PC 77-288R[S(1!U!TIQi: ~70. PC 77-2`i?
A RESOI_UT'I!l~~ OF To-iE Arlnf+Ft~t ClTY PLn^~'ilrir, C^~7~"f5510n
TiiAT PE7ITIO~~ FOZ 1'ARlf~1:CE ~la. 2~3~ PE r,?.ArITEa I~r Pn2T
1dHGD.E!?5~ thc An~hcim City Plannina Com~is~ir,n~i~f recPive a verafied PeCition
for Varianc_ frc~~ JAt1E5 R. A~7D c3ARt?ARA D. SP,~;7;L~'R, ~a3i Sout'~ Avr_nirii Faro, Anahcim,
Catifcrnia °2'n7, owners, of certain r~al propert.y Si[uate•+ in the City of Anaheim,
Coun[y nf Qranr.e, Sta[c o` Californii destffhed as `olloo:s:
Lot 3' of Tract ~Io. :~~7', a~ ner ro:+e recorded in 3oa{ ;~°, Pages
4;, •'+•'' and ~?S of Misc~l4aneous t!aps., as corrected Fy an instrumenL
reeor~led January 1., 1^7C: ir. Rdok 11r12, Pane 17~1, Official
r'ccord, in thc nfficc o` thc CourvCy °ecordcr nf sai~l County.
41i1'e~Ef<:, tlie f,itY Plinnina ComMission did hold a ouhlir, hcarina at the City
H~1! i~ tee City of ,Anaheim nn Decemher 1~, 1~71, ~t 1:3~^ n,n,, notice of said publ~e
hearino !iavin~~ becn dulp nive~ as re~uirc~d by 6arr ~n+! in ~ccerdance Yiith the
orovisions of [h~ Ar,aheir~ ~!unicioa9 Coc!~, r.haot~r 1`;.~;. to h~ar nrsci consider
evidence f~.~ anc' aaains[ said propnsed vari~nce and to investic,aie ancf ~aafe findings
anri re~orcnende[ions in connec[ion [her~r~ith; ~nd
ld~'ERU~S, s~fcf Co.^.vnissinn, after duc insprc;ien, invr.stin~tion and study madc
by iCSeif ~nJ in ic~ behalf, 3nd ,~fter duc consideration of all avidence and reports
off~red at siiu hearin~, does `inc~ and dete m ine the follovrinq fae'ts:
1, That the petitionr.r prnpq5e5 a ti:~~iver of thc followin~ to retain an
c~cistin~ si>: (~) foot high block rrill:
(a) SFCTIO~J 1.,b4.~~F3.1~2 - Haximu~+ wall hcinht.
(1+2 inches oernitt~d; ~ fcet existina)
(b) SECT10!1 19,23~!.06;.~2~ - Minimum sidr_ yard setb~ek.
2. Th~t the ahovn_-mcntion.r,d ~•:aivcr ,a) is hcrc}>y r,ranted, in part, to
permit ~ six. {G) foot high solid ~lncl: ~•rall ~rithin the rcouired setbact: area long the
north proner[y line (Calle Canadi) of suhjec[ propert~v; nr~videri that in ord,r [o
maintain an ider~uate line of sinht for vchicl~s c%itinq thi~ property to thc west,
said bloc~: 4»11 sh~ll br modificd in [he follos•~tnn m,~nner: Wiihin thc Lrian9ie
former! by the tine connectinq t~~o poin[s, ore lncitcd ;rn ~1'l) fer.t e,~.54~r1y of Che
west (rear) propcrty linc ~n thc n~rth (Calle Canada) nrooerCy ltnc and the athcr
locatcd five (5) fee[ southerly of thc nort`~ ~Callc Ca~a~.ia) property linr_ on the 4mst
(rr..ar) prorcrCy iine, said wall ,hall either he re~luced t~ ~+2 inr,hes in ovcrall
h~iciht or shall be modified to ~•~rouaht iran arill ~•.nr6 or other non-vi~a~ obseurinV
rnaterial for the fr_ncing bet~•:een li2 inches and six ((~) feet in hcigh[.
3. Tliat safd waiver (a) is 9r:+~ted, in p~rt, on the bisis of Che grade
diffcrential bet~,:een thc strcet (high) and the rcar y~rd nf svb)ect arnoerty (1ow),
soid difference ninimizino th~ ~rivacy and recreation:~l usahilfty of this rear yard
because of excessive visihility frc,m ri~e adj~cent puhlic street.
~f. 7hat thc aforementioned waivcr (b) ~ras de[ermined ro be unnecessary,
5, That therc are ~xceptional or extriordinary circwmstances or condltions
apnlicoble to tne propcrty involved or to [he interdr.d use, as nran[ed, of the
property that de no[ apply ~enerally to t're pro~erty or class of use in the same
viclnity ~nd zonc.
(. Th~t the reauested varianc^_, as nfanted, is r.rcessary for the
preservation ind enjoyment of a fuostantial n~onert•/ rinht nO55P55°_'j hy othe~
propcr[v in the same vicinity ~nd zone., and denlcd to the propcrty in question.
7, ThaL tr~ requ~~sted variance, ~S ~r~n~~d, wi11 not bc materially
detrina~ntal to the nub~ir_ ~•,clFire or injurious to the oronerty or imprAVements in
sueh vicinity and zur~e in orhi['i the ?roperty is l~eatecl.
?_, That one. oerson indica*,e<! their presence at said pubiic hearir~o in
oppnsition; and ~hat na corrr_soondence ti:~s receive:f in n{:nosiLion t~ the subject
ENVInQtiMENTA'~. I!1Pr~CT FII~DI.•d;: Thc G~rectcir nf rhe Planninn Denartment has
deternined that the nro{~osed activity f~l1s within t'~e definition of Sectaon 3.01,
Classcs i ~nd 5, of the City of .4naheim Guidciines te the ReGuirenents for an
Environ~ent~l Imr.acC Reporc ~nd is, thereforc, car^norical~~y r_r,empt from the
req~.i irernenC to f i Yc an E IR.
FlC+1•i, T4i~,EFD~E, ~E IT RE50L~~ED that thc Rnahcim City Planning Ccxnmission
dor.s herrbv nrnn,~ in p~rt, suhject Petition f~r ~/ariancr_, upo~ the folloo~in~
eon~l'vti~nns which are herehy fnund to bC a necrss~ry DIr_rp±1V151[C to the oropnsed use
of the ,ui~~ect prr,perty in order t~ prescrve the snf~~t~ am.i c~eneral v~eif:~re of the
Cit~zens o` thr Ci[•r of ~lnahcim:
1. TtaaY the a•rner(s) of suhject nrop~rtv sh.~ll ob[ain an r_ncroachment
permit for th.~ e>:lstinc six (F) fo~t hinh biocF. ~•:~1~ or recue~,t am! rtet ~pnroval for
thr. ah:ndons.~ent of [he ~i~hl ie ut i 1 i tv ca5emen[ ~n~i the ~uhi ic Righc-of-k'ay.
2. ihat suFject prnncrt;• ~'~nli !;e devel~ae+ s~~hS~~nCinlly in aecordance
~~ith plar., and spc•cific~tions on filc ~•+ith +_hc Citv of Anahci~~ m~ri~.~:! Er.hibi~ !los. 1
thruuali ~, orovideJ, 1;o~~evrr, [h~it ~~+iLhin the triannlc f~rm~d hy eti~ line conneeting
two points; one located on [en (1~) fcet e:~st~rly of th^ ti•~est (rc,~r) property linc on
th~~ nnrth (Calle Canada) r.ropcrt~S~ linr ~rd the othcr I~c;tc•.I fav~ f5) f~et sou[herly
of the north (Cai l~? Cdf1dU~~j ~ro~crty 1 ine on ihc v~est (r<~ar) nroarrty 1 ine, said ~a~l l
sh~il cither he rr.duced to f+7 inc!~es in ovr_r-~11 hci~ht or sh.ill be nadl`ied to
~•rrouqht irnn griil ~:.~r{: o~ other ~e~r-vie~•~ olucurinr. :a-+teriol for th~ frneina bet~.~een
4' inehes ~nc! sir, (5) f~et in hei~ht.
? Th~t Condi[ion No, i, ahov~-mention^~!, shall F~e cnmpiied ~•1i[h nrior ta
the commencement of the activity ,~uthori7e~.i under Yt~,i~a resnlution or ~•:+thin a period
of one ye~r from d~te hereo`, a,liichever occu+rs first, cr sueh further time as the
Pl~nnin~ Co~nission may qrant.
TI'.E FOf:E ,011~16 RESOLUT I'1~! i s s i pned an~f npnrovect by nc th i s i ~th day of
December, 1r77.
~°,~~~~~ ~...~
C~i I': riAl!~ A~lAf~[ I'1 C ITY PL~~.!~`!1~l~ Cn'1~415510W
~~ ~° ~
SEC^ET~?Y, A+7l1Ht't!? CITY PIAf~~~lid~ CO'~`11SS1~'I
-z- ac77~z2a
. ~p.
STra'~[ OF Cf.LVGOR~!!,; )
C{?[~t1TY Of ~D.°.411S~F } 55.
C 1 i"( QF AIanHF i" y
I, Ediih L. Narris, Secretary of tbe Anah~in City Plann4n~ Co"~+sPSSion, do
r~ereby wertify that [he foregoing reso~uLion ~•~as r..a~ss~d and ado~ted at a me,r.tinn of
thc Anahnim City Plarani~o Canmission held on Ciecernber 1Q, 1~77, at 1:30 n.m,, by tMe
folioiaing vote of th~ r~embers ther~cof:
AYF.S: COH'11~51^t;E~S: DARNES, Dhti'ID, !iFbc'ST, Lit~t;, TQL;~.
tiQES: C~M'11551DClERS: tlONE
A(iSEtlT: C0~1~IISSIO~~F.~S: Jf1H1:50}!, KING
1T~ WITfiESS w~!FREOF, i have hrrcunto s~t ny hznrl tFii~s t~th i'lay of Dec~mber,
-~~ ~ ~~~
SECR,[TAR'f, AtsA!+rl!t CITY PLl~ti'tqNr CQ~i'iB5510;1
-3- rc77-zBt~