PC 77-49°~cESQLiJ~l2t~ 40. FC~7-4~
P, aESQLL'T?4N OF THE ASdA~lElt4 f..1TY PL~,r~Nt~lG CO"1MISSIOt!
TNAT PE71T10t2 FRR ;oARIANCE ?a9. 2"?Oh 3E rRANTED.
WHERE~S, tf~e Anaheim City Planninti Lommissior. did receive a verified
Peticion for Variance from ORAtiGE CGUN~Y VC~LVO, 1NC.~ 2025 S, M~nchester Avenue,
Anaheim, Catifornia 92ff02 (Owner) of certain reai proper'ty situated In th~e Lity of
Anahcim, County r~f Orange, Sta[e of Califarni~a ~lescribed as follows:
LoXs 13, 14 and 15 of Block E oP 7ract 23, Zeyn Tract Annex 'No. 2, as sho+an o~ a
Hap recorde~! In Book 9, page ~li of Hisceilaneous tlaos, recor~s of Orange Coun~Y,
Extepting [herefrom the East~rly ret[angula~; 5.25 feet o'F Lot 13, as cor.veyed to
the City of Anaheim by Gce~ date~ Se~tember 25, 1339 and recorde:3 in 8ook 10i3,
page 2oi cf Of{icial Records.
WHEREAS, the City r'lanning Canmission did hold a public "t~earinr~ at thc Clty
41a11 in the Ci~y of Anaheim on Fcbruary 28, 1937, at i:30 p.m., r,.~oticc of sald public
Iiearing havin9 heen duly given as reGuflred by law and 1c ~~.cordanc~ w~th the
provisions of the ~:naheim !1~~nicip~l Code, Cfiapter lii.03, tc, fiear and eonslder
evidence for and against said proposed var1ancc ar~d to inves_igatc and make findings
and recotnmendations in connection therewith; ~and
WHE3EA5, said Conmission, afcer duc inspection, invn_stigation ;~nd si~idy macfe
by itself and in i[s bshsif, and after due consickecation o~ all evi~ie~+ue anu renorts
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follu+•,ing factst
i, Th~t rhe petitioner proposes the fnllc~wing ~aiver Frr~n the Anaheim
Municipal Code, to establish an automotive safc, and repair shop In [he CG
SECTIOti 1$.45,020 - Permitted uses. (Auto repair and
- sa~es n0t permitted)
2. That the above-mentioned ovafver Is here4~y granted on the basis thet the
property ~as previously been ~ccupied with ~lmilar uses and 2he proposal is
~ansistent with Qther similar uscs 1~, Ltvc surrtrundir,g area.
3. That there are exceptianal or extraordynary cirtumstances or conc~itlnrts
applicable to the property tnvolved or to the intended use o.f th~e pro,perty that do
not apply general!y to the property nr clas~ of use in the same vicinity arid zone.
4. That the requested ~rariante is necessary for the preservation .and
enjoymer~t of a substantial property rtght ;,~o~ses5ed by atfier prnperty in [he same
Wlcinlty and zone, and denied to [he •~ir~perty in quesiion.
y. That the reQuesl[ed variance will not be materialiy detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to the property or improvem~nts in such vicinity and zone
in which the property is located.
6. That no o~e indica*.ed thelr presence aL said public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence was rec~sived Cn ~opoosition to the subJec[
EtJVIRONHENTAL 14iPAC7 Ftt~DtNf: T:iat the D~r~ector of the Pianning Department
has determines3 that the proposed activity fa11s within the defEniti~ort of Sec[ion
3.01, ~l.ass i, of the Lity of Anaheim Guideil~es tq ttie Requ'irements for an
Environnental Impact Report and is, therefore, Gategr~rically exempt from t'he
requirement Yo file an EIR.
t~OW, THERE'FQRE, 8[ IT RESOIVED that the An~hein C^~y Piar~rtirg Commission
does hereby grant sub)~ect Pe*'.:ion fo.r Variance, upon tfie fmilorring cond6tions which
are hereby found tn be a necessary prerequisite to the pra~osed ,use of the subJect
prop~rty in order to preserv~ Z'he saf~ty and general ti+elfar,e o~ Yhe CiCizens of the
City of Anaheim:
1. That ~he oxner(s) mf subJect property shail deed to ihe LiLy of Anaheim
a strip of land 40 feet in width fr~m the cer~Cerline of thr_ strect along Anaheim
Bnulevard, includinc~ a 15 faot radius prope.rty Iine retur,np for stre~et wideni~g
purposes and a strip of ~and 10 feet in width frpm the centerline of the aiJey atong
the alley for a~ley widening purposes~ ta be effective at such Cime as the existing
buildings aiong the alley are removcd.
2, That [he owner(s) of subJect property shald submit a lcttcr requesting
termtrsation of Vartance I~o. 26ti~,
3. Tha[ subJect property shall be developed substantially in accordancc
wiRh plans and specificatlons o~ file with the City ot` Anaheim mar{ced Exhibit FJo. 1.
4. That Condition t~os. 1 and 2, above-mentlo~ed, shall be complfed with
prior to [he commencement of Che actiwity ~uthorfzed under thls resolutton, or prior
to the tlme that the building p~errni[ I:s iss•ued, ar within a period of one year from
date fiereof, ~~hichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning C~ommisslon
and/or Ci~y Council m~y grant.
5. That Condition ~~o. 3, abo~cc-mentioned, shail be complfed with prior to
final building and zoning inspec[1ons.
f ~j~CCLt<~-eLs~~
THE FOREGOING AE50~UT;ON is signed and approvc mc this 28th day of
C}{p ~ RN ~ AtdAHE . I TY F~LANN I ~~f, CQMH I SS I OFI
STA7E l3'F CH!L1F~RT11A ~
LOUWTY ~ff OftA'IIGE }~ss.
I., Patr9cta 13. Scanlan~ Secretary of Cfie Anahein City 'Pianntr~g Commission,
do her,eby ~certpfy th~at the foregoing resoluttor w~s p~ss[:d ~nci adr~pteJ ~i a m~e2in~9
of xhe Anahelrn C~ty P1~anning Commisslon, held nn F~bruary 2a„ 1°77, ~t 1:30 ~.cn., h.y
•the foliowtng voRF o~ [he members thtreof;
~y0E5 s CGMN I S'S I JNF_RS • P10~lE
IN tdITN'ESS blHEREOF, '1 have hereunto se't rr,y hand 't?~is 29th day of Fe:t+ruary~
i'~ ,
( ~-~~'.z.f.ti•.<,~ ,i,~' ~r c~, 9.a ~
-3- RESOlt3TV9N Nt3. PC77-~+9