PC 77-74~esotu~ cor~ r~o. PC7J~74 A R'c5QLU7tON ~JF 7HF F1NAs~lEIH Cl7Y PLANt~I~IG CONt11S'SIO~J xliA7 PETI7IOt~ FOR tONL11T10NAL U5E PERntT N0. 1700 BC GRAI~TED WtiEREAS, the finaheim City P9anning Carn~is5iun diJ receive a vcrificd Petixlon for Conditiona] Usc Permic from .E~ICLIU ROMI~EYA CuMPAt~Y, 505 Nortr; Tustin Avenue, N2SJ, SanCa Ana, California 92?05 (Owner) of certaln rcal property sttuateci in the Clty of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, Staxe of California descrfbed as: Lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5 of Tr•act t~a. 3396, as shown on a Map recorded i n bo~Gc 12 1~ pagr_5 ~1 ~;nd 9•of J11 sce i l,aneous Haps , 1 n the offlce of the County Recorder of ,aiJ County. Excep[ tha.t portion thi:reof Inclurled withln the Following described lared: aeylnning at the So~~thwes[ corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarcer of Sect(on 4, Townsh~p ~ South, Rangc 10 11est, a: shown on sald map of Tract Na, 339f:; [hence South 89° ~~3'S7" East 203.OD `eeS alony the South~erly line of safd Nor!hwesY quartcr; thencc North 0° 02' 23" East if30.00 feet parallel with the Wester!y line of said Section; thence laurth 69° NZ' >1" west 203.D0 feet to thc Westerly ilne of satd Section; thencc South 0~ 02' 23" 41est 180.00 fcet to the polnt of neyinning; and utiEREAS, the City Planniny Commisslon dld tiold a public hear(nc~ at [hc City f4all (n the City of Anaheim on March 28~ 1977, at 1:30 p.m,~ notfce of sald public hearir.g haviny been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance with the provfsions of [he Anahcir~ Mcnoaicipal Code, Chaptcr 18,03, [o he<^~r and co~sider evldence for ar.J agai;~st s:~id proposed condl[ionai use and to in~vest(gate and make f~ndings and recommendations in connection [herewith; and l1liEREAS, said Conxnission, aftcr duc inspection, inres[Igatfon and study made by ii5::lf anJ in f[5 3eholf, and afser due conslderatlon of all evidence and repor[s offered ae sald hearing, does find and determir~e the following facts: ~, That the proposed use is proprrly one for ~rhich a conditional use per!n([ )4 authprized by Anahcirn Municipa; Cadt Sectlon 14,44.0~0.300, to wit: permit n drivc-[hrauyh res[aurant In thc CL Zo~~, 2. Tha[ the prop4~cd use will nut adversely ~£fect the adjolning land uses and Yhe grewth and deveiopmeni of the area ln wiiich It (s propo5e~1 to be locaied. 3. 7hat the sizc anJ shay:c of the sltc prnpaseJ for ['he us+; f~ adequate to ailaw [he full ucvelopment of [h~e proposcJ use (n ,n maRner ~ot detr(mental to thc particular area nor to [hc pcacc, health, safety, and general welfare of ttic Citizens of thc Cfty af Anaheim, RESOLUTION tJO. PC77-74 4. That ti~e grantin~ of .a`~e Lonclikion~l Use Permit under xhe condi[i~,ns irnposed, 1f any, will nc~Y be de[rimentaP to ;he pcace, hcalth, safLty ~r,d gcn~eral welfarc of the Ci[izens of the City of Anahelm, 5. Tha[ :he petitiemer stipulated to cons~ructi~y a,in-funt hi~~h masonry wal~ alony ttac norih propcrty linc adjacent to Che drainagc r6~;'sit-of-way, ,ai6 ~~rali bcinq for th~ purpusc af buffcrlnu [he adjaaceni. reslcJen:ial 'I~in~ U;es frvr•~ potenti~l disGurbar~c~; ge~cra[c~l by thc proposcd res[~urant. t,. That the pr.titioncr st!p~~lated [a Fro•viding a~ddiCionai trash storage areas as reyuired by the Sanitaeion Uivision. 7• T~~at r~o onc inJic~ir~J [hcir prescncc at saiJ public hearing in op~os~[Ien; and [hat no Wrres~x,nd~cice has received ln uppo5ltle~ to the subjeci petition. Et~V1RONMEt~T~L {h1PALT FIIIi)IIIG: That thr Anahcim Lity Planning Lemmisslon has revlewzd thc subject proJc~t, Cun5l5t~ny oi a drlvc-[hrouyh restaurant in a ~roposcd shoppiny centcr on approxir:iat~:ly "1..~ acres of land loea[c~l norih ~nd cast of ~he f~tersec[ion of Romneya Drive or,c1 Euclid Sr.reet, and does hereby rccommend [o the Clty LQUncll of Che City of f~nahein~ tha[ a ~leya[ivc: Declaration from the rzquirement Lo preparc on cnvironmcnCal impact rcnor[ te approved for the subject projer,[ on fhc basis that there wauld be no siynifican[ adverse environr~ental lmpact sincc the subject property is adjacent Lo curnrnercial developm,:n[ on [ne sovth and west and is separated from [he adjacci~t residential lan~l uses by a drainage right-u`-way; that thcre wou1J bc i~o inJividual or cumulativc advcrsc impacts on the envlronment due to the approval of this Negativc De+.lara[ion sincc [he Anaheim Gencral Plan designatcs subject propcr[y for comnercidl land uses ccmrxr:surat~e wfth the proposal, and [he Init(al 5[uJy su~,nitteJ t,y the petiLr'oner indic,~tes no slc~~Ificant adverse impact; ancf cha[ the I~eyative Oeciaratiun substan[latiny [he foregoiny 'findinys is on file in the Of:`Icc of [he Plannln~~ Departrnerc aC Clty Mall. fiOW, TIICREFORE, UE. !T kt50LVEU that the Anahcim City Planniny Ctxnmission docs heeeby grant subject Pctitian for Conditianal Use F'ermit, upon the following eondltior~s which are hereby faund tu be a neccss~r~ prcreyui,ite to the proposed use of the subjec[ property in order to prescrvc thc safety and general wcifare of the Citizens cf [hc City of Anahci~n: 1. That [h~s Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to [he completion of Reclas~ifica[lun t~o. ~~-~~-31 (reaJvertiseJ), now pendlny. 2. That subject proper[y ,tiali be develope~ ,uhstantially in accordance with plans and s~ecif'Icat(ons on file wich tlie City of A~ahCim marked Exhibft Nos. 1 through 3; proviJeJ, hc~wever, [hat a six-fcx~t hic~h mascnry wall shall be cons[ructed alony the north propcrty linc adJacent to thc drainage riyh[rof-way, as :tipulated to by [he pctitfoncr; an~ that additlonal [rash storage aneas as r:qulred by the Sanitatlon Uivision shali be provlded (n accordance Nitl~ the approved E.lans on flle with the Office of thc Publ(c 4orks ~irecto:, as stlpulateJ [o by the petiCioner. -2- RESOLU710N N0. PC77-J4 TNE FOREGOING RE50LUTION is signe~ and approved by me t~i~' 28th day of Harch, 1977, a NAlRMA RO EMPO E AtIANEIN CITY PLAI~NIIJG COH1i~5SI0t~ ATTEST: iG: 'u'~ ~[~J~ ' SEC~tETARY, AI~AHEIM CITY PLANNII~G GOMHISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN,'fY OF Oitllt~GE ) ss . C 17t' OF AtdAfiE 1 H ) I, R;,trlcla El. Scarilan, Secretary of the Ananeim City P7an~~ng Co:rmission, do hereby certify ihat the foregoing rc~olution was passed and adoptr:+: at a mr.eting of the Anahe(m City Planniny Co:nmission field on March 2(f, 1977, at 1:;=1 p,m,, by the following vote of thc members [hcrcof: AYES: COMMISSIOtJERS: BARNES, OAVIU, HEROST, KING, MORLCY, TOLAR NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NOt~E: ABSENT: COMNISSIO~~ERS: JOHIISOta IN IJITNE55 41HEREOF, I havc hereunto set my hand thfs :tith day of Harcl~, ~977. ~~~J -~,.~J SECRE7ARY, AI~AHEIM I Y PLANNI'7G f:OMriISSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC?7-74