PC 77-269RESOLL'TI01•! N0. PC71-26y
WiIEfiEAS, the Anahcirn City Planning Con~ti:~~on did receive a verified
Petition for Reclassirication from t;G17UP11 IN7ERtIATIOtJA'_, IIIC., 1~t01 Dove Street,
Suite 650, tJewport 6each, California °2GGU, owncr, ano ItJTER-VERDE COF.POMTIO"~, 1401
Dove 5tree[, Suite G50, t~ewport Beach, California y25GU, ayent, of cer2ain real
propcrty situated in che City of Anaheir.i, Coun[y of Orange, State of California,
described as:
Lot 15 of Tract 7t~3. as per map recorded in Uoo4. 22, Page 10 of
Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of th~, County Recorder of said
County; anu
WIiEREAS, the City Pl~nnirig Corimission aid liold a public hearing at the Lity
Hall in the City of Anaheirn on Uecenbcr ~, 13%7, at 1:3~ p.ri., notice of said public
heariny haviny been ouly give~ as reyuired by law and in accordznce with [hc
provisions of Che Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 11,.03, to hear anJ consider
evidence for and ayainst said proposed rr:classificaCion and [o investiuate and make
findings and reconmenJations in conneccion there~~i[h; and
WIfEfiEA~, said ~,o~~mission, after duc inspcc[ion, investigation and study made
by itself anJ in its bchalf, and af[cr Jue cunsideration of all eviJence and reporLs
offcre:d at said hcariny, docs find anJ determine [he followin3 faets:
1. That the petieionc;r proposes reclassification of subjeet prope.rty from
tfic RS-A-1F~,000 (R[SluEtiTIAL/AG;ICULTI-RALj ZOIlE tu the RI1-ti000 (RESIJEIITIAL,
2. That the Anaheiei General Plan desiynaCes suL•ject property for low-
medium dcnsity resiJenLial land uses.
j. 7hat thu propose~ re:classification is hcreby granted subjeet to
petitioncr's sii~ulation tliat adequate turn-around are~ will be provided for Fire
Department vetiicles on subject prop~r[y.
4. That the propose~ reclassification of subject property is necessary
and/or Jesirablc for the oruerly and praper developruent of the community.
5, That the proposeu reclassification of subject property does properly
relate to the zones anJ their permitte.: uses locally estahlished in close proximity
to subject proper[y and to thc zones and their pcrmitted uses yenerally established
throughout tlie cor•ununity.
E.. Tha[ the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the
dedicaiion and/or improven~ent of abuttiny streets in accordance with the Circulation
flement of the General Plar, due to the anticipatcd increase in traffic which will be
~generated by the intersifica[ion of land use.
7, That no one indicateJ their presence aL said public hearing ln
op~osition and one person indicsted her pres~nce in support; and that no
correspondernce was received in opposi[ton to subject petition,
E1JV~RON11Et~TAL IMPACT FII~DING: Tha[ the Anaheim City Planning Commission has
reviewed subject proposa to reclassify the zoning from RS-A-43~000
(Residential/Agricultural) to RM-4000 (Residential, t1ultiple-Family) to establish a
one-lot, nine-uni[ condominium subdivislon with waiver of maximum structural hetght
on property consisting of approximately one ac~e having a front•age of approximately
119 feet on Lhe nortii side of S~~+anna Street, haviny a maximum clrpth of approximately
383 feet~ being located apprca:Kimately $~+G fect west of the centerl~ne of I:nott
Stree[; and does hereby approve The Neyative Declaration from the requirement to
prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would ue no
significant individua] or cumulative adverse environmental inpact due to the appr~val
of this ~egatlve Declaration since the Anaheim f,eneral P.lan designates the subjeci
property for lowwmedium d~nsity residential land uses commensuratc with the proposal;
thai no sensitive environrnental impacts are i~volved in ~Lhe proposal; that the
Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indica[es no significan[ individual or
curnulative adverse environmental impac[s; and that the 4egati~~e Oeclarailon
substantiating the foregoiny findinys is on file in the City of Anah;~im Planning
?~OW, TtiEREFORE, [lE IT RESOLV[D that [lie Anaheim City Plannin5 Commisston
does hereby grant subJect Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing, that Titlc
18-Zon(ng of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended [o excludc the above-described
property from Chc RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTUR.AL) 20NE and tm inr_Urporate sa~d
described property into thc R11-4000 (RFStUEt~TiAL, HULTIPLE-F~,MILY1 ZONE upon the
follo~wing cenditions which are hereby Yound to be a necessary prerequisit~ to the
proposed usc of subject property in ordcr to preservc tlie safety and general welfare
of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1, That all engineeriny requiremcnts of the Ci[y of pnaheim along 'Savanna
Sireet, including preparation of improvement plans and ins[alla[ion r~f all
improvements s~ch as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street 9rading and paHing,
draina~e facilitles or other appurtenanc work, shall be c~rrplie~l witF~ as required by
[he City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and speciflca[ions on f11c im
the Office of Che City Engi~eer; that stree[ li9hting facilities along Savanna Street
shall be installed as required by the Uirecior af Public Utilities, and ln accordance
with standard specifications on file in [he Office of the l3~rector Qf ?ubllc
Utllitles; anJ/or that a bond, certificate af cJepusit, letter of credit~ or cash, irt
an ar.wunt and form s~tisfactory to thc: City of Anaheim shall be posted ~w~th Che City
to guarantee the insiallation of the above-mentinned requiremen[s,
2. That thc awner(s) of subject property shall pay to the Clty of Anahefm
the surn of slxty cen[s (60C) per front foot alon9 Savanna Street for trec planting
3. That trash sturage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file rrith the Offlce of the Director of Public 1lorks.
1~, That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged, as required and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, prior to cort~mencement
of struc[ural framiny.
5. Tha[ subject property shall be served by underground utilities.
_Z_ PC77-269
6. That drainaye of subject property shall be disposcd of in a manner
satisfactary to the Ci[y Lnginee~.
7. That the owner(s) of subject proper[y shall pay to the City of Anaheim
thc appropriate ;,ark and recreation in-lieu fecs as deternined to be appropria[e by
the City Council, _aiJ fees to b= paid at the tirne tiic buildin9 permit is iss~ed.
3. 7ha[ apprupriate water assessmeni fecs, as deterrnined by thc f~irector
of Public Utilities, shall be p~~id io the City of llnaheim prior to the issuance of a
bui Iding pcrrnit.
~. Prior to [he introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject prooer[y,
Condition t~os. 1 and 2, aLove mentione~, siiall be completeci. The provisions or
riyhts c~ranted by Lhis resolution shail becor.e null and void by actiun uf the
planniny Cornmission un~ass saicl conditions arc complied with wittiin one year f~an the
date hereof, or such furthcr Line as the Planning Cocrnission nay grant.
10. That Condition Nos, 3, S and G, above n~entioned, shall b~ complied t,ith
prior to `inal ~uildiny and zoniny inspeetions.
TfIE FOREGOIIIG RES~rLUTIUN is signea and approvcd by me [his Sth ::ay of
uncernbcr, 1911.
~~ c~~-~~,1~ / ~~~ _
-~.C.,~ . ~. dC • ~~Cl ~'~ ~u.
CITY OF A(~AHt:lll )
I~ Edith L. flarris, Secrctary of Chc Anaheira City Planning Commission, do
hereby certify that the forecoiny resolution was passed a~d adopte~l at a mecting of
the Anahcim City Planning Conw~issiun hcld on December ;, ly7?, at 1:30 p.m., b~y tV~e
foilawing vote of thc ruembers thcrcof:
I~UES : C011111 SS I Ot~ERS: N01lE
I1J 'dITI~CS~ UNEREOF~ I tiave hereun[o set ~ry hand this ;th day of December,
~~~-~ ~~~~
-3- PC77-269