PC 77-251RESOLUTI01! N0. PC77-251 A RESOLL'TIOtI OF THE AtJAHEIM CITY PLAUIJINf COMMISSIOF~ THAT P[TITIO'i FOR COIIDIT10~7AL USE PERMIT N0, 17L•~~ f3E GRR~~TED WtIEREAS, the Anaheirn City Planning Commission did recr_ive a verified Petition for Conui[iunal Use Permit from S"fATE COLLEGE AFIAHEIn CENTER, 11;~~0 Idest Olynpic 6oulevard, Los Angelcs, i.alifornia 90(164, oti•mer, and JOHI! GUTARASClO, G052 Saddletree Lane, Yorba Linda, California 92G86, agent, of certain real properCy situated in the City of Anaiieim, County of Orange, S W[c of California, described as: Parcel tlo, t, as shown on a parcel m~p filed in book 70, page 12, of Parcel Fiaps in the office o` the County Recorder of said county; and WHEREAS, the CiCy Planniny Conmission did hold a public hearing a[ the Gity !-:al1 in [he Ci[y of Anaheir~ on tlovember 7, 1977, at 1:3o p.m., notice of said public hearing having bcen duly yivers as reyuired 6y I:~w a~•~ in -~ccordanc.e with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 1~.G3, to hear and consb~+~r evidence `or and against said proposed conditional usc and to investigate and make findings and recornmenda[ions in connection tnerewith; and WN[REAS, said Connission, after due inspection, investiyation and study made by itself anu in its befialf, and afcer due consideration of all evidence and reports of4ered at said hearing, does find and uetermine tiie foll~wing facts: 1. Tha[ the pro~osed use is properly one for tiahich a conJitional use pernit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Lode Section 18.~+4.0$0.010, to wit: to per~oit on-sale beer and wine in a proposed restaurant r+ith waiver of: 5[CTION 1a.0i.0u).0231 - Minirnun number of arki~ spaces. 551 spaces reyuired; yl, spaces proposed) 2, That *_he above-mentioned waiver is fiereby granted due to the fact that the en[ire par~:iny lot will provide spaces for ttie total commercial shopping center and the proposal will generate a inir~or part (11 spaces) of the total parking requirement (551 sFaces), and that c:,e rx>st active business hours for the pruposal ~+riil tend to bc during Che eveniny, wfiile thc majority of [tie other tenants' business activitie:> will tend to be earlier duriny ttie day. 3. That thc proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses anJ the growth and development of the area in which ir. is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shap~_ of the site proposed for the use is adequate to ait~,~ the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrim_:.tai to the ,nrt~cular area nor to the peace, health, safety~ and general ~•ielfare o` the Ci[izens o= :.he City of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of tHe Condi[ional Use Permit under tne conditions imposad will noc be detrimen[al to the pea~e, health, s~fety and general welfiare of [he Citizr..rs cf the City of Anaheim. Pc77-251 6. That no one indit~tad their presence at said public hearing tn opposition; and that no correspondence r+as received in opposi[ion to the subject petition. E!IVIRONHEt:TAL IMPACT F11701ttG: That the Director of the Planning Oepartme~t has detr_rmined that the proposed activity falls r~ithir the definition of Section 3.01, Classes 1 and 11, of the City of Anaheim Guidelinr_s to the Requiremerts fcr an Environmental impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. t~Otl, Tf1ER[FORE, ~E IT RESOLVE6 [tiat ttie Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Pcrnit, upon thc folla++ing cc,ndition which is hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite *_o the proposed use of the subject property in order [o pri.s::rve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of thc Ci[y oi Anaheim: 1, That subject property shall be developed suhs[antially in accordancc with plans ancf specificaCiuns on file with the City of M aheim marked Exhibit ~los. 1 and 2. TfeE ..';;;tIG F[S~LUTIOt7 is signed and appr~~ved by me this 7th day of i;u:C.^.:ber, 1~; ~~ ~~ CHA RMAtl, ANANEIM CITY PLAFItJING COMf11S510"7 ATTLST: ~ ~C ~~-sL.~w ~__ ~~ECRL'TA , AIIA{IL111 C-IT'~PLAt~t11t;G COMhiISStOt~ STATE OF CALIfORNiA COUtlTY OF ORAIIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHL1t1 ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of [he Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that [he forcyoiny r~solution was pass~d and adopted at a meeting of Che Anaheim City Planniny Commission held on !lovember 7, 1~77, at 1:30 P•m•, by the follawin~ vo[e of the members [I~creof: A'(CS: C011NISSlOUer,s: DAVID, NERE3ST, JOHN50!~, KING, LINU, TQLAR `~DES: COt1tiI5S10i~CRS: I~O~~E AEISENT: C01~iMIS510HER5: ~ARIIEt IN 1lITIILSS WHERE9F, I have hereunto set rny hand this 7th day of hovember, 1977 ~~ ~ ~~~ SELRETARY, Ai~AfIE1H CITY PI.A~JIJIt~IG COMt115510~1 -2- PC77-251