PC 77-40RESOLUiION N0, PC7l-40 A RESOL~TtON OF THE ANAHEIM ClTY PLA4NtNG COMH15510`. THAT PETITtON FOR VARIANCE N0, 7_903 BE 6ENIED NHEREAS, tne Anahelm Clty Planning Co~rnlssion did receive .~ vr_-ific~l Petitlon for Varlancc fror.~ MEL'!3N E. AND HAR~.tA L. JACK'1AN anC ~04ALD il LI[R`;~'.T, 946 North Nest Street, Anahe:n, C,~iltornia 9230i (Orm ers) and A4TON10 G. MONTE~tO, D.D.S., 13331 Safford Street, Garden Grovc, Californla 92G43 (Agentj of certa~~ rral property situated in che City oP Anahc~m, County of ~rnnge, S[atc of ra'1=o~--:,:, descrfbed as follows: The Westerly 225 feet (being measured from Che centerilr.~ of Wcst Strre~ cb f-c: tn width) af a portlon of Lot 39 of Annhclm ExCenslon, in the Cl,y o~ 'nrrhein:, Cou~r•.~ -' Orange, State of California, ~; pcr map m~:de by utillom Na^~~1 and .`i;~.d fo~ ~ecord in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles :~~;,r,t~;, Lallfornia, descrlbed as follows: Beginning at a polnt ln the Uoscerly llne of sald Lot 3q, dlstant 2hereon 35?,~ fcet Horiherly from the Southwc:;[erly corner oP 5]Id Lot and runnina Chcnc~> Northerly along sald Vesterly llne of Lot j?, 73.41 fec*.; thence Northcasterty parallel wlth thc Southerly 1(nc of said Loc, 592.11 !ect co [he Southwcs:er;y line of the land ccnveyed to Edward P, Wurtz by deed recorded April 6, 1~4F.~ go~~ 1395. Page 581, Officlal P,ecords, tn the efflce of the Louniy Recorder oF s~id Orange County; chence Southeas[erly alony said Souttn+esterly line, 73.41 feet te the Souther)y line of the land conveyed to Dav~ci J. OH~ns, and wi!e, by deed recorded hay 3, 1935, Book 746, page ?52, Offlclal Records, of sald Orange County, thence Soutt»aesterly along sald Southerly iine, 592.11 fcet to Che poini of beglnning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that por[lan af sald land lying -+ithln 41es[ Streei. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon dld hold a public hearing ac Lha City Hall In the Li[y of Aneheim on February 14, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., ~otlce oP sald public hearing having been duly glven a~ requlr~d by law and In accordance with the provtslons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ev(dence ~or and against said proposed var(ance and to investlgate and meke findings and racortrnendatlons In connect(on therewith; and I~HEREAS, sald Cortmisslon, after due Inspectlon, Investigation and study made by Itself anC In lts behalf, and after due conslderatlon of all evldence arid reporCs offered at said hearing, does flnd and determinc [hc following facts: 1. Thdt the petltloner proposes the following walver frar, the Anohefm Mun(cipal CoCe, to estabifah e dental offlce In thc RS-iU,000 (RESIGENTIAL, SINGLE- FAHILY) ZONE: SECTIGt1 18.25,020 - Permitted usee, (Gen[al offtce not permltted) 2. Thst [he ebove^menttoned walver Is hereby denled on thc basls that the petltloner d!d not demonstratc that a hardshlp would be created if satd walver was not granted. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-4Q 3. That approval ~f this varianee would sei an undesirabie precece:~: ror future similar cortmercial requests ir the suhJect resiJentlal area and !n n-h~r residenttel zones throughout the City; and, slthou~h the petltloner Ind!cet~~: th,,; the proposad dentai office use Nes to provtde personol care Lo a llmited n~:~ihcr cf patients and emergency "after houra" cerc, the proposal wou'd es.aF~~i~n ,. "«ot" eommerctal use end there ~vould be no rrusnner cf cor,crol l ing thc l imittd usr, ea„ ~he proposed use ceuld become a full servlcr, dental operecivn ~n a resioen:tai neighborhood should the propose~ oxner vacnte the subJect property. 4. That the propcsed u~e .•~culd riot Dc compatlble with [hc surroundirg low- density residential nelghborhood which Is consldered to bc a partlcular'y .^,i~:h quality end prestigiou~ res(denttal area in cha City o` Annhe!m. $. That there are no nxcet+tlan~l or extraordinary c!rcums[ancA: ~r condi[lons applicable co thc properiy involved or co the Inicnded use of ;'r,c p,-oper~y that do noC apply yenerally to the property o~ cless of usa in the same vicir~icy ~nd zone. b. Tha[ thc requested varlonce is not nece~sary for the prc~crv~tion and enJoyrr,cni of a substantlal proper;y right poss~sstd by o[her propcrty (n thc ~ame vtctnity snd zure, and denled Lo the proper*.y in question. 7. That the rcquested varlante wlil be materially detrlmental to thc ~ublic welfare or injurlous to tfie property or Improvements In such vic(nity an~+ zone tn whlch the property Is located. 8. Tf,at i~ve (5) persons appcared, representing opprexim~[c1y ninr. (9) persons present at• said public hcarinc in oppositlon; ard that two (2) petit,lons, containing approxlmately one hundred and [hirty-two (132) s~gnatures of area property owners and resldents ln oppositlon, were recefved. ENVIRONMEN7AL INPACT REPORT FINDING: Thet the Director of the Plannlnq Oepartment has determined thatthe proposed actlvity falls N(chin ~he dcfinitlon of Sectlon 3.01, Class i, of the City of Anahelm Guldelines to the RequfremenLS for an Envlronmental Impact Raport and ls, theretore, categorlcally exenpt from the requirement to fite an EIR. NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha[ the Anahe(m Clty Planning Com~iss(on does hereby deny subJect Pct(tion for Varlance on Che basis o` the aforementloned ftndings. THE FQREGOING RESOLUTI~N February, i977, ATTESTr ~ , !.~ s~~../ ~ Ah HEIM CI ~ NNING COMMtSS~ N -2~ RESOLUTION N0. PC77-40 le s(gne~ ar.d appr~vcd y me thfs 14th day of ~ ~ M , „ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Or ORAHGE )ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricla B, Scanlan, Secreta^y nt r;;e Ana''-~~~s City Planrtna :~~ `~°:~; , do hereby certify that the foreqoing resolutlon w?s pas~c~ed and adopted at a maetin~ of thc Anaheim City Planning Cexmisslcn held on ~.tiruary 1%~. 1977, ;:c l:j'0 ~_:~,, by the following vote of thc members ther-of: AYES: COlSNISSIONERS: $ARNES, DHVID, HER85T, KING, MORLEY, TQI.~~R, .5~ih: SQN NOES: COMNISS~ONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 1917. iN WITNESS 11FiEREOF~ I havc hereunto set my hand this 14t•„ ~~ay~ ~f February, ~~ • ,. °. ~--C~c.n~ SECRE~IARY, ANAHEIM CITY LANNINu COMMISSION -3- RESOLU710N N0. PC77-40