PC 77-82RESOLUTION N0. PC77-82 A RESOLUT I Otl OF TNE ANAf1E I M C ITY PLANN I NG COHM i SS I Ot! Tt~AT PETlTION FOR VARIl~NCE -~o. 29z3 BE GRAN7ED WfiEREAS, the M ahefm City Planning Commission did recefve a ver(fled Petitlon for Variancc from RICIIARU V. ANU MARY C. BUTLER, 12E7 North Grove Street, Anaheim~ Californla 9220G (Ovrners) of certain real property situaced in the City of Anah~ims C6unty of Oranyc, Sta[e of California, described as: T1~at portlun of Lot 1%S, Block "Y," of the Y.raemer• Tract, as shown on map r~corded in book 12, pages b7 and r38 of Miscellaneous Records, (n [he office of [he County Recorder of Los Angeles County, dc3crlbed as Parccl li, as sf,own on a map recorded (n book 69, pa,e 13 of Parcel `1aps, recurds of said Orange County; and Nf!E:REAS, Lhc Clty Planniiiy Commission did hold a public hearing a[ the Li[y liatl in the Ci[y of Anahcim on March 28, 1977, a[ 1:3Q p.m., noticc of said public hearing haviny been ~uly given as required by law and in accordance wlth [he provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal LoJe, Lhapter 13.03, [o hear :~nd consider evidence for ~nd agalns[ safd proposeJ varlance and to invest%gate and make ffndings and recommenda[lons in conneccion therewith; and Wt1EREl15, sald Commission, after due inspection, investigaLfon and study made by itseif and in its behalf, anJ after due cons(derat(on of ali evidence and reports offered a[ said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Tfiat the pctitloncr proposes [he followin9 waiver from [he Anahelm Municipal Cocle, to permit an ex(s[(ny steam-cleaning facili[y in [he ML (INDUSTRIAL, LIHITED) ZONE: SLLTI011 1$.G1.02i; - Permf[tc~ out~foor uses. Outdoor steasm c ean ng no[ pcrmi[ted) 2. That thc above-rnen[foned walver is hereby granted an thc basis that the use is screeneJ by a 7,5-foot hiyhi chalnlfnk fence lnterwove~ with redwood slats and is not vlsiblc from Grove Street. 3. That Lhe petitioner inJ(cated that all dralnage from the subJect sieam- cleaniny rack is collectecl by a sand trap and cloes not enter the pubilc street or sewer system. 4, 7hat tliere ars except(onal or extraordlnary circumstances or conditlons appllcable to [he property lnvolved or to the lntended use of the property tha[ do not apply generally to the property or class of use fn the same vicin(ty and zone. 5. 7hat the requested variance ls necessary for the preservation and enJoyment of a substantial property rtyht possessed by other propcrty in the same viclni[y and zone, anJ denied to the property in question. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-82 ~ G. That [he requcsted variance wlll no[ be meterlally detrimenial to [he publlc welfare or inJurfous to the property or (mprovements in such vfclnlty and zone in which [he property is located. 7, That no one indicated thelr presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was recefved 1~ oppos+[ian to the subject petition. ENVIRONMEt~TAL IMPALT FII~DING: That *_i~~ Dircctor of the Pla.~ning Department has detcrm(ned tha[ t e proposed actlvity falis within the ,dcfini~ion of Sectlon 3.01, Llass 1, of the City of Anahelm Guldelin~s to Lhe Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requlrement to file an EIR. IIOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE~OLVED that the Anahei~ CiCy Pianning Cortmfsslon daes hereby yrant subject Pet([lon for Variance, upen the follow'~ng condition whlch is hereby found [a be a necessary ~vrerequlsite to the proposed use oF the subject property in order to prQServe the safe~.y and gencral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Tha[ subject property shall be developed substan[ially in aczordance with plans and speclflcatlons on file ~lth the Ctty of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. TIiE FORECOItIG RESOLUTIOt! fs signed and approved by me this 2$th day of March, 1977. ~ ~ ~ '~ "~-- C 1AIR N R C•~M ,R~ ANAHEIH CITY PLIlI~NIttG CQM~tfSSl'bt~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ' ,~~.~ SECRETARY, A~IAHEIM CITY PLANIlIt~G COMMISSf011 STATE Of CALIfORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAIIEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secre[ary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do he~eby certify that thc foregoing resoluLlon was passed and ~dopted at a meeting of the Anahcim Cfty Plenniny Commisslan held on March 2fS, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following votc of [he members thereof: ' AYES: COIU1155iQNCRS: BARkES, DAVIU, !I[RBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR t~0E5 : COMM I SS I ONERS : NOt~E ABS[NT: COMMISSIGNERS: JOIIIJSON IN WITNE55 NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of March, 1977. 1/~L-~-! ~ ==-1^-- ~~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS(ON -2- RESOLU710N N0. PL77-82