PC 77-91RESOLUTtOt~ N0. PC77-91 A RCSOLUTIQ~~ OF THL A~IAIiEIM C17Y PLANNItIG COMMI~SIQN THl1T PETITlON FOR LOtID1T16NAL USE PtRF11T N0. 1J02 BE GRANTC~ WiiER[0.5, the Anahciin City Plannin~~ Commission diJ rr.ceive a verified Pr_[ition for Condicional Usc Pcrmii fron JP,NES E. HUNDLEY, 93q 5. Plncentta 4venue, "A", Placcntia, California 92G7^ {Owner) and DAVID JACt:,Ot~, liSj3 ;, Stat~~ Cnllerie boulevard, i.nahei~n, California 'i2~%Q(, (A9en[) of certain ;cal propcrty situated in the Gity uf Anahelm, County of Qram~e, Stace of California, Jescribed a~,: Parc~~l 7 as sh~~+n un a nap recorded in boo~. G~, pa9e 1~3 of Parcel Maps, rcc~rJs of said Oran9c Coun[y; and WtILREl~S, the City Planninr~ Ca~mi,sion diJ hold a public hc~~rinc~ at thc Ci~y Hall in Che City af Anahcim on ~pril 11, 1~71, at 1:30 p.m,, notiv~ of said public hear(n~~ haviny br_en duly given as re~~uired by law and in accordance w1[h the provision5 ~f the Anaheim Munitipal Codc, Chap[r.r lti,73, to hcar and consider evidencc for ~ncl ~galnst sai~l prop~scd conditional usc and to investigatr. and make findings anil recornnenJa[i~m in connection therewith; and WHE(?EAS, sai~ Comn,issi~~n, aftcr due inspection, invesCiga[ion and s[udy made by i[,elf an~ in i[s behalf, an~f after duc conslderation of all eviJence and repor[s offcred a[ said heariny, docs fincf and determine [he followinq facts: 1, Tha[ [he pr~~posed use is properly one for vrhicii a condi[ional use perni[ 15 authori~ed by knalieim Municipal Cqdc Sec[ion lo.G1.0~~.27~, to wit: permit metal processing and refiniric~ in the ML (II~UUSIRIAL, LIMITED) ZOHE. 2. That thc pro~osed u;c is hereby 9ranted for a period of two (2) years, subjec[ [o review and cons'elcration for possible time extensions exceeding said two- year tin~c limi[ upon wrlttcn requcst by [hc peti[ioner; and subject [o the stlpulation of [hc peti[ioncr that the metal processln9 and refini~, will be limi[ed to gold, silver, platinum, cop~er and nickel to be supplleJ in the form of sheet, wire and strip to the jewelry manufacturing (ndustr~. 3. That the peti[ionr,r s[ip~lateJ to maintainin~ a sound level not to exceed b~ dbA, as measured at thc propcrty lines. 4. That the petieiuner indicated th~t all equipment used in co~jun~tion wlth thc prupose~l usc wlil hav~• Air Pollu[ian Control D(s[rict approval. ~. Tliat cht pro~ns~~~l us~~ wili not aJversely affect the adjoininy land uses and the growth and Jev~.lopment of che area fn which i[ is proposed lo be located. 6. That [hc s i tr_ an~l ,hape of thc s I tc proposed for Cl,e wc i s adequa te to allow thc full Jevelopment of thc proposed usc in a manner no; de[rimental to the particular arca nor to thc pca~:e, hcalth, safecy, and general wclfarc of tlie Citizens of Lhe C(ty of Anahcim. RESOLUTION t10. PC77-91 J. That th~ 9r~niing of Chc ~~nditional Usc Permit under the conditions imposed will not te de[rin~n[ai [o the peace, hc~ltn, safe[y and general welfare of [he Citizens of [he City of Anaheim. $. That no one indicated their presente at said public h~aring in opposicion; and Ch~t no c~.rrespondence ~as received in o~posi;.ior to the subject petition. EtJVIR0I~MENTnI I?1Pf,CT FII~DIi~G: That Lhe Director uf Che Planninu Uepar[m~nt has de[ermined that tiie p,-L~rosti•d actiwity falls wi'[hin the definition of Section 3.0'., Class I, of the Cit.y of F\naheim Guideiincs to th.~ Rcquiremen[s for an Environmental Impact Repvr; and is; iMerefore, categoricaliy exempt fr~m the requirement to file an EI(t. H05l, THEP,EfORE, BL I> HE';~~OL"JEU :naz [fsE+ ~naheim City Planning Ca~unissi4n does hereby yrant suhjec.t Petition fo? Ccr,clii+nnal Use Pr.rmit, upon thc followfng conditions which are he~reby fcund Lc -5e ^ r~ccssary prerequisi[c to the proposed usc of thc subjec'~ ~;:'~~~;crty ir, ar~lr_r to prescrv~s the safety and gencral welfarc of the Gitizens of [hc City of Anahcir.~: i. That subject propcrty shall be developed substantially in accordance o-ri[h plans and specificatlons c~~, file ~riih the City of Anahcim markr_d Exnibi[ `1es, i through 3. 2. 7ha[ this conJitional usc {,crmit shall bc yran[cd for a pcriod of two ~2) years, subject [o revi~vr and consiJcration by the Planninq Commission for possible [ime extcnsiuns excerdinr~ said two-ycar [irr~ 'li:ait, upon wri[ten request by thc petitioncr. 3. Tha[ this conditlonal use permi[ shall be yran,ea fcr meCal processing and ref(nin~~ 1(rniteJ to golJ, silver, platinum, copper and nickel, as s[ipulated [o by the ~~eti tioncr. 4. That [hc sounJ qers~roteJ by [hc proposcd usc stiall not exceed 65 dbA as measured ot [he property lincs, as stipulated to by thc p,:titioncr. Tlil FOP.EG01 NG RESOLUTI ON i s s 1~7nr.d and approved by me~ th i s 1 1 th day of April, 1977. ~ CkIA I Rt1AG , ANAH ~ C I TY FLA~1N 1 NG LOHH I SS 101~ l1TTL5T: C/ • ~ .~t~ ~LCRF.Tl1R , ANAHL I M C I l_A~ItI I N, LQMM I 5 I ON 57ATL OF CALIFORNIA ) LOUIITY OF ORANG[ ) ss. C I TY nF AIInHC I r~ ) -7- R[SOLUTIOt~ N0. F'C77-91 I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheir,~ City Plannin~ Commission, do hereby cer[ify ttiat the foregoing resolution was passeci and adopte~ a[ a meeting of the Anahcin City Pla~nin~ Cortmission tieid on April 11, 1977, at 1:30 P.r~., by the follow(ng vote of the members tnereof; AYES: COMnISSI0uER5: 6ARNE5, DAVID~ HEP.BST, Y.I~~G~ TOLAR, JnHN50~1 NOES: LON111SSIOtIERS: ~10NE ABSEt~T: C011MISSIOtJERS: NONF VACAHLY: ON[ SEAT I11 WIT~IESS WHEREOF, I have -iereunto set my hancf this llth :iay of April, 19/7. SECRET,4RY , AtIAHE I M C I TY PLANtI I tl~ LOMH I SS I ON -3- RESOLUTIO~! t~0. PC77-31