PC 77-92~ kCSOLUT101! N0. PL77-y2 A RESOLUTIOII OF THE AtIAHEIH CITY PLAt~tIING COMMISSION RECOMMENDItIG TO THE C1TY COUt1CIL OF T~iE CITY OF ANAHEIM TfiAT P[7lTION FOR RECLASSIFILATI01! ~10. 7~-77-~~6 B[ APPROVED WHEREAS, [he Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification from MAkSiiALL P. STONESTREET, ET AL, lfi3t~ West Lincoln Avenue, llnaheim, California 9=~'~~ ~~+ners) and DEW17T R. At~D Sf11RLEt!!1 BAP.Y,SDALE At1D JACK R. AND LINDA R. TESLER., SO~i t~orth State College Boulevard, Anahcim, California 9230G (Ngents) of certain real proper[y situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~~e, State of California, described as: The Yortherly 300 fcet ncasured to thc center line of Center Street, or Lot 4, as shaan on a map of a par[ of the West half of Lot 9 of Anahcim Extcnsion, as shown on a map of s~.+rvey recorded in book 1, page 53, Records of Surveys, in the or`ice or [he County Recorder of said Orange County; EXC[PTII~G THFREFROH the Eas[crly y7.45 feet; AL50 Ei(CEPTING the Southcrly 35.93 feet thcreof ; ai,J WHL"REAS, thc Ci[y Planning Cormission did holJ a public hcaring at thc Lity Hall in the City of Anaheiio on April 25, 197], at 1:3~ p.~., notice of said publie hearing having been duly yiven as req~ired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1d.03, to hear and consider evidence fur anJ against said proposed reclassification and [o investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection tfierewith; and WH~:REAS, sald Comnission, aftcr du~ ins;~ec[ion, inves[igation and study made by itseif an~ in its bc:half, anJ after due consideration of all eviuence and reports offered at said hcaring, does find ar.d de[crmine the following facts: ~, ThaE ~he petitioncr proposes a reclassificacion of zoning on thc above- dcscribed prope!-[y,, from [he CL (COMNERCIAL, LfMiTEU) ZONE to thc RH-1200 (RESIDEIlTIAL, MUL;'!•f'LE-FA11~LYj ZONE. 2, That the Anahcim Gencral Plan designates the subject property for general comn~rcial/medium Jensity, residen[ial land uses. 3, 7hat the pctitiuncr stipulated to revcrsin,y r_hr~ proposed de,telopment plan to rclocate thc exis[inc~ drivcw+ay to the east side of thc ;roperty to el(minate poten[ial unsafe and conflic[ing left-[urn traffic movements onto and from Lincoln Avenue. q, That the peti[ioner stipulated to installing a"drip" irri9ation system for wa[ering the landscaping in [he proposed bern adjacent to Lincoln Avenue. y, That ihc peti[io~er s[ipulated to submit[inq landscaping ;~lans to the Planning DepartmenC for revicw and approval, ti, 7ha[ the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessa~y and/or desirable for the ordcrly anJ proper aevelopment of the comnunity. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-92 7. That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subjecc property does properly relate to the zones and their perr~itted uses locally established in close proximity [o subject propcr[y and to the zones and thcir permii[eJ uses generally established throughout tlic community. E. That [he proposeJ reclassiFication of subjec[ property requires the dedication and improvecient of abuttin~3 streets in accordance wi[h the Circulation Elenent of the General Plan, due to tlie anticipated increas~ in [raffic which will be gererated by [he intensiiication of land use. ), That n~ ane indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corresponJence was received in oppositien [o the subject petition. EIIVIROIUIEIITAL INPACT FIIJUING: That the <~nahciin Ciey Planning Commission has reviewed [he subject proposa to rec assify the zonin9 fron comnercial to multiple- family residential on approximately 0.> acre of land loca[ed on [he south side of Lincoln Avenue approxinately 2~5 feet wes[ of the centerline of Larch Street, and does hcrcby rcconmend to the City Council of [hc City of Anaheim that a Negative Declaration froin the requireroent to prepare an environoiental inpact report be approved for said projec[ o~ [he basis •h~[ Chere would be no si~~nificant individual or cumulative adverse environaental impact since the Anaheim General Plan designa[es the subject property for conmercial and/or residential land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental elements are involved in the proposal; and that the Initial Study submi[[eJ by the petitioner indicates no significant adverse cnvironmental impacts. The t~egative Declara[ion substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the Officc of the Planning Department. NOW, TNEREFORE, BL" IT RcSOLVCD that thc Anahcii~ Ci[y Plannin~ Coimiission does liereby recommend to the City Council of the Li[y of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title iFi-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude tlie above-described property from the CL (COHMERLIAL, L1111TED) ZONE and to incorporate said described property into [he Rt1-1200 (R[SIUEN7IAL, NULTIPLE-fAMILY) 20NE upon thc followinq condi[ions which are hereby found to be a necessary prereyuisite [o the proposed use of subjcct property i~ order [o preserve [hc safety and gencral wclfare of the Citizens of [he City of A~aheim: i. That the owner(s) of subject property shall decd to thc Ci[y of Anaheim a strip of land 5j feet in ~.ridth from the centerline of cfie stree[ along Lincofn ~venue for strect r+idening purposes. G. That sidewalks sfi~ll be installed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance witfi standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Enginecr. 3. That the owner(s) of subjf:ct property shall pay ta thc City of Anahe3m tlie sum of sixty cen[s (6UC) per front foot alony Lincoln Avenue for tree planting purposes. 4. That street ligfitin; facilities along Lincoln Avenue shall be installed as ;equireJ by [lie Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with s[anJard specif'scaCions on fi4e in the Office of [he D'+rector of 4ublic Utlllties; or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheirn, sfiall be posted with the City to guarnnLee the installation of the above-rtiencioned requirements. -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-92 5, That subject propcrty sl~al! be served by underground utilities. 6. That draina~e of subject propcrCy siiall be Jisposed of in a manner satisfactory to Lhe City Enginccr. 7. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to [he City of Anaheim thc appropriatc park and recreation in-lieu fees as detcrmined to be appropriate by thc City Council, said fecs to be paid at thc time the building permii is issued. 8. That fire hydrants sholl bc installed and ctiargcd, as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, prior to commencement of structural framing. 9. That appropri~[c water assessment fees, as determined by the Director of Public Utilities, shall be paiJ to [tic City of Anatieim prior to thc issuance of a buiiding pcrmit. 10. Tliat a"drip" irrigation sys[em sh~ll be installcd for watcring of the proposed berm odjacent [o Lincoln Avenue, as stipulated to by the petitioner. I1. That landscaping plans sti~ll be submittcd to the Planning Department for revlew and approvai prior to the issuancc of building permi[s, as s[ipulated to by th~ pctitioner. 12. That the propos~d dcvelopment plans shall bc revcrsed in ord~er to relocate Lhe proposed driveway access to the east side of the property, as stipulated to by thc peti[ioncr. 13. Prior to [he introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1, 3 and 4, above-mentioned, shall be completed. Thc provisions or rights granted by thii resulu[ion shall become nul! and vold by action of the Ci[y Council unless said condi[ions are complied witti within one ye~r from the date hcreof, or such furthcr [imc as [hc City Council may grant. 14. Tha[ Conditlon Nos. 2, ~, 6, 10 and 12 above-men[ioned, shall be complied wi[h prior [o f(nal building and zoning inspec[ions. TliL FORf~01tIG RE:SOLUTI01~ is signed and approved by me this 25th day of April, 1977. ~ CHAIRMAW, N HEIM TY PLANUItJG COMMISSION ATTEST: GL~Lc-c~c-e~~~ j~ SECRETARY, ANAf1Ll11 CITY PLANI~ING C011M155101~ STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~JTY OF ORAI~G~~ ) ss. CITY OF A1IANEIi1 ) '3' RESOLUTION i~0. PC77-92 ~e I, Patricia B, Scanlan~ Secretary of the Anaheim Ci[y Pianning Commission, do tiereby certify tliat tfie foregoing resolution was passed and adopted ai a meeting of the Anaheim Ci[y Planning ~ommission lield on April 25, 1??;, at 1:30 p.m., by ttie following vote of the mem5ers thcreof: AYES: COMM15510NCR5: DARtIES, UAVID, KII~G, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS; fIERBST, JOfiNS01J ABSEI~T; COMMISSIONERS: UoIJE VACANCY; ONE SEAT IN WITtlE55 WNEREOF, I liave hercun[o set my hand this 25th Jay of April, 1977. ~~~~t-~-J .B ~~c~G~r ~./ SECRE ~ ARY, ANAHr_ I11 C I TY PLA~1t~ I liG COI1F115510t1 -4- RESOLUT1b' N%3. PC77-92