PC 77-61RE50LUTtON N0. PC77-61 RESOLUTION OF TNE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2912 BE GRANTED, NHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pianning Commission did reczive a vertfied Petition for Varla~ce fran MICNAEL F. AND MARY N, DEMEO, 1876 W. Orange Avenue, Anaheim, Lalifornia 92804 (Owners); EMERALD ENGINEERIt~G, 417 Maln Street, Huntin9ton 8each, California 92648 (Agent) of certain real property situated In the City of Anahcim, Coun[y of Orange, State of Callfornla described as: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter ~f Scctlon 17, Township 4 South, Range 10 Nest, ln ;he Rancho Los Coyotes, in the City of Anaheim, as the said Southeast quarter of sald Sectlon 17 Is Indicated on a map flled in book 22, page 25 of Records of 5urveys in the office of the County recorder of seld County, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of sald Nurthwest quartcr of the Southeas[ quarter; thence South 0° 0~' 05" East, along the uest ilnc of sald North~est quarter 165.51 fcc[; thence North 89~ 33' ~0" East, parallel wlth thc North Iine of said NortM+est quarter, 142.88 fent; thence North Oo 27' 00" uest, 165.50 `eet to sald N~rth 11ne; thence South 89° 33' 00" West along sald North line 141.58 fee[ to the polnt oP bzglnning. uHEREAS, the City Plannln9 Comnisslon did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on March 14, 1977, at ~:30 p.m „ notice oY said pubilc hearing having been duly glven as requlred by l~w end In .~ccordance wfth the provlslons of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, C~apte~ 1~,03, '~o hear and constder evidence for and agalnst said O~~pO~e~ ver•IAIb~F lna' :o tnves;~~e'~t and make ffndings and recortxnendatlons :n connecxio~n tMerew?=`h; am,a NHEREAS, sald Comr~~lsloni, .fEe r d~.~: tn•;p~C'cIJF,' lnvest~~g+~'lor~ dnC study made by I tse l f and f n i ts behsl~ f, and af ter ~~Sue coRi t~crat lon, of e l 1 ev: i i~n,~e ~~ d repnrts offernd at sald hearing~ does f%nd end C,,"ierminc ±he fr,ij-qwing ~acts: 1. That the ~etltioner prop?5~~} '~ `o~~~~+~~9 `^~Riv~rs from thc Anahelm Municlpal Code, to establ~+h two lo[s en;. con~ , ~~t ~A slne)e-'dntilly residen~e: a. SECTION 18,.26,~iF1.~2C - Mirnimwm i,;c wldth. (70 feet rrqu re ; 55 ~ and eet proposed) b. SECTION 18.26,~JF?3,GIi -`Ilnlnr~m front-on ara e setback. eet rcqu re ; eet proposcd) c. SECTION - Re ulrement that all lots rear on an artcria{ h g Hay. ots ront ng on range venue proposed). 2. That Nalver 1-a, above-mentioned, ls hereby grantcd on the basis that the proposed lot wldths are comparable to exlsting RS-7200 lot widths in the subJect area along Orangc Avenue. 3. That Naiver i-b, above-mentloned, Is heraby granted on the basls that tho proposed qorage ts tocated on e corner lot having flve (5) potential~ on-street parking spaces In addiclon to the proposed garaga spaces a~d, therePore, two (2) on- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-61 si[e spaces as are typically provided in the garage setback driveway are unnecessary and that the petitloner scipulated to providtng an operable automat(c garage door opentr in thc proposed garage fron~ing onto Nutwood Street. 4. Tha[ Nelver 1-c, above-mcntloned, is hcreby granted on Che bas(s tha[ existing RS-72~r) iots front on Orange Avenue and tfie prpposed residence would be or-cnted touara hutwood Street, [hereby decreesing potentlei negatlve ImpACts from said arterlai h3ghway, S. That there are exceptlonal or extraordinary clrcu~stances or condltions aPPllcable to the property lnvolved or to the intended usc of the property [hat do not apply generally to the property or class of uze in [he same vfcinfty and zone. 6. That the requested varlance is necessary for the preservatlon and enjoymen[ of a substan[lal property rlght possessed by other property In the same vicini[y and zonc, and den(ed to thc propcrty fn ques[ton. 7. That the requcs[ed varlance N111 not be matertally detrlmental to the publlc welfare or InJurious to the property or Improvements In such vicinlty and z~ne In which the property ls located. 8. That no one indicated their presence at sald publlc hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence wes received In opposition to the sub)ect petltlon. ENVIRONHENTAL IMPALT FItIDING: That the City of Anaheim Plnnning Lommissfon has reviewed the subJect proJect, conslsting of epproxlmntely 0,4 acre located at the souxheast corner of Orange Avenue and Nutwoou Street end further descrlbed as 1876 Nest Orange Avenue, and does hereby recommend to the City Counc(1 of the CI[y ef Anahelm that a Ncgatlvt Declaratlon from the requlrcments tn pre~are an envlronmental Impact report be approved for the subJcct proJect on the basls that there Npuld ce no signlficant individual or cumula[ive adverse environm~ntel fmpact since slmilar single-famlly reslden[lal dcvelopment surrounds thls property to [hc north across Orangc Avenue and to the east, south, and to the Nest across Nutwood Street; that therc wlll bc no lnd(vldual or tumuletfve adverse impact on the envlronment due to the approval of [hls Negative Declaratlon since the Anahelm General Plan designates the subJec[ property for tow-Aensity residentisl land uses commensurate with the proposal, and ttie Initfal Study submftted by the petltioner Indlcate~ no signlfican[ adverse (mpact; and that the Negative Decleraticn substantlnting the foregotng findings is on flle in the Office of the Plannlna Dopartment at Clty Hall. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anehelm Clty P1anning Commisslon does hereby qrant ~ubJect Petition for Verlance, upon the follaNing conditions which are hcreby found to be a neccssary prerequlsite to thc proposed use of the subJect property In order [o praserve the eafety and generel w~Ifare of the Cltizens of the City of Anahelm: 1. That thls Varlance Is grented subJect to the completlon of Reclassificetion No. 76-77-3$, n~ pending. 2. That subJect property ehall be develo~ed substanc;elly In accordance with plans and speclficatlons on file wlth the CIGy of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 end 2; provided, however, that an operable automatlc garage door opener shall be installed fn the proposed garage fronCing onto Nutrrood Strect. -Z" RESOLUTION N0. PC77-61 3. That Conditton No. i~ above-mentioned, sha11 be complled alth prlor to the commencement ot the activity authorized under this resolutlon, or prinr to ehe time that the building permit Is issued, or within a period of one year from date hereof, Nhichever occurs first. or such further timc es the Planning Commtsston and/or Ctty Council may grant. 4. That Conditlon No. 2, abovc-mentloned, shail be complled with prtor ta flnal building a~d zoning fnspec[lons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is slgned and approy~ed by mt this 14th day of March. 1977. // ~ ~ ~ /Z,y''~y/ H:IRMAN N IM I L/iNN NG COMNISSION ATTEST: S~ A~~~7 E~h'~0 R~ •A!.G.~f/ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMI55lON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Pamela H. Santala, Secretary Pro Terr.pore of thc Anahelm C1ty Planning Commisslon, do hareby certlfy that the foregoing resolution was Fa~sed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon, held on March 14, Sg77, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CONMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOtAR, JOHNSON NOES: COMl115510NER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOMERS: NONE IN WITNE55 W-iEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand chis 14th day of March, 1977 `~.l/.!~~sP'/ ~l~/ SECR TARY PRO TENPO E• ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMISSION -3- RESOLUT~ON N0. PC77-61