PC 77-77RESuLUTIOtJ N0. PL77-77 A RESOLU71~1~ OF TtiE ANAHE 1 M C I TY PLAtI!1 I PiG COHM I~5 I GN R~COMMENUING ZO 7HE C17Y COUI~LIL OF 7HE CITY OF NNAHEIM THAT PETITIOr~ FOR REGLASSIFICATION N0. 7G-77-43 BL APPROVEa NHEREAS, [hE Anaheim Lity Plannin~ Commission diJ receive a verified Pe[ition for R.eclassiflcr~tion from LARRY G. AND PAULETTE E. JAMES~ 319 North Loara Street, Anaheirn, Callforni~ 92001 (Owner) and RICHARO DONNER, 433 South Primrose Street, Anat~cim, Cal(fornta ~2G01! (Agent) of cer[ain real property situated in the City of Anahcim, County of Orange, State uf California, descr(bed ~s: 7he t~orth 57.00 feec of the East 1~0.00 feet of the Northeasc quarter af the Soutfrrrest quas•ter of the tlorihwest quarter of Section 9, 7ownship 4 South, Ranye 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as [he Northrrest quarter of said Section ls Indlcated on a map filecl in buok 1, pa9c 56 of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; and Wt1EREA5, tlie C(ty Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in thc City of Anahe(m on March 2it, 197/, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said publ(c hearing hav(ng been duly 9iven as requireJ by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheiin Municlpal Code, Chapter 1~f.03, to hear and consider eviJence for and agalnst sald proposed reclasslflcation and to investigate and make findings and recommenJatfons in connectlon therewi[h; and NIIERE~S, sald Commission, after due Inspec[ion, (nvestigatlon and study made by itself and in its oetialf, ancl after due consideration of a11 evldence and reports offered a[ sald hearing, does ffnd and determine thc fq)lowing facts: 1. That the peticioner proposes a reclassification of zoning on the above- descrlbed property from [he RS-A-43,OOQ (RE5IDEI~TIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE Co the RM- 1200 (RESIDEIITIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY~ ZOI~E. 2, 7hat the Anafielm General Plan dcsignates subJect property for medium density residen[lal lan~f uses. 3, That [he proposed reclasslfica2lon of subJect proper[y is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper developme~t of thc community. 4. 7hat the proposeJ reclasslflcatlon of subJect property does properly relate to the ~ones and their permi[ted uses 4ocally establfshed in close pro~cimity to subJec[ property and [a the zones and thelr permltted uses generally establfshed throughout the communlty. 5, Tha[ no one indicated [helv presence at said public hearing in opposi[ion; and that no corresponJence H~~S recefved ln opposition to the subject petitlon. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-77 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINUItJG: That the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission has revlewed t e su ~ec[ proposa to rec assify the zoning on a;~proximately 9916 square feet of land on the west sidc of Loara S[ree[ approximately 240 feet south of Catalpa Drive from the RS-A-43,000 Zone to the RM-1200 Zone for the cons[ruction of a six- unlt apartment complex, and does hereby recommend to ihr, City Council of the Lity of Anahelm that a Neyatlve Deciaratlon frum thc requiremen:s to preparc a~ environmental impact report be approved For the subject project on the basis Chat the Anaheim General Plan Jes(gnates [hc subjec[ property for medium-dcnsi[y, residentlal land uses commensurate witfi ttie proposal; tha[ there would be no siynificant Indlvidual or cumulativr, adverse impact on [he environment due to the approval of this Nega[ive Declaratfon since the subject proper[y is adJacent to multiple-family residences to the ~orth, sou[h and west, and a s[reet is aJjacent to tne cast property line. and the Initlal S[udy submitteJ by the petitioner indicates no sf~nificant o:oerse envtronmental impact; and that the t~egative Declaratlon substantiating the f,,regoing findings Is on file in the Office of [he Planniny Department at City Hall. NOW, TH[REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the anaheim City Planning Comnlss(on does hereby recommend to the Ci[y Counc(1 of [he Ci[y of Anaheim that subject Petitlon for Reclassiflcatio~ be approved and, by so dolny, [hat Tftle 18-Zoning of the Anahe~m Nunicipal Code b~ amended to exclude the above~-described property from the RS-R-43,000 (RESIDEf~TIAL/AGRICI~LTURAL) ZONE and to i~corporate sald described property (nto thc RM-1200 (RESIDEtlTIAL, NULTIPLE-FAMILY) 20NE upon the following condf[lons wl~ich are hereby founJ to 6e a necessary prerequisi[e to the proposed use of subject property In order to preserve thc safety and general welfare oF the Citizens of the Ci[y of Anaheim: i. That [he owner(s) of subjec[ propcrty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of two doltars (52.00) per front foot alony Loara Street for street lighting purposes. 2, That appropriatc water assessmen[ fees, as ~letermined by the Director of Public Utilitles, shall be pafd ta the CI[y ~f Anaheim prior [o the Issuance of a building permlt. 3, Prlor to the introduction uf an o~di~ance rezoning subjec[ property, Condltlon t~o. 1, above-mcntion~d, shall be completed. The provtsinns or r(ghts granted by tfils resolutlon shafl become null and void by aciion of th,:. City Council unless said conditlons are compl~ed with within one year from thc date hereof, or such further time as the Clty Gouncil may grant. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOt~ Is slgned and approved by me this 2Bth day of March, 1jJ7. v' ~~ C IAIRMAtI PRO TEMPORE ANAHEIM LITY PLANNING COMMISSIOt~ -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC~77-77 ATTEST: C7~~~~~ ~ SECRETARY, AI~ANEIM CITK PLI,NNIt~G COMMISSIOt~ STATE OF CAIIFORHIA ) ~OUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY Of ANAHEIN ) I, Patr(cla H. Sca~lan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pianning Commi,sion, do hcreby cer[ify that the fore~~o(ng resolutlon was passcd and adopted at a meeting of the llnahcim City Plannlnr~ Commisslun ficld on March 28, 1977, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the followi~g vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMISSIOt~ERS: BARf~ES, DAVIU, NER8S7, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMHiSSI0NER5: NONE A~SENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOIII~SGI~ IN WITI~ESS NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of Harch, ~977. v ~ .~~ ~ NG MH SS i tJ -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-77