PC 77-75RESOLUTION N0. PC77-75 A RESOLUTI01~ OF THE ANAHEIM CtTY PLANNING C~JMHISSION NECOHMC~~U I NG TC TI1E C I TY COUNC I L OF THE C I i Y OF ANA{1F I M THAT P~T1710t~ fOR kE:LASSIfICA710N N0. 76-77-39 BE APFROVED uHEREAS, the Anahcim C(cy Planning Lcamission did receive a ~-rified Peti[ion for Reclassiflca[ioro from II',%•t'tIAL 6AtIK, 9920 La Cienega, Inqle~.~ood, Californla 90306 (Owner) and PLOTKIN-RUSF.t~ DEVELOPMENT COMPAt1Y, 121?2 Lawfcr Street, Los Angeles, Lallfornfa 900GG (Agent) of certain real property si[uated in the C(ty of Artahc(m, r,ounty of Orange, Statc of Cal(fornia, describeA as follows: TiIE EAST 279,33 fEE7 OF THE SOUTH T1J0 ACRES l° THE SOUTNE:,°_T QUA3iTER OF T!{E NQRTHEAST QUARTER OF TNE NORTH~A1? QUARTER OF 5ECT{Ot1 8, TOUNSHIP ~ SOUTk, RANGE !0 uEST 1~1 THE RANCHO LOS COYDTES, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK yl PAGE 10, MISCILLANEl.US MAPS, RECDRDS OF Sl:IO i,OUNTV OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; and NHEREAS, the City P~anniny Commission did hold n publi; hearing at the ~ICy Nall in the C"fty of Anaheim c~n March 2t3, 19j7, at 1:30 p,m,, notice of said public hearing ~having Feen duly ylven as required by law and in accordance with the provisiqns of the Anahelr~ Mun~clpal Cede, Chapie~• 16.03, to hear and consider ev(dence for and aga(nst said proposed reclassfflcaLlon and to investigate an~j make ,flndings and recommendaifons in connectlon therewfth; and NIICRrAS, sefd Commis~fon, after due fnspection, Investlyatlon and s[udy mHOe by itself and In Ics behalf, an~ ?~ter due consideratlon of ail ev~dence and reports offered at salJ hearing, docs find and determine che follow(ng facts: 1. That the petftionzr proposes a recl~assiflcation of zoning on ihe above- descrlbed prope~ty from the RS-A-43,OOD (RESIDENTIAI/AGRICULTZIRAL) ZOIIE [o thc CL (GOHMERi.IAL, IiMITE~) ZpNE. 2. Tha[ the Anahcim Ge,eral Plar. ,lesignates the suL~ect property for genr.ral corrKr,e.rclat land uses. 3. That the petitloner scip~~a:°~~ to ali;~nfng the proposed driveways wlth the existimy drlveways on the east sidP of Euc:id S~ree[, in accordance With the reocrrrmenda[lon of [he City TratT~c Engineer. ~, T,hat the pctitioner further stipulat~d fa Froviding ;rash storag~ areas In conform~nce arith approveJ plens on flle in the ~;~fict of the Public IJorks Directnr; anJ tha[ said areas shall heve adequate access For sanita~!on vehicles. ~. That the pe[itloner stlpulated that the proposal wtl! be occupied by €he co:nrnercial uses speclfied on the submitted exh(bits, i~cluding a furniture store, !n order th,et the ~avallable parking would satlsfy the minimurr~ Cnda requ(rcments. 6,; The[ the proposed reclassiflcatfon of subJect praperty Is necessary andln~ des{rable for the orderly and pr~per deve-upment of [he communi[y. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-75 7. That the proposed reclasslfication of subjcct propcrty does properly rclate to thc zones and their per~itted ~ses locally e.[ablished in close proxfmity [o subject proper4y and to the zones and thelr permlYted uses generally established Lhroughout the camm~nity. ~. That no one inJicated their presence at said public hearing ln opposltlon; and that no correspondence was recnived (n oppos?tion to the subiect petitlon. - E~~VIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINUING: That the Anahelm City Plonning Cornmission has reviewed the proposa to reclass y the svbjec[ property for Iimited uxnmercial lar,d use, sald property v~nsistiny of approxlmately 0.7 acre on the Nest side of Eucltd Strett, ap~~roximately 170 fcet r:arth of Glenoa~s Avenue, and bainq surraunde~ by lfmlted comnerc!al land uses to thc nortii, ~outh and cast and by multiplc-famlly residentlaJ to the west; and [hc ?lanntng Commiss(on does hcreby recoRmend [o tt,e Clty Councii of thc City of Anahefm that a Ncgat~~~ Declarat(on from thc requlrement to prepare an environmental imp~c: report be approved for the subjeci project on [he bas(s that there would be no siynificant individual or cumulative adver,e impact. o~ the environmen[ ~ue to Chc approval of thi~ Negat{vc Deciaratlon sincc thc Anaheim Generai Plan ~esiynates the subject proper[y for general commercial land u~e, and the Inltlal Study submltted by the appiicant indfcates ne signtf(canc adverse Impacts; and that [hc ~lcgative Declaratfon substantiating thc foregoing findfngs 13 on file in the Officc of the Plannlny Depar[mcnc at City Hall. t~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED [hai thc Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commlssion does hereby reco-xnend to the City Council of the Clty of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so dolny, tha[ Title la-Zoning of the Anaheim Nunicipal Co~ic be amended to exclude the above-descr(bed property from the RS-A-43,000 (flESIUEtlTIAL/AGRICUL7URAL) ZONE and Lo Incor`orate safd descrlbed property into the CL (LOMMEP,CIAL, LIMITED) ZONE upon the following conditlons whfch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequislte to the nr~posed usr of subj~ct Nroperty (n order [o prescrve [he safety and general weifarc of thc Cir,tzens of the Clty of Anahcim: 1. That the ownerf,s) of subject property shall pay co the Clty of Anaheim th~ sum of sixty ce~ts (60C) per front fout along Euclid Street for [ree plantfng purposes. 2. That trash storaqe oreas shall be providcd in accordance ~Hi[h approved plans on file with the Office of the Director of Pubiic W~rks. 3. That ap;.~~priatc water assessnent fces, as detcrmined b•~ :hc Dire:tor of Public Utlii[ies, shall be pald to thc City of Anahtim prfor to che Iss~artce of a Lulldlnq pcrmlt. 4. That thc owner(s) of subJec[ propcrty shall pay c~ the Ltty of Anahetm the sum of two ~follers (52.00) per front foot alony Eucltd 5trec[ for street ltghting Qurposes. ~. That the proposcJ Jr(vcways shall be all9~zd witfi exlsting drfveways on the cast siJc of Eucl~d :,treet ~nd crash storege areas shati be prov(ded in conformance Nith ap.^,roved plans on file In the Offlce of the Publlc Works Dfrector, sald trasti storage areas to have adequate access for san(tation vehlcles, as stipulated [o by the petf[loncr, -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC]7-75 6. That in the event the furniture store vacates the property, revised parking pians shall be submiteed to the Planniny Depar[ment indicating conrorrnance with Code stand~rds, as scipulatcd to by [he petitioner. 7. Prlor [o the introduction o` an ordi~ance rezoning subjert propnrty, Ccndition t~os. 1 and h, abovc-menticn~d, shalt be corr~leted. The provisions or rights grant~d by this resolutlon shal~ becomc: nuil and void by aetlon of thc Ci[•~ Councii unless said cor,dielon~, ara~ c.o~npl(ed witl, yithin one year frcxn the dr~te hereflf, or such furthcr [i~nc as thu Ci~y Councfl r„ay ~rant. ti. That Condltion Nos. 3 and 5, above-mentioned, shali be complied ~~fth prior to final buildiny and zoniny inspec[ion,, Tfi[ FOREGOING P.ESOLUTIOt! is siyned and approved by me [his 2~tfi day of March, 19/7, ~ ~~~ CIiAI RMlli~ PRO 7E11P0 E ' ANAHE t N C I TY P LAN~I I NG COMM I SS I Ot~ A7TF;T: ~ • . SE~.RE AR , tt iE rt L t~u1ti ~ MM SSIOIJ STATG OF CALIFORNIA ) CUUtITY Of OitANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF AMANtlt1 ) 1, Patrlc(a b. Scanlan, Secretary of the Ana~ieim C(ty Planning Commiss(on, do hereby certify that the foregofn9 resolution rias passed and adopted at a mee[i~g uf thc Anaheirn CIty Planniny Commisslon hcld on Harch 28, i9)7, at 1;j0 p,m., by the follcr~jny vote of the membcrs thcreof: AYES: COHHISSIONERS: DARI~ES, DAVIJ, ti[RE3ST, KIi~G, NCRLEI', TOLAR tJ0E5: COHMISSIONERS: NOfdE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOti~ISON 111 411ThES5 WNEREOf , I havc hereun[o set rrry hand this 28th day of March, ~ `~ 77. Q~~,~~~ SECREf R~{ H C L~~ING MMI SIUN -3- RESOLUT104 k0. PC77-75