PC 77-60RcSOLUTION N0. PL77-60 A RESQLUTION UF THE ANAHEIN L.!TY PLANNING CONH15S10~~ TN~T PETITION FOR RECLASSIfiCATION NA. 7b-77~3a BE APPRGUEO. NFlEREAS, the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission dld recefve e ver{fp~d Peitfon for R~classlficatlon from MICHAEL F. AN~ MARY N. DEMEO, 1876 '~. Ora~ge ~~enue, Anahetm, Galifornla 92804 (Owncrs); EMFak~D ENGINEERING, 417 Nain StreeL, Huntington Beach, Californla 92648 (Agent) of cerYaln ~r_at pr~perty sltuaLEd In th~ Ctty ofi' Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California deecrlbed as: That portfon of [he Northwes[ qu~rter of the Southea~t quarter of Seetion 17, Townshfp 4 South, Ranyc i0 Wesi, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, dn tne City of Anahelm, as thc sald SouCheast quarter oP said Secti~n 17 Is ?~dti~ted on a map filed In book 22, page 25 of Fecords of Surveys in the offlcc oY the Countv recorder of sald Lounty, more partlcularty desc.ribed as folloNS: Beginning aL the Northwest corner of sald Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence South 0° 00' QS" East, along the West line of sald Northwest quar[er 1G5.51 feet; thence North 89~ 33' Ob" East, parallel wlth the North line of said Northwest quarter, 142.88 feet; thence North ~~ 27' 00" West, 165.50 feet to said North line; thence South 89° 33' 00" We~t along s~td ~~orth line f41.58 feet to Che polnt of beginning. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commisslon did h~dd a pWblic hearfng at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm or Harch 14, 1977, et 1:3~ 4.n,, notice of sald public hearing having been duly 91ven as requlred by lew and in accordance wlth the provisions of the Anahelm Municlpal Code, Lhap2er 1E.43, to hear an6 consider evidence far and agalnst sald proposed reclasslflcatian and to investlgatr and makr findings and re~ommtndatlons in cannectlon therewlth; and 41HEREAS, said Commissfon, after due inspection, investfgaclon and study made by ttself and in fts behalf, and after due consid~retion o` ail evidence and reports offered nt said hcaring, does flnd and determine the ~ollowing facts: 1. That the petitloner proposes a reciassltlcatlon of zonlrig from the RS- A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE to the RS-7200 (RESIDENTIAL, S~NGIE-fAMILY) ZOi~E: . The Anahelm General Plan deslgnates subJtct property for low-density resid~entlal land uses. 3. Thet the proposed reclas~lficatlon of subJec[ prnperl:y ls necessary and/or desirabie for the orderly end proper development of the ccxmuniky. 4, That the proposed reclassfficetlon a! eub)ect property doe9 properly rel~te to the zones and thelr permitted ~~es locnlly eetaDllshed in cioee proxlmity to s:~bJect property mnd to the zones end thelr permitted uecs yenernlly eetabllshed throughout [he carmunity. 5. Thet no ona~ Indicated thelr preaence at sai~ public hearing in oppositlon; and that no correspondence was rec~ived lre on,pa~l2llon to the subJect Retitlon. RF.50LUTION N0. PC77-60 E~~VIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDINC: That the Ci[y of Anahelm Planning Camisslon has reviawed the subJect pr~j,.ct, consisting of approximatcly 0.4 acre loceted aL the southeast corner of Orange Avenue and Nu[wqod Street and further described as 1876 Nest Orange Avenue, and does hereby recommend to the City Councll of the Clty of Anah-_lm that a Nega;lvt Declaratlon from the re~ulrnments to prepare an environmental impacL reporY be approved for the subJect proJect on the basis that there b+ould be no significant indfvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impact since simllar slrlgle-famlly reeldentlai development surrounds this property to the north across Orange Avenue and to th~ east, sou[h, and to the Hest acro~s Nutwood Street; that there will be no lndividual ot cumulative adverse impnct on the envlronment due to the approval of this Negative Declaratlon ~ince thr~ Anaheim General Plan designates subJect property for low-densfty res(dentfal land uses commensurate with the proposal, and thc Initlal Study submitted by the petitioner indlcates no signlficant adverse impact; and that the Negative Deciaration substantlating the foregoing flndings ls on file In the 0`flce of the Planning Departme~[ at Clty Hall. NOU, THEaEFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm Clty Planni~g Commission does hereby recortmend to the Clty Cour•cil of the tity of P.naheim that subJec[ Pe[Ition for Reclassf,'ica[lon be approvtd and, by so dofng, [hat Tftle 18-7.onin~ of the Anahelm Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrlbed pro~erty from thz RS-A-43,000 (RESIbFNTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) 20NE and to incorporate said described property Into [he RS-7200 (RESID~NTIAL, SIt~;LE-FAMILY) 20NE u~on the following condltlon~ which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequlsitr_ co the propo~ed usr of subJcct property In order to preierve Lhe safety end gencral welfare of the Cltizens of the City of Anahelm: 1. That street liqhting facllltles along Nutwood Street and Ora~ge Av~enue shall be Ins[alled as requlred by the Olrector of Public Utili[ies, and In acc' ~nce wtth standard specificatfons on file in thr Office of the D'rector r. I'~ilic Utilities; or that a bond, certificate of Aeposlt, letter of credit, ^' -.•i, ~n an amaunt ar.d form s~tisfactory to the Clty of Anahelm shall be posted ~~!th i~tie City to guarantee the instailation of the above-mentlone~ requlrements. 2. That the owner(sj of subJect property shall pay to the Cl;y of Anahelm [he sum of sixty cen[s (60~) pcr front fcot a?o~g Ornnge Avenue qor trct plantlnq purposes. 3. In the event thak subJec.t property Is to be dlvided for the purpose of sale, leace, or financing, a parcel map, to record the approved division of subJect property shall be submltted to and approved by the City of Anahelm and then be recorded in the offlce of the Orange County Recorder. 4. Tha[ the owncr or subJcct property shall pey to the Lity of Anahelm the appropriate park end recreatlon ln-lieu fees as determined [o be approprlate by the City Councll, ,eld fces to be peld et the tlme the bullding permlt ls issued. 5. Prlor to the Introductlon of en ordinance rezoning subJect property, Conditlon Nos. 1 and 1., above-mentloned, shall be completed. Thc provtslons or righ[s granted by this resolution shall become null and vold by actlon of the City Council unless sald condltlons are complfed wlth wtthin one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Cfty Cour.cil may grant. -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-60 THE FORE601NG RESOLUTION is signed and approve by me this 14th day of ~~Chv ~977• CHAlR N AN H~ t Y PLANNING COHMISSION A5'TEST: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ E~ EyFA EM ORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANkING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF OQ{~HGE )ss. CITY OF ANANEIH ) I, Pamela H. Santala, Secretery Pro Tempore of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon. do hereby cert(fy [hat the fcregoing resolutlon Has passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commissfon, held on March 14, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the follorring vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, HERBST, KING~ HORLEY~ TOLAR, JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NON~ IN NITN~SS 11HEREOF, i have hereun[o set my hend thls 14th ~sy of March, 1977 3~ M RE~i`'•rf~G~.Gf~~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMHISSION -3- RESOLlf740N N0, PC77-60