PC 77-56R.E50W T10H N0. PC77-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEI~ LlTY PLANNING COMMISS104 THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSlFELATION N0, 76-77-j7 BE R~PROVED WNEREAS, che Anaheim Llty Planning Comml~stan did receive a verifled petltlon for ReclFSSiflcation No. 76-77-37 from PEARL J, 5T. PIERRE, TRUSTEE u/w, HECTOR J. ST. PIERRE, 1616 S. Euclid 5t., Sp. 5, Anaheim, CA 42dry (Urmer); uALTER LA F~RCE. 9304 Fieetwood, Cypress. LA 90630 and RANOY BOSCH/RONALD BRIGGS, 1000 W. La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Calffornta g2801 (Agents3 of certatn real propr.r[y situated In the City of Anaheim, County of Orar.gc, State of C~Ilfornla described as: The Soucherly 340.00 feet of thaY portlon of thc South nalf of the southeast quarter of ihe Southwesc quarter of Sectlon il, ToHmship 4 South, Range 11 west, S.B.E. Z M„ descrlbcd as follcnvs: Beginning at a poin[ on ;hc Sou[h line of sald Sectlon 11, 1~ feet East of the Souchwest corner of said South half of tl~e Southcast quarter of the Southwes? quarter of said Sectton 11; running thence East along sald South line, 167.42 feet; [hencc North parallcl to the Weyt line of said South half, 52~.33 fce; to a point tn the South Ilne o{ that certatn parcel of land conveyeC by The FIrsC National Bank of Santa Ana co Hc~ward 5. Strange and wife by deed r..corded August 17. 1928; thence wast parallel to thc North llne of sald S~uth half o1~ the Southeast quarter of the S~uthwest quarter, 167.42 fect; thence South paraile; to the West line of satd South half, 520.45 fee[ to thr point of beginning, NHFREAS, the Cfty Planning Commissf~n dld schedule s public hearing at the City Hall In the City of Anaheim, on February 28, 1977, at 1:30 p,m „ notice of said pubilc hearin9 having baen duly given as required by law and in accordance wi[h the prov(sions of the Anahelm Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hrar and consider evidence fur and agalnst sald proposed reclassiflcntlon and to lnve,tigate and make flnding~ and recommendations in connection [hereNith; seid publlc hc~rJng hav(ng been continued [o the Plan~ing Commlssion meeting of March 14, 1977; and uHEREAS, sald Comm(sslon, efitcr duc Inspectlon, Investigatfo~ and stud~ made by Itseif and In Its behalf, end eftzr due conslderatlon of all evidence and rephrts offered et sald hearing, does find and determine the folloriing facts: 1. That the petitloner proposes e reclessificetfon of zoning on sub;ect property from Chc RS-A-43,600 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURA~) 20NE to the CL (CC~~hHERCIAL, IIMITEA) ZON:. 2. The Anahelm Gene~a! Plan deslgnates subJect property for gencral comm~rclal tand uses. 3. That the proposed reclassif-cation of subJect property ls necessary and/or dcsireblt for the orderly er~d proper development of the community, 4. That the proposed recle~aificatlon of subject proper[y does Froperly relate to the zones and thelr permlCted uses locelly eetebl(shed in close proximtty tm subJoct property end to the zoner er.d [helr permitted uses gencrelly e~tabiishcd throughout the community. 5. Tha[ the proposed reclessificetlon of subJect property requ(res the d~dicatlon end Improvement of ebutting street~ In accordence Ntth thc Circulatton RESOLUTION N0. PC77-56 Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipa[ed (iicrease ln [raffic which will be generated by the Intensificatlan of land use. 6. That no one indicated [heir presence at sald pubifc hearing fn opposltton; and that no correspondence was recelved In opposition to the subJect petition. ENVIRONMEN7AL IMPACT REPORT FIN6ING: That the Anahelm Clty Planning Commisslon has rev ewed the subJect proposa on property conslsYinq oP approximately 1.? ;,~res, fronting on the north slda of Llncoln Av~nue, and f~eing located approxlmately 9b3 feet Nest oF the centerline of Western Avenue, and does hcreby recomnend to the CI[y Councll of the Clty of Anahelm that a Heaative Declara[lon from the requirements to preparc an environmentel impac.i report bc approved for thc subJect proJect on che basls :hat there would be no Indivlduat or cumulatlve adverse impect on the environment due [o the epproval of this Negatlve Declaration since [he Anahelm General Plan desi9netes thie subJect properiy for general commerclal land uses cc?nmensuraie with the proposal, and the Inl'tlal Study submltteG by the pctitioner indicates no slo;,ificant adverse environmental (mpact; ane+ tha[ the Negative Declaratlon substantlating ;he foregoing flnding~ Ig on file in the Office of [he Planning Deaartment at City Hall. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED chat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to [he City Council of the CICy of Anahelm that subJect Petltlon for Reclassificatlon be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of [he Anahelm Municlpal Code bc amended to exclude thc above-describcd proper[y from [he RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTU~{L) 20NE and to incorporate sald described property into thc CL (COMMERCIAL, I.IMITF^1 ZONE upun [he follor~ing condlttons which are hereby found to be a necessar prerequlsite to the proposed use of subJec[ property in order to preserve the safety and gar~erel welfare of the ClLizens of the City o~ Anahelm: 1. That all eng{neering requlremen[s of the City of Anahclm aiong L(ncoln Avenue including preparatlon of 1r~provement plans and tnstallatlon of all Improvements such as curbs and gutters, sldeaalks, street grading and paving, drafnage facllit(es or ather eppurtenant rark, shell be complied Nlth as required by the City Englneer and In accordence with standerd plens end specfflcatlons on flle (n the Offlce of [he City Englneer; thac stree[ lighting facilicles along Llncoln Avenut shall be installed as requlred by the Director of Public Utili[les, and in accordance Nlth standard speciflcatlons on file tn [he Office of [he Director of Public Utllitles; and/or tha[ a bond, certificate of deposlt, let[er of credlt, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the Ci[y of Anaheim ~hall be posted Hlth the City to guarantcc the Instaliatlon of the above-mentloned requlrements. 2. That tha owner(s) of subJecY property shal) pay to the Clty of Anaheim the sum of sixty cents (60C) per front fooc along Lincoln Avenue for t~ee planting purposes. 3. That irash storoge nrees shall be providad In eccordance wtth epproved plans on file wlth the Of41ce of the Direc;or of Pubiic 1lorks. 4. That flre hydrants shal) be installed and charged as requlred and de:ermined to ba neceseary by the Lhlef of the F(re Depertment prlor to commencement of structurel framing. 5. That subJect property shall be ~crved by underground utliltles. '2- RESOLUTION N0. PC71-Sb 6. Tha[ dralnage of subJect property shall be disposed of ln a manner satlsfactory to the City Er.gineer. 7. Prior to the fntroduction of an ordinance rezoning subJect property, Londiiton Nos. 1 and 2, above-mcntiuned~ shail bc completed. The provisions or rtghts gran[ed by this resolution shalt become null and vol~ by actlon of the City Council unless sa(d conditlons are complled NI[h within on~ year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Ci[y Council may grant. 8. That Conditlon Nos. 3~ 5, and 6, above-mentioned, shall be complle~ wlth prior to finai building and zoning Inspcctlons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is slgnod and app March, 1g77, ATTEST: ~+ ~/~17-/~~C/~ ~tt,Rt7AKY PR YEM~ E AHAHEIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON STATE OF Cl~LIfORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ),s. CITY Of ANANEIM ) by me this 14th day of / ~ N , CITY LANNING COMM I, Pamela H. Santala, Secretary Pro Tcmpore of the Anaheim City Plannfng Commission, do hereby ccrtify that the forc,oing resoluclon was passcd and adopted at a r,ecting of the Anahelm Lity Plannf~g Conmisslon, held on March 14, 1977, at 1:30 P•m•, by the folla•~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, HERBST, KINC, MOfiLEY, TO~AR, JOHNSON NOES: LOMNISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE I-~ NITNESS WHEREOF, I liave hercur,to sct my hand thls 14th day of Harch, i977 ~ ~~ ES ~RE7ARY PRO 7EMPORE ANAHEIM CITY P(,qNNING COMMISSION "3' RESOLUTION N0. PC77-56