PC 77-256~cse~urior; r~~. Pc77-z5~
!, RESOLI'T 10'~ ~F TNE A'!AF?E I'1 C IT'f PL~.NH I I!~ CnM'115510.'I
TNnT PETITI~~ F^~ C~tlDITIO!iP.L USE PF3"•IT ~i0. 17F~• P.E GZA~ITE7
uHERF~15, the Anaheim Ci[y Pianninq Cmmission did receive a verified
Pet i t i on for Cond i t iona l Use °errii t ~rori 6[~;EP.AL .A~tE.°.I C:3'! L I FF I P75URP.W: E C0. , 1501
Locust Strect, St. Louis, hlissouri F3~~'3, ~l•:ner, _ind VEL'!ET K'JIrHTS ~3l'."1 L E!~SLE
~pZp~,~ ~;~r,, P. C. Box 11;~1, Santa Ana, Californi~ °2711, anent, of certain real
praperr.y situated in *_he City of Anahein, Lounty o~ Oranoe, State of California,
described as:
Parcei 1 ef Parccl Hap, r~corded in boo~ 7~~, oanes 25 an~i 26 0`
Parcet r1aGS, County of Ornr,c~r, State of California.
'dl!EREf•,S, thc City Planning Canmission did hold a public hearinq at the City
Hall in the City of Anaheim on Hovember 21, 1°77, at 1:3~ p•~•. notice of said public
hearin9 having bee~ duly given as required hy la~: and in accordance ~•~ith the
provisions of the Anai~ei~ Municipal Cod~, Chaoter i?.~3, to `~ear and consider
evidence `er and a9ainst said pronosed conditional use and to investinate and ~ake
Findinq5 and recom~endations in c~nnrction thr_rc~•:i[h; ind
1•lHLR~AS, said Co~~mission, after ~uc insocctinn, irrvos[in~~Cion and study made
by itsclf r~nd in its t,ehal`, and a`ter due consideration or all evidcnce and re~orts
affered aC said hearin~, does find and dcter~,inc the foll~v~in9 fact~:
1, Thi[ the proposed use is pro~er'y one for ~•~hich a conditional us~
pcrmit is aut:~oriz~d by Fnahaim Plunicipal Codc Section i~.~+l.~~n•3~'~~ to wit: to
permit a pr~vate Cluh in the HL (Indu,trial, ~_i~~ited) I.one.
~, Thar the proposed use to includc ne~tin~s and bingo aames is hereby
granted suhject Lo petitioner's stipulatiuns [hat [hc bingo eares w~>> bc held
Wednesday, friday and Sundays from ~:3~ t~ 1^:3~ F•'~•~ th~t ~d~_ ~ate toilet
facilities will L•e provided and ~iiil include nne toil~c cc~'~r~rt~ent for each sex
designated for the h~andicap~ed, subject to Building Division approval; that three
drinkina foun*_ains ~•~ill he ~~rovidcd; and suhject to a one-year tine period to
determine whether the use has heen detrimental to the surrounding industrial uses,
following which time revi~a~ and c~nsideration ~•~ill t>e given bV the Plannin9
Co,rmission fur possible r_xtcnsions of time.
j, Tha[ th~~ prop-sed use ~~+ill not ad',;erseiy atPn~t thc adjoining land uses
and th~ grO~~~C`t and develonmen: of the area +n which it is proposed to be located.
4. That the size and shape nf the site proposed for thr_ use is adequate to
allow the full development of thc proposed use in :~ mannr_r not detrimen[al to the
particular area nor [o the peace, heal•h. sofcty, and general ~•relf<~re of the Citizens
of thc~ City of Anahefm.
5, That the granting of the Condi[ional Use Permit under the condltions
imposed, if any, o~ill not be detrimental ta the neace~ health, safety and general
welfare of thc Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
6, That no one indicated their presence at said oublic hearing in
opposition; and that no corresnoindence was recel~ed in opposition to the sub~ect
Et~~r~Rn,LyENTAL IMPACT FIE~OIt~r,; The Director of the Planning Depar[ment has
determined that th~ proposed activity falls ~•~ithtn thc definitior, of 5ection 3.t11,
Class 1, of the Ci[y ~' ~~afieim Guidel ines to tf,c R.equir~~~ents for an Emironmental
Impact Report an:1 is, ih. ~fore, cate9orically ex,erart fro .,:tir reauireTen[ to file an
NCI;, TNEREFO.",E, BE IT RESOLVED [hat thc Anahei~ City Pla~nin~ Commission
docs hr_reoy grant suhject Petition for Conditional Usc Per~it, upon the following
conuitions vrhich are her~by found to he a necessary prerenuisite :o the proposed use
of thc subject property in order to preserve L~~e safety and g~nr_ral welfare of the
Citizr_ns of the Gity of /lnahcim:
1, Thai the oti~mer(s) of suhject property sh~ll nay a traffic signal
assessment fee consistinq of the ciifference het~+een thc indusCrial and the commerci~l
fees and amounting to 5333•~~ P~~ 1~~~ s~luare Peet of huildfnq or fraction thereof,
in accordance ~•~ith Council Poiicy tlo. 214.
2, That suhject property shall he dr_vcl~ped subs[antially in accordance
with plans and soecifications on file ~•~ith the City of Anahein mark.ed Fx.hibit Ilos. 1
thru 4, provided, ho~~i~ver, that adequate toilet facilities shall he provided, r~ith
or.e tuilet compartment for e~ch sex dr_signated for the Landicapped end that three
drinl;in~i foimtains shall be provided, su!~ject to the ap~roval of the [iuilding
3, That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, ahnve-mentioned, shall he c~plicd ti~~ith
prior to the cor*~r~encement. of the activity authorized under this resnlution, or prior
to the time that thc building permit is issued, or ~,~ithin a period of one year from
date hereof, ti•~hiehever eccurs first, or such further tine as the Plaininn Conmission
may grant.
i{, That subject conditional use permit is 9rnnted for a one-year time
period, however, that timc extensions may !.e qrantcd fo~lowinq a~•rritten request by
the petitioner anJ If it is determined that Lhe use has not been detrimental to the
surroundinq indusirial uses.
TNE FO~EGOING RESOLUTI0~1 is siqned and approved !;y me this 21st day ~7
tlovember, iQ77•
~1TTE ST :
(% Cs/t~
CHA i!•~At:, AtIAHE I~1 C I7Y PL `7'~ I IIG C7"~'~ I SS 10~!
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CJU'!TY OF ORAt1GE ) ss.
C ITY QF A!IA{iE Iti )
1, Edi[h L. Harris, Secretary of the A~ah~im City Plannina Commission, da
herehy cer[ify that Che foregoing resolution rras passed and adopted a[ a meetinry of
the A.nah~im City Planning Comr^ission held on November 21, 1!?77, a[ 1:3^ p.m., by the
following vote ~f the members thereof:
AYES: CO'1!1155'~tlLRS: BARNES,
have hereun[o set my hand this 21st day of Flov~mber,
d-~ -~ ~~~
_7_ PC77-256