PC 77-255RESOLUTION t~0. PC7j-25~ A RESO~UTIO'~ OF 7HE A~~NIEIH ClTY PLANNII;G COHMIS51?N TNAT F'[TITION FOR RECLASSIFiGATION N~, 77-7~-3U BE GRAIITED UHEREqS, thc Anaheim City Council did initiatc a vrrificd Petitio~ for Reclassificition on cer[ain real property situa[ed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Sta[e of Lalifornia, described as: That certain parcel of land lying within that portion of the Soutt»vest yuarter of thc Sou[h~~cst guartcr of Sec[ion 3, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, 5.[i.B.LM., as shcnan on a map of survey recorded in Dook J0, page 25, Record of Surveys, in [he office of the County Recorder of said Orange Coun[y, described as beginning at Che centerline interseccion of Ror;ineya Drive and Swan 5[reet as shown on said survey; [hencc following along the ccrtcrline of said Romneya Drive N u9~ 53' 2d" E, 4'79.;6 fce[; Chenec S 0° 00' 40" U, 223,00 feet; thence S VJO 53' 2G" U, 473,~36 fcet; thence N 0° 00' 40" C, 22&.00 fcct io thc point of bcyinniny. Exccpting tlierefrom any por[ion thcrcof lyiny within thc snuthcrly 3: feet of Romneya Drive and also excep[ing [herefrom the westcrly 2J feet thereof lyiny within Swan Street; and 'dHCRLAS, the City Planniny C~mmission did hold a public hearing at the Ci[y Nall in [hc Ci[y of Nnahciri on tlovcr~bcr 21, 1977, at 1:30 p.n„ ~oticc of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chap[cr iS.03, to hear and consider evidence for and ayainst said proposed reclassification and to inves[i9ate and ma~;c findings and recommcndations i~ connec[ion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Corrmission, after Jue inspection, investic~ation and study made by i[self and in its behalf, and after ~ue considera[ion of all ~vidcnce and reports offercd at said hcaring, docs find anJ detcrmine the fo~la~ing facts: 1. That th: Anatieim City Planniny Conmission prop~ses reclassific~tion of subjec[ property frorn the RN-1200 (RESIGENTIAL, MULTIPL[-FAMILY) ZONE to thc CO (CUHNERCIA~, OFFICE A~~U PROFESS~OIIAL) 20NC. 2. Tha[ thc Anahcim Gcncral Plan dcsignates subjett property for commerci~)-professional IanJ uses. 3. That tlie pruposed reclassification of subject property is necessary anJ/or dcsirable for tfic ordcrly and propcr• dcvclopment of thc conununiLy. -+. Tliat t!ie pr~posed reclossification of subjec[ property does properly relate tu thc zones an~ th~ir pcrmi[LeJ us~s lor,ally establishcd in close proxfmity to subjec[ propcrty and to the zones and thcir pcrniitteU uscs generally established throughout thc comrnuni[y. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedicatlon and iinprovement of abut[iny s[reets in accordance with the Circulation Elernent of th~ Genera) Plan, due Co the anticipatr_d increase in traffic wfifch wiil be genera[ed by thc intensifica[ion of land use. PC77-255 C~, That no one indicated ttieir presence at said pubiic hearing in opposi[ior; and that no correspo~:dence was received in opposi[ion to subject peti[ion. Et~VIRU~~MEtlTAL tMPACT ~INDI~tG: That chc Anahcin City Plan~ing Lommission has reviewed the subject proposa to reclassify the zoning froc, RM-1200 (Residen[ial, Multiplc-Family) to CO (Comnercial, Office and Professional) on approxinatchavin~ acres located a: the southeast corner of Romneya Drive and Swan Street, J approximatc fr~ntages of 460 fee[ on the south sidc of Ror~neya Drivc ard 196 fcec on thc west siJc of Swan Strcet; and does hcreby approvc thc 1le~ativc Declaration fron [hc requircr.~ent to prepare an cnvirarment:~l inpact renort an the basis thaC thcre would be no 5ignificant individuol or cur:wla[ive adv~rse environmental impacc due to tlie approval of this Neyative Declara[iun since the Fnaheim Generil Plan desi~inates the subjeet property for cornmereial-professio~al land uses cort~nensurate with the proposal; tha[ no sensitivic environmental inpacts ~rc involvcd in the proposal; that the (nitial Study submittcd by [hr. p~ti[ioncr inJicates no si~nificant individual or eumulative adverse environmental impacts; and tha[ the t~egative Declaratfon 5ubstantiatin~t thc foregoing findings is on filc in thc City of Anahcim Planning Departmeni. I~pN~ TtiEREFUP.E, BE IT nESOLVLU that thc Anahcir,~ City Ptannin~ Comnission does hereby ~;rant subject Cetition for Rcclassification and, by so doing, that Titlc 1G-Zoning of t~e Anaheim Nunicipal Lode be arr~ended [o exclude [he above-described proper[y from thc fH-1200 1RE51DE'1TIAL, MULTIPLf-FIIMILY) ZOtlE and [o incorpora[c said described propcrty int~ the CO (COHHERGIAL, OFFICE AIaD PROFESSIOtlAL) 7.Ot~E upon thc fallowiny condi[ions which are hereby founu [o be a neccssary prerequisi[c to the proposed usc of subject property in order to prescrvc [he safety and gcncral welfare of thc Citizen.s of [he City of Anahcim: 1, That Parn~ 5trcet shall be abandoned. 2, That trasl7 storage areas shall be provided in accordance wi[h approved plans on filc with the ofFicc of thc Uirec[or of Public 1Jor4;s. j, Tha[ firc hydrants shall bc installed and charged as required and determined to bc necessary by tht Chief of the Fire Depart~nent prior to commencement. ot s[ructural franing. 1+, That all en~~inecririy rcquiremcnts af tlic City of Arsahcim along Romneya Drive, ineluding preparation of improver.x:nt plans rnd ins[allation of all improvertents such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities or other appurtenant work, shall be complied with as required by the City Enqineer and in accordance with stanciard P~anfacilitieslalonglRomneyaflDrive the office of the Ci[y En9inecr; that s[rcet tigh[ing and Swan Street shall be lnstalled as re~~uir~d by che Direc[or of Public Utilities and in accordance with s[andard specifications on file in the office of the Director of Public Utilities; and/or tiiat a bond, certificat~ ef deposit, letter of credit, or cash, In an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be postcd with the Ci[y to guarantec the installation of the above-mentioned requirements. 5, In the event that subject propcr[y is [o be divided for the purposc of sa1e, lease or financing, a parcel map, to recurd the approved division of sub,ject ~,rqperty, ~fiall be submttted to and approved by the Ci[y of Anaheim and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County Reco~der. PC77-z55 -2- 6. Prior to the introduc[ion of an ordinance rezoning subject prcperty, Condition tio, 5, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisicns or righCs granted by this resolutian sha'1 bec~ne null and void by action of the Plarniny Commission u~less said conditions arc c~mplied witfi within one year from the date hercof, or such furtlier time as th~ Pla~nin~ Conmissio~ may grant. ThE FOREGOIt~G RESOLUTIC~~ is signed and approved by me this 21s[ day of t~ovember, 1977, ~ ~~~ CNA'~!MAN, ANAHEIn C!T LT11dpIqG LOMNIS~ Otl ATTEST: ~ ~~ i~ SEC~iETA~, AI~AHEIH CITY PLAt~HING COMIiISSION STATE OF CAL I FORt~ I A) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF Ar~~IiEIN ) I, Edith L. flarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Lommission~ do hereby cer[ify that thc foreyoing resolution was passed and adopted at a m eting of the Anahcim City Planning Commission hcld on I~ovember 21, 1~77, at 1:30 p.m., by the fo1)owing vote of ttie members th~reof: AYES: C011NISSIUt~ERS: EiARI~ES, DAVIU, tICRBST, Y,ItIG, LIt~11, TOLAit NOES: COMMISSIOt~ERS: 1~OI~E ABSEt7T: COM111SSIOt~ERS: JOIft~50t~ 1977. III WITIJESS 1:H[R.EGF, I have hereun[o sct rry hand [his 21st uay of Ilovembcr, ~~ ~' ~~.. SECRETARY, AIJAf1EIM CITY PLANI~It~G COMMIS51011 -3- PC77-255