PC 77-262R~S~LUTI~t! 'd~. PC7?-~~~. A RESOLIJ7~Ot! 0~ T'iE A'ihi!f I'1 CITY PL•'•."J1;1';^ C~".'tl~`'I~'a THP~T PETITIO'! F0.'. C^'111TID~IP.L USE PF~'~IT ?J~~. 1]7'~ C+f ~".~~'TF; !•iHERE1S, thc /lnaheim Ciiy Plar.ninn Commission Aid rer_eive a verified Petition `or Conditional Use Perr~it `rnm KL'!if!E F4".ILY T~UST, "11 ttajeia Lane, Hemet, Califor~ia, ~23~+3, o~•.ner, and FAST F~~JS EXPRESS, 3?1 5. State Colleqe 6~ulevard, Anaheim, Californii °2~~Oc, aoen[, of certain real pronerty situatec! in thr. City of nnaheim, Lounty o` Oran9~, State of California, describec! as: That portion of Lot 1~ o` Anahei~~ Extension in [he Rancho San Juan Cajon ~ic Santa Mr,, in the Cour.ty of Oran~e, State o` California, as ner rnap thereof 6y 11^~. Har~el on fil~ in the Recorder', of`ice of Los Angeles County, Califnrnia, drscri'~ed as f~llo~•~s: Qeginning at a point ~n t^e cent^r line of Pl~rretia Avenuc, Sout~ Oo 75' 15" L!est '1.E3.%'~+ feet frnr~ thc tlorthcas[ cornr.r ~f s~id Lot 1~, said cerner I•ein~ considereJ to be [he intersection o` the ccnter lines of SoutL Street ond Pl~c~nii~ Avenue; runnina [henee South ^O ^5' 15" 'dest 1~~.1~ fect alonq siid centerline ~f Piacentia Av~nue; thence South 7~'° 3~' `~~" 1+'est 27~.7' feet alonn a line pnrallel to the 5~1'~ centcriine ~` South Strnet t~ a aoin[ in thc East line nf that eert~in n,irePl nf lnnd r_omicyec! tn f,. L. BecF:er by a deed recorded in 900!: i~i, Pane ~~ oF ~c~>Js, Records of saic! Qrar,n~ County; thencr Horth 1rO ~~~' Z~" West 1^?.;? fect alonn the said East line nf the oarcel conveyeri to f,. L, i:ecl:cr [o a point in a Iine a~'-iich fears sou'.fi 74~ 3~' ~~" 'dest fro~ the noint of t;e~inning; s~id linc heinn ~arallcl to th~ sai~ een[er line of South S[rcet; thence Ilorth 7~~° 3~' ^~" Fist ?O'".7'~ ~eet alonn said parallci linr. [o th~~ point nf !~rainnin~. WNE'tEAS, the City Plannin;~ Cc~nmission ~~ic, hold ~ pahlic !marin•~ a[ the City Hall in [hr Ci[y of Anahr_ir~ on '~ovenher 21, 1:^•77, at 1:}C o.~~., nntice of said publie he~i r i n9 h•~v i ng heen du I y g i ven a s r~~nu i red f,y 1~o-, an~ i n accnr<..~nce wi Ch the provisions o` the Anaheim Municipal Cocfe, Ch~p[er 1-.'~~, to hcar and consider• evi~ence for and aqains[ sai~.! pro~osed conditi~nal use ar,d to investiqate and r+ake findinas anel recoi~~enc!a[ions in cnrne~tion t~~ere~;i;h; ~nd WlI~f.EJ,S, s.~id Co~u~issiori, after due insoeetion, investi~ation an~i study made by itscif anJ ir its ~•ch:~li, anJ after due c~r,si~icra[ion of all ev~elence anci reports of`ereJ .~t s~+~ he~ri,;p, docs find a~~d Je[err.~ine the following fac[s: 1, That :he nroposed use i s ^roner 1 y on,^_ for ~~~h 1 ch a cc,nd i t iona 1 use pFrmit is auth~rizr.J ty /lnaheim Municinal Cocie Secrion 1%~,!'!~,^5n,~1~ to ~vit: to nermit on-sate leer and winc~ ir ~in cxistinn rest~aurant. 2. That thc ;~rtitinner in~lica*_?d thc nronosc~l on-s.~l~ hr,cr and ~~ine trill bc in conjunctien i•rith Lhe servinc~ of r^eals. 3. Th;~t the nropos^d USf will no[ ,-~dvr.rsel~/ iffect the 7diointrrt land uses and the qro~~~t'i ~~nd develonmert o{ the area in o;tiich ir, is rrnnosr.d to ~e locatea. ~~. That the size ~nd shane <>f the site ~ro~osed f~r the use is adeauate to allor.~ li,c full devctopment of the ~ro~osed use in a manner not ~letrimental to the particular arr:.? nor to the ~+cacP, health, safety, and general ~•~elfare of the Cititens of the City of /lnaheim. f~,'7'2E2 5. That thc :anting ~f thc Cond?tional Usc ~rnit undcr the conditions inposed, if ~ny, ~•:ill not 6e detrimental to the pcace, health, safety and general welfore of the Ci[izens of the City of An~he'n, G, That no one indica[ed ttieir presence at sai~ nublit hearina in op~osition; and th~t no correspondence ~:~as received tn opp~sition to the subject petitir~n. F.tlV1201d~?E'1T~L I"~PRf,T FItiDIN,: Thc Director of the Plannin~ Departr~ent has detr_rmined that the proposed actlvity falis ti•iithin the dr~inition of Secti~n ;.Q1, Class 1, of thc City of Anahcim Guidrlines to the Requirements for an Environmc:~tal Impact Report and is, thereforz, categorically exempt `rn^~ the renuire~ent [o fii~ an E~R, t:01l, T'IFREFO"[, P.E IT °.FSQL~IF9 that the Anaheir~ Lity Planning Commission docs hr_reby grant subjcct Petition for Conditi~nal Use Permi[, upon the fr.llowing Conc~ition which is hcrchy found to !~e ~ necessary prcr~quisitc to the proposed use of L•he subject prnpcr[y in ordcr to nreserve the safety and gr_ncral wclfire of the Citizer.s of the City of Anaheim: i. Th~~ suhjeck oroperty shall he developed suhs[antially in accordance witFi plans ,~nd specifieatinns on file ~•~ith the City n! P~n~heim mar~ed Exhihit Gos. 1 and ?, 7HF FORECOItJG Rf.SOLUTIOM i~, signed a~d approved hy me this .'.lst day of November, 1°JJ• ATTCST: . CHA1 ,~!,'1N, ~1'IAHEi'1 CITY LI~NIII~~~115SIOH ~~ ~' ~~ SEC°[TAR , A'1,1HE1`1 ~.ITY P1A61~41'!G L~t1'11~SION STATE OF CALIFORHIA ) COUNTY OF ORA'JGE ) ss. C ITY OF AI:AHE IH ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secrr_[ary of th~_ Anaheir~ Cily rlinn(ng Co^~mission, do hercby certify that thc `oregoinn resolution a~as passed and adopted at a meetin9 of the Anaheim City Plannina Commission held on Noverbcr 21, 1~77, at 1:3^ p.m,, by the following vote of the nr.mbers thereof: AYES: COt1,MIS510cdERS: BnR!~FS, D'.~IID, HERBST, t;l~!G, Lf!•,t,, TO!AR NOES: COM!115SIOMERS: t1pN~ A[iSEtJT: CC"1'115510t1ER5: JOl4'JSQ'! IN WIT;lESS WHF'2[OF, i have hereunto set my hand this 21s[ day of November, 1`_~;7. (A~ d. /~o~~/i~t.t.e. S~C.°,E7A?Y, AH/sHEI"I CITY PLAtt!111lG COHMISSlOW. -2- PC77-262