PC 77-264RESQLUTlOti M0. PC77-2b~ A RESOLUTI01! OF T'HF ANAHEfM CITY PLAt~I~INC COk1MiSSl4'I2 THAT PET1T10N fOR CO'NDITIDt7AL llSE PERHf'T t~0, b'7G6 SE RETlIFD WNEREAS, the Anahe'im Ci[y Planning Commission did receive a verified Petitlon for Conditionat Use Permit fr+~m RO@ERT bJ, AND KhTHERItJE H. HUGl~RRT, 21b8 Nicto•ria i4venue, Anahein, California 92304, owners, and SISTER LU~ILL~ BER181~~i, ~335 South Ashington Lare, Anaheim, Califurnia 92E0~+, agent of eertain rea3 prope~ty siiuated In the City of Anaheim, Cou~ty of Orangc, Sxate of Ca9ifornia~ de~scribed as: LOT 26 OF TfiACT ~IO. 5751, A5 .PER P1AP RECORUED IN BDOfC 261, PAGES 7 A~~U 8 OF MISCELLl~NE0U5 MAPS, t~~ THE 9FFICE 9F THE C~t1NiY RECORDEit OF SAID COUId1Y; and WHEREAS, the City Planniny tomnissian did schedule a public hearing at Che City Nall in the City of Anaheim on November 21, 1977, a1t 1:30 p.m,, notice of said publlc hearing haviny been duly given as r~qu(red b}~ law and in accordance with ihe provision•s of the Anahr.om Nunicipal Code, Lha,~ter 1S.U3, to hear and considLr evidemce for and against said proposed condiiior+al use and to inves'tig~te and meike find(ng:s and recorturN.ndaLions in connectiun therewith; 5aid public hearing havhng b-een continued to the ~Planning Commission mee'[ing of Decer,~ber 5, 1977; and WIIEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigati~n a~d study made hy itself and in i[s befealf, and after due conside~ration of a11 evidence and reports effered at said hearing, does find and dctermine the followina f~~cts: 1, That [he proposed usr_ is properly one for which a candltinnal use permit is auth,orize~ by hnaheim Hunicipal Codc Section ]8.03,03b.010, te wlt: to permlt prlvatc tutoring services in a single-fanily residence. 2, Tha[ the use is hereby denied ~r~ the basis that due eo th~ number of ~Cudents pres-~i~t at onc [ime (12),, t}ic use has proven to nat be compatible wtth the existing residertttal neighborhood and has caused an increase In iraffit which Is a detriment to said neighborhood. 3. That tt~e pro,posed use will a~versely affec~t the adjofning 6and uses and the y~owth a~ad deveRopmenc of the ar~ea ln which it is propnsed to be locatPd. 1~. That [he slize and shape of the site proposed for the use 15 not adequate to allow the ful~ development of the prc~p~sed usc ln a manner not detrimental to the particuiar area nor to the pca~.e, health, safety, and yeneral welfare of tne Citizens of the C1ty of Ana~eim. 5. That the granting of the Condicional U.e Permit wlll bc detrimental to the peace,. health, safety and gencral welfare of the Citiz~ens of the City of Anahetm, 6„ That seven person~ indicated their pre:sence at sai•d pubiic hearings @n opposition; and three letters Yn support of the petition and one l,etter and a petitton containing '16 signatures (four of which Nere tater rescinded} in opposttion were received. PC77-264 EtlVIRO}lMENTAL IMPAt7 F1NDI1iG: 'Xhai the Dire~ctor of [he 4'lanning Departruenx has deLerm~ne that t e prc~posed act+vitx fa1+s ~Kithin the definition of Sectio~ 3,p)~ Class 1, of ihe C(ty of Anaheim ~',uidelines to the Requir;men~f~f~+'C~~ En+Eronmental Impact R~port and i5, 2hereFore, oaeegorically exempt r~ec~ui~rementi to fi le an EIR. 'PtiOW. TN[REFORE, BE s; r~fSLondaLlonaitUse Permi2 Cor~y i'hennbasis~ ofss'[he daes h~er~eby deny subject FeCition aforementi.oned fi~dinys. 7t~~ FQREGOING RE56LU'~fOt~ is signed and ap~roved by me this 5t'~ day of Decemher, 19f'7~. ~ , /i ~ ; ,'/~L'1/ ~ ~~' "" ~-- GH '~R~A , At~AHEIM GIT PLAtdN9'NG COriM15~IQ`I ATTESi: t J ,.. -'~~~~' ~ ~{r ,~.~w. SECRETA Y, ANAfiEIN C~TY PIANiiIt~G COMM1551Uti STATE Of C1LIfORti1A ) CDUtiTY OF ORAt~GE ) ss. C4'fY OF ANAHEIM ) ~, EGith L. Narriso 5ecretary o~' the Anafieim CVty Planning Commission; do hereby certify that t~he foregoing resolutivn was pa~sed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Nlans~'ang Commission heid an Dece~ober 5. 1977, aL 1:30 p.m., by '_he Following vate o~ the r~er~ees thereof: AYE3: COMMISSIU77E~lS: 9ARNE5, DAV14, k1ERB5~7, Y.ING~ TOLAR NOES: COMNISStOPJERS: K41~E ABSE~t~T: COMMIS59Al~ERS: ,f(iH1~50tl, ~ENN IN 1J171~ES5 WHEREGF, I have hereunio set n~ hand this Sth day oP December, 1977• `~`' ,~ '~~~u,u;. ~~ EtRE AA , N N IM C Y P ArINING COMMIS ION PC77-2~4 _2_