PC 77-96~ RESaLdJTiQ'! tlfi. ~C7~-9( A RESAL'UTIOti QF TfIE AIIT,NEIN C1T'f '~i.A!ltit'NG CC3t1fi~SSI~~J Th~I.AT PE71TIdtd Fi)R VARIANCE ii0. "192} l~E UFIlIE~J NI6kF~~AS, [he Anaheim City Plannbr.~ Lam+i.ssi+o~ did receive a verifBed Peti'~~~on 'For tiJariancc from Al1Tit0IlY J, At~d MNRY E. NIE70, 19Sc 4fec~ Chanticieer Road, Anaheim, ~Cali1`ornia 92c;04 (Owners~ of ccrtain real properr_y s+t~ra[c~ irt [he City df As~aheim„ Covntv af I~range, St~te of California, ~desLrit~~d ~~s: Lot ~1 o'f iract 3b~2, as per map recor•~ic•d in baok i~r'v,, pag~~.s 2G ~o 2w inc'lus~i~re, Miscciiaacovs llaps. in thr. q~(fice r~f Rhe Coun[y ke~pxder ~o~f ;~i~i Oranyc County; anc: WNLi~Lq'S, thc City Pianninr_, Commission ~)id hoid ~ p~blic hea.•ing at r.he Ci'cy 19a1'I in the C,~ty of Anaiieirn crn Aprii 2~, 1,+,77, at 1:30 p,m,, no[ice i~,'• said pubbic hea ri ng hav~~ng been deel y y i ven .a , requ i red by I aw and i n acct r,Jance ~Ni tM ih~e prbvisiorrs of the Anaheirn 1luniciaal Gode, Cha~tcr 1b,03, to hcar and cons+der evidence for ana sgainst said pru~uscd variancc and io Snv,es[igate ana make find'args and recort~nendations i~ connec[ion r,herewi[!~; an~ ~~lF{~~.[A5, ;aid Gon;missiorr, aftcr due inspec[ion, investigat.ion ard stUdy made by itself and in its beh„lf, and aft~~r due cor~sideration of all evidenc~ and reports off~ere~i at said h~aring, dor; find an~ deterrir.i thc ft~llowing facts: 1. That ttze p~ti;ioner pro~+oses th~ fallc~~ainy waivers fro.n the Anaheim Hun4c(p.a~ C~ade, to ccar~struct a ti~re~-room adui[ion to a resi~en[ial structure in ~he n5-7'100 Torn~e: a. SCCTI01: i~.2~.!;b?_,p21 - Haximun r-ear yard coveraqe. - .^^ ~;; pcrmi [tcci; ~SUti ~roposed) ~u. SECTION i'B.GG.Ou;.03~ - Minimum rear ard se[back. 10 eet required; ~ proposed) 2. That thc abov.;,.-~entioned waivers are hereby denied on the basis tha[ the pe[itioner ui~ noL dena~stra[e thaC K~ h~rJsfi~p Yrou1d be created if said waivers were not grae,ted; that the proposc:d use wnu1J er~croack~ into the privacy of surrouneiing neiyhbors; and, furti~crr~ou~c, that therc are alternatc me[hods o'F expandiny ti~e e;cisCing resi~ential structure in ccxnpliance with Zoninn Code stanslards. ~. That [hcre are no r.xceptic~nal car extramrdinary circunstances or cenditians applicab]e to [he property involver~ or [o Che intendeci usc oi the property ['hat do nut appiy ye+,crally to the ~ro?cr[y ~~r class of use in [hc same vtcinity and zone. 4. That [he requeStuJ variance is not necsssary for the preservation and enjnyment o7 a subs[~ntial propcr[y rtght possesseu by other property +n the samc vicini[y and tonc, and ~enir_d to the property in ques2i~n. RESOLUT{Otl t~0. PC77-96 w `~i ~, Tr~~: 2h~ rc.~~ui:st~:u v~riance wi i 1 ~~R cnarerial ly c~etrimen[al *o the publ'ic welfare or inj~.riea~s tra 'tne property or inprovenents in such vicinity and zone in wt~dch [he ;pro~erty is locat~~d. G. That ti~r~e (j) ~ersons ~~ppcarcd, rcprescn[ing four (4) persons present at ssid public t~earit~, 6r3 o'ppos~tian, and tnat rro c~rresponuence was received in o~position to thc subject peiition. E91VIP,~t1;tE!iT~0.'L 1~1PACi F117DIt,G: Tf~at thr: i~i,recto.r of the Planniny Uepartnent has ~fe[ermined tt~at the proposcd activvty fails wichin [he definition of Section 3.01, Giass 1, e.f che City of Anah~im Guid_lines to the Requirements for an Envir~nme+-~;:i Impact Report anJ is, Ll~erefore, categorically exempt from tti~. requ.ircrnent to file an EIR. t70W, 7ilEFeEFGRE, 4[ IT RESOLVEu tha[ t~je ~naheim City Planniny Commisston does hereby deny suvjcet Petition fo.r Va~i~ncn on thr_ basis of ti~c afor~mentioneJ findinys. THE• FOREGpI~:G RESOLUTlOId is signed and approv4-.d by me [his 2y[h day of April, 1977. ~ ~ C ifi11 RMAN ,,1r~A I N S 1 TY L,t~t7 11~f C(1H!•1 SS f 0~I A7iE5T: ~~~~~/-~• ~~...ea,~~ SECRE•1'ARY, AIJ,1HE111 C17'Y' PLI~IitJIHG G011MISSiO'~ STATE OF CALIFOft111A ) COU-JTY OF ORAIIGE ) ss. ZITY OF AUAIiCihi ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan~ Secretary of the Anaf~,eiri City Planning Lomnission, do hereby certify tha[ th~ forcyoing resoiution was passed and adopted at a meeting of thc Aciahcim Ci[y Ptanniny Canrnission hcld r~n April 25, ~g77, at 1:i0 p.m., hy the Following vote of the mcrnbers thcreof: ~14'ES: COM1115510ti[R5: EIARtJES, Dl,VlG; HEE:85T, f:IttG, TOLAR, JONNSOt! Iti4ES: GC`t!Y,iSSiCNEF.S: ~i4tlC 1~l3SEtiT: C•~MMd551G~atRS: NOt~E VACItt~CY; OtlE SE~T 1977. IN WITI~LSS WI;Ef;EQF, I have hereu;~to set my hand this 7.5th day ~f April, U~-~c~c.e~.~ ~ ~~ CR ~ R, !1 t~APlll I t! Ohft9 SS I ON -2- RESG~UT10~2 N0. PC77-9~