PC 77-257RESULUTION N0, PC77-257 A RESOLUTIO!I 0~ TIiE AtIAHEIN C1TY PLANtIII~G COHMISSIO~~ TIIAT PETITI01~ FOR GONUITIOtlAL USE PERHIT 170. 17(.7 BE UEt~IED UHEREAS, [iie Anaheim Ci[y Planninq Corm~ission did receive a verified Peti[ion for Conditional Use Permit from f~LD AIID DORE'tli CARFAGPIINI, 120G2 Bluebell, Garden Gruve, California 92G~+0, owners, and HR. Af~D PIRS. 1JILL~r^M R. S4lANSQN, 19372 Ravenna Drive, Yorba Lir~da, California q2G~G, agents, of certain real property situated in the City of Anal~eim, County of Orange, Statc of California, descri6ed as: Lot 'L and ihc Westerly b.SY feet of Lot 1, Tract No, 1i;43, as pcr map rec.~rded in BooF: ~3, Pages 45 and 4~ of Miscellaneous 11aps, records of saiu Orang~ County, EXCEPTIf~G from said lot Z, the Westerly C~.>J feet thercof; and WHEREAS, [hc: City Planniny Comnission did hold a puhtic hcaring at the City Nall in the Cicy of Anahei•i on Novcmbcr 21, 1y77, a[ 1:3~ P•m., notice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of [he Anaheii:i Nunicipal Code, Chapter 1t~.03, to he~r and consider evidence for and agains~ said proposed conditional use and to inves[iga[e and make findings and recornmendations in connection therewith; anJ 'aHI:IZEAS, said Commission, after due insacction, investiyation and study madc by itself and in its behalf, anJ after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and uctermine thc follor+iny facts: 1, Ttiat [he proposeJ use is properly one for or{iicli a conditional use periait is authorized by Anaheiri Municipal Code Section 1~.2u.U$0•02D, to wit: to permit a pre-school in thc R5-720~ (Residential, ~inyle-Family) Zone. 2. Tha[ the propused use in an existiny single-ramily dwelling is hereby denied on tlie basis tha[ subject properCy is iocated beCween Lincoln Avenue, an arterial highway, anG is separa[cd from single-family residences by a public alley and is, therefore, not suitable for this type of use which Yrould potentially cause a heavy iripact on traffic at peak hours, creating a hazard, and would also detrimentally iu~pact the nearby residentiai uses. 3. 7hat the propased usc ~~ill adversely arFcct the adjoininy land uses and the growth and development of the area in which i[ is proposed to be located. 4. That the sizc and shape of the site propose~ for :he use is not adequate to allow th~ full devclopment of Che proposed use in a manrser no[ detrimsntal [o the particular area nor to Che peace, hea{[h, safety, ind general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~. Thak the granting of the Con ;tional Usc Permit will bc de[rimental to the peace, health, safety and ycncral wclfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anahein. 6. That two pc~sons indicated their presence a[ said public hearing in opposition; and seven (7) ietters were received indicating opposition :.~ [he subject pe[i[lon. PC77-z57 EI~VIRCNHEt:TAL If1PACT FINDItIG: That t::e Directer of the Planning Department has determined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the Ci[y of Anatieim Guidelines to tfie Requirements for an Environrnen[al Impact Raport and is, therefore, categorically zxempt from the requirement to file an EIR. NU'~I, TNEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED [hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit on ihe basis of the aforcmentioned findings. THE FORLG011JG RESOLUTI0~1 is siyned and approved by me this 21st day of t~ovembcr, 1977. v' ~~ fiAl RI' PI, tl 1ll - IM C I~ LANN IIG COM11155I OPI ATTEST: SECRETARY, A;IA{ICIIi CITY PLa~tJII1G COMMISSIOt7 STATE OF CALIFOR~lIA ) COUIITY OF ORAIIGE ) ss. LITY UF AI~,11fEIM ) I, EdiCh L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Cixy Planning Commission, o0 hereby certify tnak the foregoing resolution was passed anti adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Novem6er 21, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the follawing vote of the rnembers thereof; AYC•S: CONMISSIOt~ERS: 3ARUE5, UAVIU, tIERE15T, KIt1G, LI~IN, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSICNERS: NUN[ ABSENT: COHMISSIO!~ERS: JOHtISON ~977. I1~ WITtJE55 6lIiEREOF, i have hereunto set iiry hand this 215t day of November, ~~ o!, ~~.~.u.. S[CRETARY, AiJAHEIM CIiY PLAt~t~ING COHMISSIOt~ -2- PC77-257