PC 77-263RESU2UTl'ul~ ;l0. 'PC,7.%-.2G3 A RESOLU'71(~t! OF THE AtIRilEfti LdTY PIANNlt1f> f.OMM155'IOtI TIiAT PEiIT19Y F04': COt~DIT1Ul7AL YJSE PERIIIT ~~0. 1771 B~ DENIED wiiEREAS, [he AA~IMCIfih City Fl~innin~ Commission did receivt a verified Petition for Conditionil Use PenniC F-ori ~. L. AiID t4'~RGARET E. RIST, 1212 Vista G~yenta, San Clemen[c, CaliFornia ~"Li,71, owners, and 4. H. PATEL, 43~+ West Y,atclla Avenue, Anahr_irn, California y2302, a~en2, of certain real nroper[Y situated in ~he City of Anaheim, County of ~r~arecje„ 'Sta[e of California, descrihed as: pARCEI 1- 7h,e Was~t 2~i2 fect of thaC portion uf the Southeast quorter of Sectiun 2~, Tewnship 4 South, Range 1G blc:st, in the Rancho San Juan Cajo;~ e!e San[a Ana, as shovun un a map thereof recarded in lioc~k 51, ~p~~ge 10 oT Niscellaneous Maps, recer~!s of Uranye County, Cal-~fornia, described as cor~r7encing a[ the Southwest cerr3er ~~ said Southcast quarCer; tk~Pnce North G]5.00 fect along th~: l~est line of said Sou[hcast quarter; thence East 3;3.~1 feet para9l~l with thc South line of said Southeast quarter to the tr_~~- poin[ uf beyinning; Chencc Sa~th 0~ 16' 3~" East 675.11 feet to a pcE.^.:, said Point being also ~he Southe~sterly corner of thc: land described in Jeed [o Alwyn 5. Jeweil and Lucille G. Jewell, recordeJ October 5, 1~5;', in Bobk 4912, ~aye 10~ of Offici-al Records; thence East along '[hc South iine of said Soutneast quarter, 4iS6.49 iect to thc So~theast corner Qf land conveyed to Uonald F. Rea by deed recorded Uccember 1, 1`?5E in Book 4521, pag~ ~43 of Official R.ccords; tticncc Harth a!~of~~ ttie East line of said land conveyed to Rea, E>~;.00 feet [o the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along th~: tl~rth line of said land of Rea [o the true poinc of beg~nning. Except thcrefrom the West 1~0 fee[ or tne South 360 fcet. Also except therefrom the South ti0 'Feet includ,e~~ wit7in i:atella ~venue, 120 feet wide. PAP,CEL 2- That por2ion of the Southeast quar[er of Section 22, Township li South, ftange 10 West, in the aancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shaan on a map thereof recorded in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Oran9e County, California~ described as corunencing at the Southwest corner of suid Southeast quaricr; thencc Ilorth ~75.00 fect alor~g thc West line of said SouCheast quarter; thence East a33•51 feet parallel wi[h the South line of said Southeast quarter to [he true ~oint oi beginr,ing; tiicnce South 0° 16' 30" East 67y.11 feet to a poin[, said point being also the Southeasterly corsier of the land des,cribed in deeJ to Alwyn S. Jewell and Luci!le G. Jeo~~ll, recorded dc[ober 5, 195" iri f5ook 4y12, page 102 of Official Records; thence East along the South linc of said Southcasr, q~ar[er, 485.~+9 fee[ to the Soucheast corner of land conveyed co Donald F. Rea, by deed recorded Decenber 1, 19>8 in a?o4: ~~~21. payE 5~~3 of Official Records; thence North aluny Che East line of said land conveyed [o Rea, rc77-263 675.OG fee[ to the Nor[heast c.orner therQOf; thence Wes2 •along the t~or~:h iine~of said land .of Rea to [he true point ~f beSinning. Except there~rrom thc South 60.0~ feet i~ncluded within Y,aLeila Avenue~ 120.00 feee ++ade. Also excepk therefrnm the Norttz 315 fect. Also excep[ therefrom thc Wes[ 292 feet; anJ Wt9~CREAS, the City Planning Gommission did hcld a pub~ic hearing at th~ Ci:y Hall in th~e City of Anaheim on Novcrber 21, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice o` s?id puolic hearing hav+ng been duly give~ as required by law a~d in ~ccordanee w+"t1i the orovisions of tf~e Anaheim liunicipal Godc, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use anci to investigate ar,d rnake find~ngs and recortmendations in connection therewiYh; and WHEREAS, saic~ Commission, after due inspection, ir,vestigation ana study inade by itself an~ in its bEhalf, and aftcr due consideration of all evidence and reports ofFeref; at said heariny, does ~ind and determine the foiluwing ~acts: 1, That the proposcu use is properly ont i'or which a conditional use pcrmit is autfwrized by Anaheim tluniciaai Code Section 1u.i~8.050.150, to wit: to permit a travel trailer park. 2, That thc proposcd use is denicd on tL° basis [hat an existing ~ppKOximately thirty (30) foot wide easem~nt provides vehicular access across the e~tire property from Katelia Avenuc to the adjacent property to [he nr,rth, thereby ma4ing development of the travcl trailer park, as prbposeJ, undesirable and impracticai in view of the traffic pa[terns and volume that may cross the subject property in ~he future; and that such tc'affic would be incompatible wiCh the proposed use. 3, That the proposed ~use woil adversely affect the adjoining -and uses and the growLh and deve]opo~ent of thc area bn which it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size ancl shape of the site propo~ed for the use is not adequate to a'.'ow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental L.. the particu7ar area nor to the peace, he~lth, safety, and general welfar~e of the Git:ze~s of the City of Anaheim. q, That the grantiny of th,e Conditional Use Permit will be detrimental to the peate, hcalth, saf~ty and ycncral welfare of t4ie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That one Persoro ~indi wted his presence at said public hearing in opposici~on; an~ that no correspondence Nas received in opposition to the subject petition. EIJVIROhIH~YdTAL IMP.ACT FINUIHG: That [he Anaheim City Planning Comnission has revie.wed t e su ject ~roposa consist~ng of a travel trailer park on approximateiy 4,5 acres t~aviny a fronte,ge of approximately 336 feet nn the nor[h side of Katella Avenue, doaving a maximum de~~th of apprcximately 515 feet, and being located approximately )84 fcet east uf the ~enterline of Harbor [ioulevard; 3nd does hereby approve t{ic I~egative Lec'iaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impa~t report on the basis that there would be no signifdcant individual or -2_ PC77-263 ~ cumulatiye adverse environmentai imp3ct due to t~`~e app~rova1 o'F r_his Negative Dpclaration sir.ce Che Artaheim Generai P{~n r,izsignates tfie subject ~roper[y for comrnertial-recreat~~nal laaid uses comnensuratc ~VCh the proposa1; t~mat no sensiti~e ~envEronmer~~al impac[s are involved in the pro~osal; that the 6nitial 5tudy submitted by the petlt3oner indicates no siynifican[ ia~~.lividua{ oP cunzu1ative advr_rse environmenEal impacts; and ih~et the r~egative Declaration substanr,ia[ing the foregoing findings is on fi~e in ~,he City c~f Anahein~ Planniny Departrc~~t. N6N, Tdl[REFORE, QE iT r~E50LVfD that the Anah~:im Ci¢y PJanning Commission docs hereby deny subjec~[ Petatian for Condetional Use Pr.rmi[ an thc basis of the aforemPn[ion~d '(indinys. TtiG FOREG~ I FIG RESOLU710~! i s s i ened and apnrove~3' by me th i s 21 s t day of November, 1977. ~ ~u CiUll Ib11;~ A~IA}iE.IM rl'1'Y PLW~Nit1G C0;INISSIU~~ ATTEST: ~°"~'rc' ~/V~L4.a- SEGRETP.RY, ar+~,ne-H CITY PLA;~~~INC GUIit1lSSI~N STATE OF CAl.lFOf~hIA ) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) s~ . CITV OF {tt~Ai{E!N ) !, kdi[h L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahcim City Planniny Comnissio~, do hereby cer'ify that rhe foreyoing resolution was rassed and adopicd at .a meeting of the Anaheii~ City Planning Commissian 'hcld un ~;ovembcr 21, 1977, at 1:;0 p.m., by the follawing vo[e af the rmn~bers th-r.ncof: AYES: CUHMISSIOtJER~: aAP,I~CS, UAVID, HERGST, LII!!~, 7(3LAR t~OES: COMMISSJONERS; t:ING ADSEt1T: COMf11 SS I OI~ERS: JOHNSON ~977 IiJ WITIiESS WHEREOF, 1 h~ve Itereunto se[ my hand this 23st day o1` i~ovember, ~~ ~ ~ SECRE'iARY, ANAHkIH CITY PLN7f~lidG CONMISSION -3- ~c77-263