PC 77-95RESOLUTI0~7 f10. PC77-95 R[S~LUTIOW OF THE AI~IAHEIH CITY P4Af~NING CCMMISSION T!!AT PETITIOt~ r0i; VAftIn.11CE N0. 292~' EiE. GRA~~TEO WflEREAS, khe Anaheim City Planniny f,unmission did receivc a verified Petition for tiariance frum JF,~tFS M. Af7U M11'~10'! R. i:EELER ANU JOHN 4J. AtiU Kd:RRY D. KEELER, P. 0. Box 631, /'inaheim, California y2U05 (Ownersj and Ellf[t~E SEILHAtI, 1700 North Temple, •,~102, Anaheim, ~alifornia 92f;Db (Agent) oiF cerCai~ real property situated in the Cit•~ of /#nahcim, County of Oran9e, State of California, describcd as: That pos'tic~n of tfi~ Sou.he~st quarter of [he Sou[Eiwest quarter of Sectinn 9, in Township 4 South, Range 10 llest, as sha~n on a rr,ap recorded in book 71, page 7 of Nisc~llaneous Mapc, recr,rds of Orange County, California, described as beginning at a point in the center linc t~f the is0 rooi hioh~:ay as c~nveyed to the State of Galifornia, by deed recor~ic~ January 17, 1935 in bool: 7L~i, pagc 3$Q of ~ffecial ftec~rds~ distant [hereon 3~0 ieet Eas[erly from Lhe ~ntersectifln of said center line with the Wes2 line of the SoutF~eass quarter of the 'Souttiw~st quarter of said Sec2ion ?, and r~~nnin9 thence Easterly alonc said center line 100 'feet; the~ce Northerly paralle~ witl~ thc 41est line oE said Souiheast quarter to the Southvresterly line ~~f Lh~: land described as Parcel >, in the notice af lis pendens, recordcd November 10, 1~~2 in 6ook 1170, page Iti4 0'~ Officia! ~tecords; [hcnce Westerly along said S~utha~estefly linc to a li~c whic~ is para9lcl hith the SJest li~e of said Sot~*_hea.t c{uarter extenJiny thr~u~h tnc point of beginniny; thence ~ouxherly aiong said last mentioned paral~e{ llne to the poini of beyinning; and NHER~AS, the City P'lannin~ Cormnission did hoiJ a public hcaring at the City Hall 6n the City of Anaheir,i on April 2~, Iy7J, at 1:30 P•m•, notice of said public hearing having becn uuly given as rec~uired by law and in accoruance with the provisions of the Rnaheim Municipal CoJe, Cha~+ter 13.0;, to hear and consider evidence for and a,yainst saiL proposed variance and [o inves[igate and make findings and recormendations in cannectiun therewitli; ,jnd tiJHERC~4S, sai~i Gommiss+on, aftcr clue insp~ction, investiyation and study made by itself and in uts b:.half, and afier due consideration of ali evidence and reports r~ffereu at said hearing, does find ~and determine the following facts: 1, Th~t [he peC':ioner propases Che fcllowirg waivu~r from [he Anaheim t1unicipal Code~. [o establish an automotiu~: pain[in, Tacili[y in the CG (COMMERCIAL, GEIIERAL) ZOIIE : SEC710t1 lki.4y.02Q - Permitted uses. (Auto painting not permitted) 2, T~iat [he proposed use ~,s hereby granted for a period of three ~3) years, subject to review an~ c~onsideration for possible time extensions, said review period being in order to determine wh,eti~er thc proposed use has bee~ de[rimental to surr•ounding land uses. RESOLU710t~ N0. PC77-95 3, That Lhe petitia:~er stipulated to submitting a cU~rrent and correct parkiny plan for tt~c subject property, said plan to denonstrace [Mat the parking is in compliance with Code requireincnts an~ does not require the backd~g out of vehi_les onto Hanchestcr A~venue. 4. That ihe petitioner stipulated tha[ the propos~d use wouid consist prirr.3rily uf thc p.aintinc of vsns{ w~ith [he majority of td~e busiress beir,y secured from rar dcalcrships; anu That [he floor area of thP business ~•~nuld not be expanc~ed but hould remain as specificd on the submittad plans. ~. Tha~[ there are excep2iunal or exlraordinary circumstances or coneiitions applicable to the proper~ty involved or to ihe intended use of the ~roperty that do not apply g~enerally to the propcrty or class of use in tne samc vici~~ity and zone. G. That the requested variance is necessary for ihe preservation and enjaymen[ o` a subs[a~cial propcrty ric~hi pa55e55ed by o[her proper[y in the same vici.nity ~nd zone, and denled co the propcrty in qi~estian. /. That the requestc:d variance a+iil not b~ matcrially dctrinentai t~ the peblic welfarc or injurious [o thc propcrty or inpsoverr~nts in such vicinity and zo~e in which tlie property is loca[ed. 8. That na one inJicated their s~resence at said public hearin9 in oppositivn; ond Lhat n~ ecrre5pondcnce was rc~ceive~l in 'opposition to the subjeFi petltion. F:1IVIROilMENTK~ i?'.PACT Fa11JI~iG: That 2he Director of [he Planning Department has determ ned thaC the prupused activity falls 1J'ICfllfl the de`inition of Section 3,01, Llass 1, afi the Cicy of Anahci~l Guidelines tu the Requirr_nnents for an EnvironnenYal ~mpact Repar[ and is, [hcrefore, c.a[ege~rically exen;pt from the requirement to file an EIR. NCW, T{{CRCFOkL, UE 1'i RESOLVEU that thc Anahcim Li[y Planning Comnission does hereby ;rant subject Petition for Vari~nce, upon the following concNitions which are hereby found to be a nec~ssary prerequisite to [h~ proposed use of the subject property in ordcr to prescrvc tiic safeey anJ y~neral well~arc of [hc CiKhzens ~f the City of Anahcim: 1. That sidewall;s sh~i! be installed as rcyuired by [i~e City Engineer and in accordar~ce with s[andard plans ~~nJ specifica[ions on fil~e in the 9ffice of the Lity Engineer. 2. 7tiat tras,~ stvraye areas siial! be provTded in accordance with approvr.d plans on Filc wi[h the Office of the Direc[or of Pubtic blorks. 3, That appropriate water as5c:fsment fe.es, as determined by the Directo,r of Public Utilities, shall be paid to [he Ci[y of Anaheim prlor to the issuance of a buildiny perrnit. 4. That an "up-io-~late" parking plan, indicat~nc~ ChaL ttie existing on-site parking is in compliance with Cadc ~requir~ments, shall Ue fiteJ with the Planning Uepartment for review and approval, as stipulated [o bY the ~ctitioncr. y. That subject proper[y sF~ail be de:veloped subsL~ntially in aGCOrdance with plans and spccifica~ians on tile wi[h [he City of Anahcim marked Exhibit N~. 1. _Z- RESOLllTION N~. PC77-95 6. That Conditi~n t~os~ 1, 2, 4 and 5, above-m~n~io~~d, shall be comp]'ied with p~Tpr tc final building and zoni~g inspections. 7. Th:yi this var~ancc shall be grantc,.l f~r a Feriocl of ih,ree {3) years, subjeeY to review and cunsideraxion by th~ Planni.o~ Com ission for possibie tim~e extensions, upon e~ritten request by t}~e petitioncr. THE FOF;EG~II~G RESOL.UTtnf~ is signed and appr~oved 5y r~e ~:fi+s 25th day of Aprii, a977. ~ `m'`~ CIIAI Rf4A1~ , ANA M C I TX P~ANt~'I,IJG CON111 SS I Ot~ ATTEST: U~~~~~ SL~:RETARY, AiIANEIM'CITY PI.ANNIJ~G ~Oi•iMISSt•'3H STATE OF CAL I FORIJ I A} COUt~TY OF ORAI~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE111 ) (, Patricia [t. Sw nlan, Secretary of the !'~naheim Lity Planning Comnhssion, do hereby certify that thc foreguin~ r~sol~~tion w~s passed and adopted at a meeting of [hc Anaheim City Plann~ny Commi~sian held un April 2~, 1°77, at 1:30 P.m., b•{ [he follo~aing vote of tl~c members tl~ereof: AY~S: COM~MI5SIONERS: BP~Rl~ES~ Di1V~ID~ NERB$T~ Y.i11G~ TOLAR~ JOH+IS011 PIOES: C011htI551Gi~ERS: tlOI~E AE~SEI~T: COM1115SlONEP,S: t~OtJE UACANCY: OiJE SEi.T 1977. IN WITI~[SS Ut~th,ktJF, 1 havc hereunto set my hand this ~>th day of Aprii, /.1.~~c.~.aJ/3. ~~~~t-v~.~ S[CRETARY, Af1ANEIM LITY PLAt~N11JG C011kf5510N -3- RESOLUTIOti ta0. PC77-95