PC 77-254°. RESOLUTION t~0. PL77-."•-51~ R?;i:SOLLTIOt~ OF THE AhIAi;EI'! CITY PL!!.t:NIV~ CO'1"+I~SION TNf~T PETITINI F0~ COtl41TIOI:AL US"r PER`!IT ND. 17?1 BE G~~I;TF~ 41HEREf,S, the Anahcim City Plannino Cormission did receive a verified Petition for Londitional Use Pernit from A+l~I1E1'? 'tE'~0?~f+L HOSPIThL, 1111 4l. La Palma Avenue, Anahcim, California, °2~'~1, oHmer, o` certain rcal nroperty sit~~ated in the City of Anahcin, County o` Orangc, St,~[e o` California, descrii-r;l os: Lot 1° o~ Tract No. 1'~^1, in the Lity of Gnahci~, os sh~om ~n a map thereof recorded in book 52, n~~l~'S 1°. and 1~ of 'liscell~ne~us tlaps, records of 5aid Oranae Coun[y. Lot :!` or Tract ~1~. 1( =1 , i n t~:c C i tv ~f Annhc i~-, as stioti~n on a man CL•ereof, recerded in I;o~~. j7., paocs 1~ an~~ 1~-, '+isc^llaneous HapS, reeorJs of saicl Orannc Co~inty. 4;NE~'C~"$, thc CiCy Plannin~ Co~~~'~i55ion ;id hol~1 :i ,^,ublic hr:~rinq at the City Hall in the City of Anah~eir, on Ilovemb~r 7.1, 1^77, at 1:3^ P.^~., n~tice nf s~id publie hear i nq hiv i nq hr_en du I y n i ven ~s requ i rerl I~y 1,,~: anci i n accor~lance ~vi th the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chao[er 1°~.^3, [~ heir ancl eonsider evidence for and :~oainst said pro~osed conriitional use and to ~~vestinate ~nd make findin~s and reeommend~tions in c~nnection thcr~aiitl~; nnr.'. llHE:^.EA.S, s~id Conmission, af[cr duc insnection, investiqation and study madc by itself and in it, behalf, and after due consi~~eration ~f ,iil evidence and reports offere.l at saiJ hearinc, does `ind an~1 cletermine the fullowin~ facts: 1, That the propo,ed use is nroaerly one for which a c~nrliLional use permit is autf,orized hy Anaheir~ 'lunicipal Code Sec[ion 1°,41,nrr.~~r t~ wi[: to permit exnansion of an existing hospital. 2. That the proposed use ~•rill not adversely affect the :~djoinina ianu uses and thc growth and developnent of the arca in r,hich it is pro~osed to f-e locatecl. 3. Th~t thc size and shape of thc site pr~posed for the use is adequate to allor: [hc full devclopment of thc pro~osed usc in ~ manner not detrirental [o the par[icular area nor to the peace, health, safefy, and gr.neral ::~elfarr_ of the Citizens of thc Litv of Anaheim. 4, That the grantiny of the Conditional Usc Pernit undcr tfie conditions imposed, if any, wEll not be detrimc•n[al to the peac~e, hcalth, safety and 9eneral welfare of thc Citizens of the City of Anaheir~. 5, That no one indicated their oresence a[ saicl puhlic hearing in opposition; and tha[ no correspondence ~•ras received in op~osition to [hc subject petiti~n. ENVIROIPIENTAL IMPACT FINpi~~~: That the Aniheim City Plannin~ Corrnnission has revieoied the suhject aroposal to reclassify the zonfn9 fron RS-77R0 (RESIDEN7IAL, SINfLE-FAMILY) to CO (CO"MERCIAL, OFFICf AND PROFESSIf?IJAL~ to exoand an existing hospital on approximately 0,3 acre, having a frontaqe of appror.imately 11~ feet on [he north side of Hernosa Drive, havin9 a maximum depth of anproximakely lOL feet and being located approximately h40 feet nor[h of the centerlinr_ of La Palma Avenue; and docs herehy approve the Negatlve Declara~ton fron the re~uirem~nt to prepare an environmen[al impact report on the I,asis that there w~uld be no significan[ indlviduol or cumulative advcrse en~ironmental imp~ct duc to the apnroval of this PC77-254 ~Negative Declaration sin [he Anahcin Gen~ral Plan desia. ,_es the subject proaerty for comn~rcial professional and nedium density land uses comrensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive envlronr~ertal inpacts arc involvr_d in the proposal; th2t the Initiai Study subrnitted by the petitioner indic~tPS no significant individuat or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that ihe Neoa[ive Declaration suhsCantia[;ng thc foreyoina findinos is on filc in thc City of P.nahcim Planning ~epartnent. NG~+', TF'[4EFORF, BE IT RESOLVE~ that the Anihei~ City Planninq Commiss(on does hereby arant subjcct Petition fnr Condition~l ~)se Permit, uoon [he following eondi[ions vrhich are herchy found to ~e a neeess~ry nrereauisi[e to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safetv and qeneral welfare of the Ci[izens of thc City of Anaheim: 1, That this Conditi~nal Use Pe m it is nr}nt~d suhject to the c~mpletian of Reclassification No. J]-]"-2<, noo~ pendinq. ?. Tha[ aubject pronerty st~all he dev~looed sub,t~ntiallv in aeeordanee with plins and specifieations on file a~ith thr City oF ~nah~i^~ nnrl:e; fxhihit "!o. 1. THE FQP,ESQItlC BESOLUTIG~: is si~ncd and 3~provc,l F~v r~c this 21st day of ttovemher, lr]J, ATTLST: 1! ~~ cf~.ni~Tnr~, r,~aanFir~ cirv P~r,r,~;ir~~ co~,~,issio~~ ~ ~ A [ Y~(.~j~-r,a- SECRF.TARY, At~ANFI'1 CITY PLAIJI;INS C01'~IS510~: STA?E OF CAL I FOfild I 4 ) CqU~JTY OF ORA~~r,F ) ss. C I TY OF AI~ANE I H ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secre[ary of the Anahrir~ Citv Plannlnn Cor+m(ssion, do herehy certify that [h,~ foregoinq resnlucion was pe55~d and a:iorted at a meeting of thc An~hcim City Planning Cor,mission hcld nn Nover~her 21, 1°77, at 1:;0 p.m,, by the fullowlnn vote of [he memt~ers thercof: AYES: LO'1'tISSIOt~ECS: EiA?p;ES, DtVID, HER~ST, Y,It7R, L~tItJ, TOLA2 NOES: CO^t~11551!~t~ERS: NOqE ARSENT: CO~IMISSIGUENS: JOf11lS~t1 I1~ blITNESS WHERE~f, I have hcreun[o set my hand this 21s[ day of No~~?r~ber, iQ77. Cod[~ r(. %~/+Qit.t-.a. SECP,ETA,RY, A`~AHE i'' C ITY PLANPa i ll~ COMt" I SS t~': -7- PC7%-254