COMIiI551Qt! RECOHI1CtJDIHG TO THE C17Y COUNLIL OF T11C CITY OF Al1AH[IH THAT REQULST FOR ANENDHEI~T OF VARIANCC ~~0. 276i: 6C DCNIED WHERL'~15, [he Anaiir_in C'ity Planning Commission dicl receive a verifieJ Petition for Variance from tilILLIAH ANU P1ATIiILDA EHP,L[, II;;: South State College fioulevard, A~aheim, California ~2:,06, cnyners, and GERALU E3USHORE, 913 West Lincoln Avenue, Anahcimo ralifornia 9~';~05, a9en[, uf ccr[ain rcal propcr[y situated in the City of Anahcim, Coun[y of Oranyu, StaLc of California, drscribed as: Lot 7.3 of Tract No. 23;~, as sho~rn on a Ffap recorded in book G9, paaes h;, 1E6 and ~~i of Hiscellancous Maps, records of Oranye County, Cal i `ornia; a~n~ UHLRLAS, thc Ci[y Planning Comoission did hold a public he~iring at the Ci[y Hall in thc City of Anat;ciri on Ilovcrnbcr 7, 1?77, a[ 1:3~ p.m„ notice of said public heariny havi~~ been duly given as required by lma and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheirn Itunicipal Code, Ch~pter 1`;.03, [o hear and consider evidence for anJ ay~ins[ said proposed variance and to investiga[e and maF•.e findinys and recominendations in connection [here„i[h; r~nd WHEREAS, said Coin;iission, af[cr dur_ inspection, inves[i~~ation and s[udy madc by itselF and in i[s behalf, and af[cr d~~ :•,onsidcra[ion of ail cvidence and reports offered at sa(J he~rin„ docs find an:.' •,,,I,~.•~aine tiie folla~inn facts: 1. That on March 7.; i~!7G, Che City C~~uncii a~Jop[ed Resulution No. 7GR-~5 granCing svbjeCt variance, in part, for two years, w:~iviny "pernitted uses" in the kS-7200 "Lonc ~nd denyin~~ a waiver ~t" "pcrmitted siyning" to e~tablish a~ office. 2. That yrantin9 of subjec[ var~a~ice was conJitioned upon the proposal bci~g for thc petitioncr's ov~n officc use only, and no portion of thc propcrty was to be rented for use by others. 3. That thc pe[itioner w rrently proposcs an anendment to Resolution No. 76R-~; tu delete Condition tJo. 7, thc abovc-mentioncd itcm nuriber 2; anJ proposes additional waivers of the following [o construct a free-s[andiny siyn: (a) SECTION 1&.2G.OG').b10 - Permi[teJ_~nin~. (Frec-standing signs proh~'ibi [cil, anc ~rec-s[andi ig s gn proposed) (b) SECTIQI~ 1~.'tG.0u4 - Perrnit[cd encrozchmc•n[ into re uired ards. Signs pro i itc ; one s~gn proposc (c) SEC710~7 1c.~5.Q93.0251 - Minimurn ~round clearancc. ~(~' eet required;~eet proposed) 4. That thr_ abovc-rnentioned waivcrs are hcreby denied on the basls thit the pe[itloner diu not demonstra[e tha[ a haruship exists in that [he subJect proper[y and ncarby properties arc zonec! for single-family residential uses; that the ~earby propcrtics are developed rrith sinylc-family residences and the proposal would not be corr~patible; that the nelyhborhood is not suiteJ for conversion to commercial PC77-249 uses; and that the proposeJ amcndment Co Resolution r~o. 7GP-9; anc: che proposed waivers wouid intr.nsify Lhc existing limi[ed coamtiercial use of thc proGcrty and be detriraental to the ncarby residences. 5. Tha[ there are no excepcional or ex[raordinary circu~~~s[ances or conditions applicable to the p~oPer~y involved or to the inten~led use of [he aroperty that do not apply ~~enerally to :he property ur class of usr in the same vicdnity a~d zonc. 6. That the requcs[ed varionce is not ncc~ssary for the pres~rvation and enjoyr~ent of ~ substan[ial proper~y riyhC poss~ssed by other propcrty in thc same vicinity and zone, and ~enicd to thc property in question. 7, That the requcste~l variance wili bc naterially detrimental to the publie wclfare or injuriuus to [hr_ prc~pcrty or iinprovcix nts in such vicinity and zone in which thc propcr[y is loca[cJ. i;. Thot seven persons inaicate.: thcir presence aL said public hearing in opposition; aiid tnat no correspunden~c was receiveo in opposition to [he subject petition. E~~VIitQI~ltCNi~L IMPACT FIiiD!!If; That tiie Anaheira City Planning Comr~ission has reviewed thc subjett projcct tc construct a frce-~tanJing siqn with waivcrs of permitted si~ning, perr,itt~u encroachmen[ ineo re~uircd yards, and mininiri ground clearance on prop~rty cunsis[in~~ of approxiinaCely G~7;:~ square feet locate~ a[ the southeast corner of ViF.iny Avenuc ana Sta[e Colicne uoulcvard, i;aviny approximate frortaycs of 1~~~) feet on thc svutli SiJc of ViF.ing Avenue an~ 6~~ fec: un Che east side of State Lolleye fiuulevard; a m: ~ocs hcrcLy aF~~,rove thc Ileyaiive Ucclaratlon from Che requirer-~:nt to pre.pare an environmcntal inq~act report on the b~sis tha[ there would bc no siynificant inuiviJual or cu~~iulativc aJvcrsc environux.ntal impact duc to thc approval uf [his Neyative Declara[iun sincc [he Anahein Gencral Plan d~siynates the subject proper[y for lrny-clensity resiJential lanu usl~s cornmensurate with the proposal; tf~al nu scnsitivu envirunnk:ntal irup:3ets are invvived in the proposal; that th~ (ni[ial Study suLmittc~ by [hc pttitivner inJicatcs no siynificant inJividual or cu~•wlativc aJverse environmental in~pacls; anJ th~t the Ne~ative Declaration substa~tiating ihe forcyoinr; finJinys is un file in tne City Af Anaheir~ Planniny Uepartrnent. I!C'~7, THCRLFORL, liC IT RCSOLVkJ [hat the Anaheir~~ City Planninc Cocmission does hereby Jeny subjr:ct Pe[i[iun for Variance on the basis of the foreyoin~ finJinys. THC FOR[GOIIIG RLSULUTI~?N is si~~neJ and approved by me this 7th day of Novcnbcr, 19%7• . ~. C~IA1 H~I~, !~Ali IH LI Lk!~fl t~G '1M ON ATTESi: ~o~ ~ ' SCCRETARY, At1ANE41l CITY ?lAtitllllG C~tlHlS51Q1! -z- F'C77-249 STATE OF CALI FORII I;, ) COUIlTY OF OrZ~;lGE ) ss. CITY OF tilAii[Ili ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Mahein Lity Planning Comnission, do hereby certify that the forcgoin<~ resolution was passed and adopted at a mceting of Chc .1nahein City Planniny Cor~mission helc on Ilov~mber 7, 1y77, at 1:30 F•m•. by the folla~ing voie of thc r~emLers tiicreof: AYES: C01•1~11S~IU~IE1'.S: U/~VIL~ HEK[35T~ JOiffISGN, I:II~G~ L1t1!!~ TOU~R ~~OES: C011MISSIOt7EP,5: NO~IE ABSL;IT: COMhfIS5lUtlt.lt5: ~AR!~ES ~977. IN iIIT~~c55 '~lnERE~F, I havc hcrcuntu sct ny h~nci this 7th day of tlovember, !e d~. ~ ~s. SECRETAR ,{CIAHE I M C I TY LAN!1 I ilG CONN I SS I ON -j- ?C77-249