PC 77-34d~ RESOLUTION NC. PC77-34 A RESOLilT I0N OF TFiE ANAHE I i~ C I TY PLANN I I~G COY41 ~S IO~~ RECOMMENDING 70 THr C!TY COUtlCIL OF TtiE CI iY OF At~,4HEtM THA7 PET:TION fOR RECLASSIFiCAT(O~J -~~J. ?F-7?-28 aE. APPROVED 41FiEREAS, the Arahc~m ~'~" p~"T1~lj~(~ i;ormfs<_icn di~ receive a verf`ied Petition for Reclsssif(cetlon ft'om LOnEN, ,1OH}I q!,p NpNARD LUY,ENS, M.E.B. ltJVESTM~NTS, 15111 Pipeline, Chino, California U1'10 ~,(h~;~,ers1 and D^,V!D ~~CK, 3723 Bireh S,reet, p23, Newport Beach, Californta 92060 4.F.gentl ofi certain re.~i property situated in tFe City of AnaF~eim, Co~nty of Ornr,ae, State of Califc~rnia, descr~peJ rs: A portion of Section 15, Ta,anshlp 4 South, Range 11 Wcst, S.B,B.F. F;,, ir ~he City of n~r,;,;.im, County of Orange, 5cate of Californl», described as foilows: Beginning at a polnt on the suuth Ilne o` che Nest ~~air" of thc Southeast quarter of ehe Southeast ~,uarLer of Sec*.fon 15, Township ~;, Rarye ii, 2~3,1j fect ~,vest o` the Southeast corne~ Cherzof, and running Chence west along the south ~ine o` the satd wes[ half 95,34 feet; thence north pnrallel to Clic west line of the said west holf 473,60 fcet to a point or. thc souchcrly linc oT tne riyht o` r~ay of ihe P,E.R.R., and thence southcastcrly alono said southerly rfchc oT way line 116,94 feet; thence south parallcl to the Nest line cf the said west llne of the said west hnlf 401,98 feet co thc pofnt o` beginnirg. WHERFAS, the City Planning Lommission did schedule a public hearing ai the Lity Nall in the Ci~y of A~ahe(m on Uecemt~er 6, 197G, at '•:3!1 p.m., notice of said public hearing having oeen duly given as req~.ired by law and in accordance wi[h the provfsions ef che Anahclm ;iunicipa! Code, ~napter 18.~"i3, to hear and con;ider evlCence for and ayainst sAld proposed reclassiFication and to investiga[e and make flndings and recommendations in connectlon [her~w,iLh, safd ~ublic hearf~g havfng been contlnucd to the Planning Commission rneetlnq of February lj~, 1~77; and Wf1EREA5, said Cann(ssion, after due Inspectio~, inves;ioatlon and study made by ![self and in its behalf, and nfter due consideration of all evldence and reports offered ~t sa(d hearing, does find and determine chc following facts: 1. That the pe[itfoner proposes a r•eclassiflcatlon of zoning on the above- described property, from the RS-A-43,000 (RE5IDEI~TIIIL/AGRICUL7URAL) ZONE to *.he RM- 1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-PAMILYj 20NE (the s~bJect property being [he eaxcr_rly approximately 95 feet of the propcrty or(ginaily ac',rcrtlsed in connectlor~ wlth this reclassificatfon and the conJunc[ive varience appiication), 2. That ihe Anaheim General Plan destgnates thc subJece property for eonvnerctml and mcd(um-dens(ty residentlal lend uses. 3, Thot the proposed reclassiflcatfon of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper develonment of Che community. 4, That the proposed reclass(flcation of subJect property does properiy rolata to the zones and thelr permltced uses locally established in cloae proximf:y to subJcct proFerty end to thc zones and thefr permttted uscs generally establtshed throughout the cortmunlty, RESOLUTION N0. PC77-34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricta B. Scantan, Secretary of Che Anahelm Ctty Ptanning Comnission, do hereby certify thai the foregofng resolutlon was passed and adopCed at a meeting o~ the Anaheim City Ptanning Commission, held on January ~1~ 1977, at 1:30 p.m,, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONEaS: BARNES, DAVID, HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON ti0E5: COMMi5510NERS: NONE A8SEN7: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN W~TNE55 uHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 3Tst day of January 1977. ECRETARY, A~~AHEIM CITY PLAIJNiNG COMMISSION -?- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-33 5. That Che proposed reclasslTfcation of subj~ci proper~y rP4uires the ~eAica[lon and Improvement cf abutting streets in accordancc with the Clrculat;on Elxxnent of the Gene~al Plan, due to the antic.inated increase in tra~flr. whicn wlil be g~ntrated by the tntensiflcati~n of land use. 6. That no one indicated [heir prnsence ac said public hearinn in opposition; and tha[ no eorrespondence we.:; received in opposi~ion ±~ tne subject petition, ENV! RONNENTAL ttiPACT ~t~^J'~l' ~!';D i HG: Tha t ;hc Anahr_ i m C I ty P 1 ann i nq Lonmisslon has revie.wed tht subJect aro~rct, ccrosl5[inn of a 16-un?t ^p~r,rent developmen[ on the nor[h side o` 6a11 Ro~d app~oximatel~,• ~~+r feet westr_riy o~ i~nott 5treet, and does hereby recommend tu ;he City Cc;~inril of ti.e City of Anahcin *.hit Negative Deeiara[ior, from the requirement to ~r•~pare an environmental ?mpac[ report be approved for *_he subjec; proJect on the basis ;h~t therc rrould be no s?ar,fficant adverse environmenCal (moact since a hoSplCa1 '~cflity, being a mcre inter,se land use, ahut, :he subJect property to ¢he E'35L and ~n apartrnent project h~s te~n approve4 on the adJacent pr~perty to the NC$C; that th~~~e w111 be no individu~~; or curuiative advtrse Impacts on the envlronment due to the approva~ af this :~gative Deeloratien si~ce the Anahelm Gcneral Plan deslgnaCes subject property for medlum density and/or comnerclal land uses and the Initlai Study submittcd by the anniicant indlcates no significant adverse impac[s; and [hat the Nega[(ve Deciaration substantiating the foregolna f(ndings fs on file In [he Office of thc Planning Department at City Hall. NON, THER"eFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that che Anaheln City Pizinnin9 Cor.x-iission does hereby recorrmend to the City touncll of the CI[y of Ar.ahelm that subject Petit(on for Reclasslficatlon be approved a~d, by so doing, [hat T([le 16-Zoning of the Anaheim Hunlcipal Coda be amended to excludr [he abov r described property frcmi the RS-A-43,000 (RESIDEHTiAL/AGR~CULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate sald descr(bed property into the RM-1200 (RESID~NTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILI'} ZO`iE upon the followlr.q conditlons which are hereby found to be a necessary prere~ulsite to the proposed use of subJece property in order to preserve the safe:y and genr.ral welfare of thc Citlzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner{s) o` subjecL property shall deed to the Ci[y of Ansheim a strlp of land 53 fect (n width rrom [he cenLerline of the s[reet aiong ~all Road gor street widening purpo~es. 2. That all ongineering requlrements of the City of Anaheim along Ball Road, Including preparation of improvement plans a~d Installatlon of all ImprovemenLs such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainagc facillties or other appurtenant work, 3ha11 be complicd wlth as requlred by the City rnglneer and in accordance with yte~dard plans and ~pec(flcatlons on tlle In tha Off(ce of the Clty Englncer; that street lightlny fecllitl~s along Bell fload shall be Installed as requlrad by the Qirector o~ Rublic Utiiltles, and In accordence wlth standard specif(catlons on flle In the OfPlce of [he Dlrector of Publlc U[Illtles; or thet s bond, certiflcate of deposlt, letter of credlt, or cash, In an amount and forrn sstlsfactory to the Clty of Anahelm, shell bc postcd wlth the Clty to gu.arantee the (ns[allatlon of the above-mentioned requlrements, 3, That the owner(s) of sub)ect property shall pay to the City of Anahein the sum of stxty cent3 (60C) per front `oot along Ball Road for tree pianting purposes. -~- ZESOLUTION N0. PC77-3~i 4., That trasfi sC'orage areas shali be provtded in accordancc wlth approved plans on ~f~le with the Offbce o~ rhe Dlrector of Publlc Norks, 5. That flre hydrants sha11 be (nstafled and charged as requ(red and dete'r;nined to be necessary by the Chtef of the Flre Departrr~n[ prior to commencemenC of structural framing, 6. Tnat aubJect property ~hall be acrved ~y underground utliftir.s. ~. That dralnage of subJect propcrty shal) be disposed of in a nar.ner sat(sfactory to the Ltty Engineer. °. That the owner{s) of subJect property sheil nay .to Lhe Lity of Anahelm th!• aDpropriate park and recreatlon in-Ileu fees as determincd to b~ appronrfate by ~:ne C~Cf C4URCSI, seld Pecs [o be paid a[ the tlme the building cermii Ys issued. 9. That approprlete Hater asses~ment recY, as ~etermined by the 6(rector ~f ~ub?tc Utilltles, shall be pnid [o the City of Anahcim prior to [he (ssuance of a ~~uilding permit. 10, Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezonlnq subJect property, C~nd(tlon Nos. 1, 2 ond 3, above-mentioned, sha11 be corr,pletcd. Thc provislons or 'rights grantrd by [hls resolution shall become null and vold by act(on of the City Council u~less sald conditlons are complled wlth wI[hin o~e year from the date hereof~ or ~uch furcher tlmc as the C(ty Counclt may grant. 11. ThaY Londitlon Nos. 4, b and 7, above-menttoned, shall be compl(ed wlih prlor to f~nal butlding and zoning inspeetions. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls signed and approved y me thls 14th day of february, t977. M N, N IM LAfili!NG COMI4~SSION ATTEST: ~~.~..~,~ , H ~i~fA '3' RE50LUTION N0. PC77-34 STATE OF CALiFORNiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Patricla B,. 5ctir,'~an, Secretary of the Anahefm City °ianning Comaisslo~, do hereby certify tha^ [Me farcgoing resotution wa~. passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City PlanriCn~ Cammissior held on "eoruary '14, 1977, at 1:30 p.rn., by Che foliowing vote of tPre mem!crrs thercof; AYES: COHnISSIONERS: BARNES, NERBST, KtNG, r,OaLEY, TOLAR, JONNSCh! NOES: COHMISSIONERS: NOkE ABSENT: C~MMISSIONERS: ~~`~E AB57AIN: COHMISSIONERS: DAVID IN WITNE55 NHEREdf, I h3ve hereunto sct my h~nd [hls !4th day o` february~ '977. CTi9-2~.c~.u.~J ~ ~ GZ+~d..~J R, 4 H M CI PLANNING COMMISSION -4- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUffTY OF ORANGE )ss, CITY OF ANAHEtM } I, Patrfcia B, Sca~lan, Sccretary of the Ana:tieim LiCy Planning Lommisslon, do hereby certify tha~ [he foregning resolution was passcd and adopted a[ a mee^ing of the Anahelm G(ty Planning Corrmiss3or fieid on FeUruary 1~, 1977, at 1:30 p.m „ by the following vote of the memb~rs thcrcof: AYES: COMMISSI0NER5: BAP,NES, HERBST, Ki!{G, MORLEY, 'fO~AR, JbHN50N k0E5: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~ONE A85TAIN: COMMISSIONERS: DAVID !N WITNE55 NHEREOF, i h~ve hereunto set my hand khis lbth dt~y of Febru~ry~ t977. lTi~t-~~.~c.R-J ~i`~• Z G~.~-Q.~vtJ n, R , N HEIM CI I.ANNING OH~iIS510N -4- RESOLtlT16N N0. PC77-34