PC 77-50e,~so~~s7~or~ ~io. Pc77-5o A~ESUL'R1T I fJN QF 'TH,C AhlAHE 1 M C 17Y PLA~di~ I NG CO'1~t I SS I c!N TNAT PET(TI'ON FOR VARIAtJ~E P;O. 2909 BE DENIED, ~WH£R~AS, Lhe Anaheim City Nlan~ing C~anmission did receive a verified Petdtion fcr Varianee from KIt~G W, VIOOR, L301 E. Florence Avenue, Downey, California 90240 (Owner) artc! RO[3ERT A. AHLSTEDT, 2~.5~ E. Cc.asi Highway, Corona Del .Mar, Caiifornla 92b25 '{~~Ent) of certain real property situa[ed in the City of Ana~helm, County of Orange, State of Califo~'nia described ~s: The l~orth 190 fe~et of the Ea5[ 21~ feei of the ~~ortheast quar[er of [he Nort'i~esst quar[er of the S~uthwest quarter Df Secti!~n ~7, in Township 4 South, Range f~ Nest, in [he Rancho San Juan CaJo~ de Santa pna and ihe Rancho Las Bofsa~s, as shown on a map thereof recorded in ,4~ook yl, ~agr. 10, Miscellaneous Haps, recorCs of said Orange Councy. NHEREAS, the City Planning Commiss'ion dId hold a publlc heari~g at thc City Ha11 in the Ciiy of Anaheim on February 28, 1477, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havin9 been duly given as requlrrd by law and in accordance a+ith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Lhapter 18,03, to he,~r and consider nvidence for and against said propased varlance anJ ta inves[ir~ate and make f(ndings and recommendations i~ connection thrrewith; and NHEREAS, satd Co.mnlssian, after due inspection, invesCigation and study made b~ its~lf and in its beh~l'f, and after due consideration of all evide~ce and rr_ports af~ered at said hearin9, does flnd and determine the foilowing facts: 1. That the pe~tt[ioner proposes the follo~aing waiver from the Anaheim Municipal Code to estaolish sn automoblle diagnostic and service C~h~C~ in the CL (COHHERCIAL, ~:.INITED) ZONE: SECTIOP! 13.4~f.020 - Permitted uses. (automobile citagnostic and servlce center not perm~tted) 2. That the above-mentioned waiver is hereby denie~i on the basis that the pro~osab constitutes t~•ro primary uses on a serv~ce station site and aoprova) of said waiver would set an undesirable pre~cden[ ~For future slmilar requests f~or the Joint use ot ser^~'ice station sites for two sep.~rate businesses; that no site or buildinq improvements are proposed as have hcen required in connection with tonversion deYelopment at service station sites; and, furChermqr~e, t'he petitloner did not demonstratc that a hardship ~dould be treared if said rra~v~r wr.re not granted. 3. Tha[ there are no exceptiqna) or extraordinary circurnstances or ~conuitions applicabie to [he property lnvolved or to Che int~nded use of [he aroperty that Jo ~o[ apply generally to the propcrty or class of usc in thr. same vicinity and zone. 4. That t'r+e requested variance ts noe necessary for the prescrvation and enjoyment of a subwtantial property rlght possessed by other property tn the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the prop~r[y in question. 5. Tha~ tF~e requested variance will be maCeriaily detrimental to the public welfare or inJurie_: *_o t!:e property or lmprovements 1n such vicinity and zone in whtch the property is located. RESOLUTIOti N0. PC77-50 6. That n~ one indi~ated their prc~ence at said p~bli~ hearing in opposltion; and YhaC no correspondence was received in oppasition L~ the subjerc ~eiition, Et~VIRONHENTAL IMPAC7 FIpIDING: 7hat the Dlrer.tor of thc °lan~irg D2partment has determined that the proposed activity fa1ls within the defi~~l¢ion of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the Lity of Anahe~m Guidr.iin~4 Co the Requirements for an Environmentai Impact Report a~d is, there~or•e; categ~ricail~y exemot from the requirement tc file an EIR. iJOW, THEREFOR[, B~ IT 1tE50!.VEh that the A~aheim City Pianning Commission does hereuy deny subject Petition for Variance ~n the •ti~asls of the aforementiorsed findings. TNE FOREG09NG RESOLU'71GN February, i977. nT7ES•r: ~ /> ( a~7`i,~.~.u~xJ.G ~ ~--~~a-rJ SECRETARY, ANANEIM CITY PIANNINr, GOMF1155101~ STATE OF CALlFOR!JIA ) COUI~TY QF OF(ANGE )ss. CITY OF A~1~HEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secrecary of [he Anaheim tlty Planning Commission, do hereby certify thaC the fc~r~going resolution was passed and adopeed ~t a meetina of the Anaheim City Plannin9 Ldmmisslon, held on February 2Q, 1977. at 1:30 P•m „ by the f~llowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMISSIONERS: DAVID, HERBS~. KiPJG, MORLEY~ TOLAR, JOti1~SON ~10E5: CONt115510NER5: tJONE ASSENT: LOtiMI5510NER5: BARNES ~917. iN WIT~JESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 23th day of february, ( ~"a~.u,.c~.,~~~a-~r~l~irJ SECRETARY, ANANEIM CITY PLAt~IJING LOMNISSIO~I (s sigRed and approve~ b me this 28th day of ~~ CNA I RMAN ANAH~ I M I TY LAtlt! t IJG COMM f SS 10f! _2_ P.ESOLUT I ON tJO. PC77-SO