PC 77-71RESOLUTION N0. PC77-71 A Rr_S~JLU7104 OF TfiE ANANEIM CITY PLANNlt~G COMMISSION TNA.S PETIT10~~ FOF :'AR~ANCE N0. 2914 QE GRANTED, IN PART uHEREl~', the Anaheim Clty Planning Lortmission did a~ecei~e a verificd Petltio~ for V,: (ancc from ANl1HEIN NATIONAL 6ANK, P. 0. Bax 5377, Anaheim, ralifornia 92fi06 (ONncr~ and THE HETZ CORPORATION~ 250 Briggs Stree[, Losia Mesa, Cal(forn{a 92625 (kgent) of certaln real property situated In thc City of Anahelm, Lounty of Oranye~ State of Californla, described as: Parcel 2 of Parcel flap as st~own cn a map flled in aook 83, Page 34 of Parctl Haps, in [he Officc of the Councy Recorder for said Orange County; and NMEREAS~ [he Ci;y Plannin,y Gommission did schedulc a public hearfng at che City Hall in [he City of Anaheim on March 14, 1977, a[ 1:30 p m., notice of sald public hearing having been July given as required by law and in accordance with the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, [o hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to inves[Igate and nake findings an~ recortunendat(ons In cannectlon therewith; said public hearing having been conCinued to the Planning Lommission meetiny of March 28, 1977; and NIiEREAS, sald Commission, after due inspection, investi9a[ion a~d study made by iiself and in i[s behalf, and after due ::onsidera[ion of all eviGence and reports offered at said hearing, docs find and determine the following facts: 1. That ihe petliloner proposec the f'ollowin9 waivers from [he Anahelm Municipal Code, to conscruct four (~; free-standing signs: a, S[CTION 1t3.0>.0y3.021 - Maxlmun number of si ns. 1 perm tte ; ~ proposed) b. SELTION 18.05.Oyj.U231 - Ml~imum discance betwee~ si ns. 00 ect requ red; 25 to 0 fect proposed) c, SECTION 18.05.0~3.023 - PermitteJ _s~~i ~ focatfon. 120 ect~om~abi-itt~ng parccl :-eGutred; 110~eet proposed) 2. That Walvtr 1-a, ahovc-men[iened, is hereby gran[ed, ln part, to permlt two (2) free-standing sfgns, one af sald signs to bc for adcn[(fication purposes and to be arfented towards La Palma Avenue and the second to be a directlonal slgn for traffic control on the slte, said wefver being gronted on thc basis tfiat the petiCioner demonstrated that a hardsh~p ~+ould be created if sa(~ watver was ~ot 9rantrd due to che Iimited access to the subJec[ development from La Palmo Avenue. 3. That Nelver i-b, abovc-mentioned, is hereby yranted, in part, to permit a distance of less than tf8 feet between the trro (2) approved free-standing signs, on che basls that the petltfoner demonstrateJ that u hardshlp would b>~ created lf said Nniver was not granced due to ~he size of the subJect property, and the usz of the second s4gn !s for on-stte d{rectlonal purpo~es on{y and ~,ot for advertistng purposes. kE50LUTI0N N0. PC77-71 4. That ya(ver 1-c, above-men~.ioned, is hereby denied since che peti[ioner• st(pulated to eliminating the si9n which ~reated the nced for this waiver. 5. That there are excep[i~nal or ex[raordinary ciru~m,~ar~ces or condition:; applicable to [he property im•elved or [o the in[endeJ use, as yranted, of the property [hat do not apply generally to [he property or class of use In the saR~ vicinity and zone. 6. That thc reyues[ed variancc, as gran[eJ, is necessary for the preservation and e.njoymen[ of a substantiai property right possessed by cther property in [he sac~e ~(cini[y and zone, and ~enied to the properiy in quest(on. ?. That t~~c request~d variancc, as granted, will not be ma[erially detrimental [o the public welfa:c or ii;jurious co •he propcr[y or improvements in suc.h vicinity and zone (n which the property is locat.ed. f1. 7hat no one indicated [helr presence at saicl publlc hearing in oppositfon; and that no carrespone,,:nce was received in opnosiclon to the subjec[ ;eti[ion. EIiVIR011HLNTAL IN.Pl~CT FIiJDIIlf,: TFiat [hc Dlrector of thc Plannlnq Depdrtment has deterrnineJ that Chc proposed actlvf*_y fails within the definition of Sec[ion 3.01, Class li, ot` the Gity uf A~ah~irn Guldelines to the Reyuirements fo~ an Environmental Impact Reporc anu ls, tficr~forc, categorlcally exempt from the requireree~t to flle an EIR. HOW, TH[R[FORE, BE IT (•;CSOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby ~~rant, in part, su5ject Peiltion for Variance, upon ihe following conditfons which are fieret.y found [o be a ne:cessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in ordcr to preservc the safety and genr.ral welfare of the C i t i zens of the C i ty of Niial~c i m: t, Tha[ a planted rnedian shall be installed In La Palma Avenue in front of ttie subjec[ property as required b~ the Ci[y Enyineer and in accordance with standard plans and speclfications on file in th~ Office of the City Engineer, and tha[ reasonable landscaping, incluuiny irr(ga:ion facitities, shall be insialled in accord~n~e with che requfrements of the Superin[endent of Parkway Haintenance. 2 Thai this Uariance is yran[ed subject to the completlon of Reclassifica[ion t~o, ;~5-7G-12, ncwr pending, 3. Tha; subJec[ proper[y shall be deveioped subs[an[ially ln accordance with ~lar.s anel specfflcations on f(1e with the Lity of Anahefm marked Exhiblc Ilos. 1, 2 and j; provideJ, liowevcr, tliat only two (2) frcr-st~nding slgns shall be constructed on [he :,ubJect proper[y, one (1) bcing for identiffca[lon purposes and ont (i) beiny for Craffic con[rol, anJ said slyns shall be a d(s[ance of less than 68 feet apart, as stipulated Co by the petittonr_r. 4. That ConJitfon t~o. 2, above-mcntioned, shall be complied witti prior to [he commencement of the activ(ty auti~orized ur,der th(s resolution, or prior to :he timc that the buildiny perrni[ Is Issued, or withln a period of one year from date ~iereof, whichever occurs ffrst, or such further tlme as the Plannirsg Commission and/ or City Councll may granL. '2' RESOLUTION N0. PC77-71 5. That Conditfon Nos. 1 and 3, above-mentlon~d, shall be ccmplled with prior to ffnal bullding and zaning inspections. 7HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by mc this 2~th day of March, 1977, __~s~~ ~~ GHAI RMA~! ~~RE - ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: 1.7~C~..~,8. ,~,~.,.J ECRETAR , ANANEIM I PLANNING ~Ot1MISSIOt! STATE OF CAL I FOitN I A) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanian, Secretary of chc Anaheim City Pla~ning Commission, do hereby rertify [hat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetfng of the Anah~fm City Planning Commission held on March 2E~ 1977, ar 1:3Q p.m., by the foilowirrg vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: fiARN[S, DliVID, !~ER85T, KI~~G, T(1LAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: MORLEY AE35~NT: COMMISSIONERS: JQHNSON IN NITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto se[ my hand this 2f3th day ofi March, 1977. ~~.,_ ''~ SECftETt~RY, ANAHE H CI7Y f'LANNING COMHISSiON ~~ RESOLUTICH NQ. PC;7-71