General (12)Jennifer L. Hall From: Danny Allen < Sent: Monday, January 10, 2022 1:15 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Ted White; City Manager; Trevor O'Neil; avelino@avelinovalencia.com; Jose Diaz; Jose Moreno; Gloria S. Ma'ae; Stephen Faessel Subject: [EXTERNAL] State HCD letter RE: Grandma's House if Hope Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. ISSUES WITH STATE HCD LETTER TO ANAHEIM GRANDMA'S HOUSE OF HOPE (GHH) ❑ State HCD letter to the city is so overstated there are only two interpretations: o The City's planning process is seriously flawed OR o HCD is wrong ❑ HCD says the City of Anaheim is incompetent and doesn't know the long- standing law regarding transitional and supportive housing o Why has the City processed CUPs for these homes for years if they were not allowed? o How do other cities process these? o Why has GHH already processed and approved 6 CUPs for these homes in Anaheim if they didn't need to? ❑ We are not aware of any similar sized city in California that has done more for the homeless and disadvantaged communities o What are other similar sized cities doing? o Anaheim needs to summarize and highlight the outstanding resultsthat have been produced regarding: + Section 8 Low Income Rental Units (more per capita than other cities) + 2 homeless shelters + Huge number and saturation of group homes + Number of affordable housing units ❑ This letter represents HCD's interpretation of the law o What is the City's interpretation of the law? o How are other cities interpreting the law? o Is this the first transitional/supportive housing CUP denied by the City? ❑ HCD is threatening Anaheim (and other cities) regarding local land use. Anaheim is one of the few cities that has the resources to fight back to save our neighborhoods. o Has the city done all that it can to influence HCD? + Form a coalition with other cities? + Talked to our legislators to change the law through the legislative process? + Considered legal action? ❑ GHH (and other transitional home businesses) are now empowered tocommercialize our neighborhoods and put mental health facilities of any size in any neighborhood of our city o Don't you find it odd that the City has approved 6 CUPs for GHHand the very first denial they get is immediately red flagged to the state and may cause substantial financial liability to the City? o Did City staff talk to HCD in advance of receiving the letter dated 12/14/21? ❑ We are asking you to take a stand now because we don't have a choice. o If HCD has its way, there will be businesses operating in every neighborhood of Anaheim - including yours. o Please don't surrender our local control to bureaucrats in Sacramento. Sent from my iPhone N