PC 79-10RESOLUTION N0. PC 79-10 RESOLUTION OF THE AtJAHEtM CITY PLANNINr, L0~IMISSION TNAT PETITION fOR VARIA~ICE N0. 3072 BE GRANTED NHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dld receive a vertfled Petitlon for Variance from ELMER C. AND JAttETTE M, HENDRICM.S, HQJAVA BUILDERS, INC.~ 27~iG West Stonybrook Drive~ Anaheim~ California 924n4, oMmers of certaln real property situated in the Ctty of Anahelm, County of Orange, State of Cal(fornia descrtbed as: PARCEL 1: Lot 1~ of Tract No. 2876. as shown on a Map recorded in book 37, pages 46 and 47 of Mtscellaneous Haps, records of Oranae Cou~ty, Californi~. PARCEL 2: That portion of Mac Duff Street adJacent to Lot 10 of Tract No. 287G, as shown on a Map recorded in book 87, pages 46 and 47 of Hiscellaneous Maps, records of Orange Councy. California bounded as follows: Northerly by the Easterly prolongation of the tangent portton of the Northerly line of sald Lo[ 10, Eas[erly by the Center ltnc of sald Mac Duff Street; Southerly by the Northerly line of Loc C of satd Tract No. 2376~ and Uesterly and Sou[herly by the Easterly and Northeasterly Iines of said Lot 10. PARCEL 3: The Wes[ ha~f of l.ot C of Tract No. 2R76, as shown on a map recorded in book d7, pages 46 and 47 of Miscellaneous Haps~ records of Orange Loun[y, Cal(fornia. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisston did hold a publfc hearir.g at the Clty Hall in the City of Anaheim o~ January 15~ 1~79~ at 1;;~ p,m., notice of sald public hearing having been duly gtven as requtred by law and in accordance with the provisions cE the Rn~heim Munic(pal Code, Chapter 18,03~ to hear and consider evidence for and a9atnst said proposed varlance and to investtgate and make findings and recommendatlons in connection thereNith; and WHEREAS, saTd Cor,misslon, after due tnspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf~ arid after due consfderation of al) evldence a~d reports offered at said hearing~ does find and determine che following facts: 1. That the petltioner proFoses a waiver of the followfng to construct a garage and screert wall: SECTIO~~ 18.26.063,010 A!ID 18,26.OE3.0111 - MtnTmum front setback. cet requ re ; iTi and 20 feet proposed) ~2) That the above-mentioned Haiver is hereby granted to alloN a 10-foot high screen wall to be setback 16 feet and to allow a front-on garage to be setback PC79-10 20 feet. on the basis [hat the petitloner der+onstrated a hardship exlsts in that otfier residences and garages in the area have setbacks similar to the proposal and that denlal Nould deprive subJect property of a privilege being cnJoyed by other properties tn thc samc zor,e and vicinity. 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to thc property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally [o the property or class of use in the zane vicinity and zone. 4. That thc requrstcJ varlance is necessary for ctie preserva[ion and enJoynent of a substantial property right possessed by other proper[y in the same viclntty and zone, and denied [o the property in question. 5. That the requested variance NI11 not be r.wterially dctrimental [o the public welfare or injurious to the property or tmprovements in such vicinTty and zone in which the property Ts located. 6. ThaC no one indicated thetr presence at sald public hearing in opposi[ion; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject pc:ition. EtiYIRONMENTAL IyPACT FIIJDINL: The Planning Director er his authorized representat ve has determ ned that the proposed project falls within thc defie+ition of Categorical Exemptions. tl~ss 5. as deflned in Paragrapti 2 of thc City of Anaheim Environmentai Impact Report Guidelines and is, therefore~ catraortcally exer,pt from thc requirement to prepare an EIR. NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED that the Anaheim Ctty Plannina Commisston does hereby grant subject Fetition for Vsriance, upon the folia+ing conditions ahich are here6y found to be a necessary prerequisite to the p~a~+osed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general r+elfare of the CitTzens of the City of Anahetm; f. That t~ee existfng driveway snaii oe ~emoves anJ repiaced with sfanJat3 curb and gutter and sidewalk. 2. That the abandonment of Mac Ouff Street shall be finalized prtor to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That subJec[ property shall be developed substantTally tn accordance with ptans and spectfications on file with the Clty of Anahetm mar~.ed ExhtbTt Nos. 1 [hrough 4. 4. That Conditlon Nos. 1 and 3. above-mentloned~ shall bc complled with prior to flnal buitdtng and zoning inspectlons. BE IT fURTHER RESOLYED that the Anaheim City PlannTng Commission does hereby find and determine that adoptTon of this Resolut(on is expressly predicated upon applicant's complla~ce Wlth each and all of the condT[lons heretnabove set forih. Should any such conditton, or any part thereof~ be declared Invalid or unenfnrceable -2- Pt79-lo by the fina) Judgment of any wurt of competent )urTsdiction. then this Resolution, and any approvals her%in cont~ined. sha1) be deemed nu1) and vold. TNE FOP.EGOIMG RESOlUT10-J is signed and approved by me thts 15ih dsy of January, 1979. t~ n N~ • ~ ~ ~ ~N ~ ~y oN A77EST: 3E'~'E'f~t~. ~H M M ZT~LAI~~- ,~ti T8e STATE OF CALIfORN1A ) COUNTIf OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) 1. Edith L. MarrTs. Secretsry of the Anahetm CTty Planning Ca~mission. do hereby certTfy that [he foregoing resolutlon was passed snd adooted at a meeting of the Mahein City P~anning Caer+isslon held on January 1;. 1!170. st T:;O p,n.,~ by the follo~+in9 votc of the members tnereof: AYES: CO't'115510'IE45: BAfINES. BUSHORE. DAY10~ HER2ST~ J^N'i50N. K11~5. TOLa? NOES: CO'+yISSIOHERS: N04E ABSEhT: CO~.ti15SInnERS: NnnE ~n-- IY MITNESS WHEREOF~ I Aave hereunto set n+y Mnd chis lSth day of Janusry~ ~~ ~~ti~~.~.~~ ' k its ~ LrldR k K~S ~('ii~ -3- rc~s-~o