PC 77-25P,ESGLU`IQ~1 N~. PC77-25 A P.ESOlU7101d OF THE ANA~EIH Ci7Y PL~NN~NG COHNISS~ON 7HAT PE71T10t1 FOR'lY~RlA4CE "d0. 2898 BE GRANTEd. WHEFEAS, the Anahr-im City Pianning Ccxnmisslon d1u recrlv~r 3 ~e~~F~c"i Petition for Uar(anc~c fror~ %•. Ci'RIS7ENSEN AND C. STALLINGS, 20j3 Orar~~eyr~ovc, Cr'an.~e, CalifornYa 92567 (Owners) of ccr.ain real property situated f~ the CiLy° oT ~nahtlm, County of Orange, Statc ~` Callforni~ dsscri!+ed ~s: Lat 67 in 7raet 1Q53, a~ pcr map recarded in Book j~ Pagcs 1 6: or "',isr_C11ancOUS Naps, in the t3ffice ~f the County Recnrder' of safd county. WHER~AS, the ~:itv ?l,,nnit~r; Co-~:nlSSlor, dld sCheGu~c a~ publi~ he.~rlmJ at •`:e CitY Hall ln thc C1Cy G` F+nahei~ on January 11, ~~97.', ~•. ~:3~~ f•"~., notic~~ r_* ~~sld public hear'iny having becr. du]y gi~cn :!s requ~rcd by ~nw ~nd in z~r~_prot~nc~~ with [he ptovislons o~ thc Anahelm Munic:ip~l Lodc, ChapCer 13.Q.i, to l~r.ar and considcr e:'~den~.: ror and ~g~lnst sald i~rtiPosed variance anu Co invest:c,atc a~d ~~+~e f~~~i~i~~9~ ar~d recommendatians in cornection [hcri~wlth; salcl ;-~~h?if hel~ln~ having bcen can[Inutd to the Planning Commission mccting of January 31, 1~77; 1lHEREAS, sald C~Nm,isslon, at;r.r our, in:pec;fon, inve•stlyatlon ~f1C SCUrjy m~de b~ ityelf and In its behakf, an~s aftcr :iue consideratlcn ef aii rvidr.r;ce and re~~rts offerec! at said hcarin9, ducs fln~i r,nd detcrninr the foll~~rlny ra;ts: i, That thr- ~~Ci[i~mer ;:~'onoses the (olluwing wal•~cti' ~rc,m th:e Anahcin Munic!pal Codc, to construc[ a+luplr_x (a trlp~ex w~s or(afnaily propo~rdj: SECTION 1E~.32.Oc1.02~ - Mlni,roum lot width. (1~ `ePt regul,^ed; 65 ect Prctpase. 2, 7hat the at~ovc-mentlr;~cd wa3ver )s fiereby grar.te:~ on the u~si; ch;~[ thr ~etielo~er demonstrated [hat a hardship would be creattd lf sc~id wifver o-:as not c~rantGd, since said iot currently exists and 3RId w'cdth is al•so sub-szandard per RS- 7?QO standards. 3. Th~t thr.re are exccptlo~al or exLraosdln~ry circumst.inces or c.ondi[ions applicable to thc proper~y Invoived or to C~Se lnteridcd usc of the property thar. do not apply generaliy to the prop~:r[y or class c~f use In [he same vlcinity and zon~^. 4, That the requcstcd varianec is ncccss~ry for the preser~~atlon and enJoyment of a substanilal property righC fbssessed by other prcocrty ln thr_ same vlcinfty and zone, and tjenled t~~ the property In question. 5, That thc requcsted varlancc wil! not be mate;~lally detr~men[at to thc public wclfare or {nJurlous to thr. oropcrty or improvcments in su~h vicdnlty and zon~ In which the propcrty is lotata~l. 5, That six {6) persc~ns Appoared, rcpresentln9 approximately cigti*.cen (18i porsons present a[ snid publlc heoring In ~pPositlon; thr~[ one (i} pe:rson rppeared tn fovar oT the proposal; r.nd thot n potitlon slqnod by aryproximately clgi~ty-~even (P7) orea reslden[s end pro~erty orrncrs was racelved In opposfilon ta Khe ~ub)act petlClon. ~FESOIUT I Ot1 N0. PC77-25 ENkIRONHE9d'fAt friP~L7 AEPQRT rf~D1~G: That the Ananefm Eliy ~'ia~rting ~ortimts;IQn docs hareby fGCCM~1~~d ta the City t~uncii of tne Ct[y of Anahclr, thar, a nz~aYive declacatlon ~rom the requircnenCS to preaare an environmente1 impact r~p~rt be ~ppraved foir the subject pr~Ject, pursuant [~ She provislan~ of the Ca;ifornTa En~~ronme~t~i Quality P.ct. 'r101J, THERcFGAE, 8E 1? R~SOI.VEG thzt tF-e Anahelr~ Cit~ Plannin~ ~ear+issiori does hertby ~iran[ s~'.;ect Peti!:ion for Varianccn :~pon Lhc following ~ondittc~s which nre hereby fqund to 6e a nec~ssa~y prerequ?sitc [~ tha proposed usc r~f the subJc~~t property irs order to presarve the safc,y and general ~relfare of thc Ci[tzens of [ht Cfcy of Anaheim; i. 7hst :hls 'Jarlance ls granted sunJect to thc ccmpietipn of Reclasstfdt~t+bn 1~0. 76-7i-3~, 'nox ~endf~g. 2, That subJcct ~srop~erty shali b~ drv~loped ^rccisely in accoraar,ce wl~h plans ~;~c spei:ific.atlons or. rlRe With the CIYy of Anaheim marked Rtv3s1on No. ; ~f Exhiblt N;~y. 1 through j. 3. That ConWiC;on ~~. 1, above-mentl~ned, shall bc ccxnpllid With prlor to Che cor,mencemmnt of the activir•~ authorizcr! une:er this resolutinn, or prior tn t`~c tire tha~ Lhe building perrnit i~ :ssueL', or wlrhin a Geriod o` onc (1} year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Piannina Commission ano/or City Lo~nctl may granL. 4. That Condition t~o. 2, abcve-mentianed, shall be compiied +~ith prlor to final bulidin9 and zor.ing inspections. THE FOREGOING RESOLUT90N Is sig~ed and approved ' me this jls.~ d,ay of January, 1977. ~ HA RMAN N H IM , ~AN?1{N CdMHI5510N ATTEST: ~1 ~~~~~ ~~~ SE RETARY, ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANNING COMHI ~t4t{ _,Z. REStlLUTION t10. PC77-25 ST~TE Of' CALIFORNIA } CGUNTY OF OFiANGE )ss. C'ITY OF ANANEIM ) 1. Patrlcia B. Scanlan, Secre'tarv of the Anahr_im C+ty Planning Carnn~Os~sion, dg hcreby tertify that tne foregaing resolu~l~n was ~ass~d and ~dopfed ~t a m~eting ~f the Anahcim Clty Ptanning Cortanission, hcld nn Januar~~ ;1, 1977, at 1:30 p.m „ by the fo'IOowing vot~ of the membcrs there~f; AYES: LAMHISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, NER85T, KING, MOR~EY, FbLAR NOES: C~~ri15SIQNERS: "I~NE ABSEN7: CONHi5510kERS: NONE ~85TAIF1: CGMHSSSlDNERS: J~NNSON IN NITNESS NHE~EAF, I have ~ereunto set my hand this 31st day of January 1977. C~~`~~Q S~RE AR , NAFi ~I~ ,~AN',~~ NG COMM i SS f G~1 `3~ RESOLUTII~N N0. Pr.77-25