PC 79-107RESOLUTlOH ~10. PC79-107
t1HEREAS, thc Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission did reccive a verifted
petition for Reclassillcation from BROOI;HUR57 SHOPPING C[tJTER, 2293 ~Jest Ftall Road.
Anahein, California 928~34, owner, and FRED KI2JGD0!!, PACFSETTER HONES, 4§up Campus
Orive, Ner~port deach, California ~26bn, a9ent, of certaln real property sltuated in
the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as fotlows:
Parcel 13, in the City of Anaheim~ as shown on a nap filed In book
1~, page 30 of Parccl Haps, In thc Officc of [hc County Recordcr
of s~id Orange County.
WHEREAS, the City Planning Lorx~ission dtd hold a public hsaring at thc Li[y
Hall in the City of Anaheim on June ~~, 1979. at i:3n p,m.. notice of said public
hearing liaving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the
provisions of tt~e Anahcin Nunicipal Lode. Chaptcr 1P,03, to hcar and consider
evTdence for and agafns[ said proposcd reclassification ancl to investigate and make
findtngs and recocmendations in connection therewitfi; and
NIIEREAS, saiJ Com ission, after due inspection, investigation and study nade
by itself ~nd in its behalf, and after due consideratio~ of ali evidence and reports
offered at said hearin9, docs find and determinc thc followin9 facts:
1. That the petition~r proposes reclassificatton of subJect propety from
the CL (Camnercial, Llmited) Zone to the RM-3000 (ResidcnLial, Nultipic-Famity) Zone.
2. That thc Anahcim Gencral Plan designates sutJr_ct property for medium-
Jensity residen[ial land uses.
3. That the propose~ reciassifica[ton of subject property ts necessary
and/or desirabic for thc orderly a~d proper devcloament of the community.
4, Tfiat the proposed reclasslftcatlon of subject prooerty does properly
relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally es[abiished in close proxTmity
to subjec[ property and to the zones and thetr perrritted uses generally escabilshed
throughou[ the communlty.
5. That the proposed reclassTficatlon of subject property requTres the
dedication and improvement of abutttng stree[s in accordance r~ith the Ctrculatton
Element of the Generai Plan~ due [o the antictpated increa5e in traffic whtch will be
~enerated by the Tntenstficatton of land use.
6. That 2 persons lndicated their presence at saTd publtc hearing
intertsted tn subject request; and that no correspondence Nas receiveJ 1~ oppos(tion
to the subject petiilon.
Et~VIROI~MENTAL IMPACT FIlIDINf,: That thc Anahetm CTty Planning Crnmisslon has
revlewed the proposa to rec ass y subject property from the CL (LommercTal.
Limited) to thc R`1-3C00 (Resident(al. Multiple-Famify) Zone to establish a 1-lot. 60-
unft condominiun subdivision on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consis[i~g of
approxinately 6.4 acres, having a froncagc of approximatcly 770 fcet on the sou[h
side of Vancouver Drive, haviny a maximum depth of approxtmatcly 3~~~ feet and being
located approximately 535 feet rrest of the centerllne of Brookhurst Street; and does
hcreby approve thc Negative Declaration from [hc requtreme,~t to prcpare an
environnental inpact report on [he basis that there would bc no stgntfica~t
indtvidual or cumulative adverse environmental Impact due to the approv~l of this
Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property
for medium-density residential land uses cor;mensur~tc wtth thc proposal; tfiat no
sensTtivic environmental fmpac[s are (nvolveJ in thc propasal; [hat the Initlal Study
submiticd by thc petitioncr (nd(catr_s no significant individual or cumula[ivc
adversc environmental inpacts; and that thc Hegative Dcclaration substantlating thc
foregoing findings ts on file in thc Lity of Anahcim Planning Department.
~IOU, TflEQEFORE. 4E IT RESOLV[D Lhat thc Anahclm City Planning Lommission
does hereby granc sub,ject Petition for Reclassificatton and, by so doin~, that Title
13-Zoning of the Anahein Huntcipai Code be amended to exclude ihe above-described
property from the CL (COMMERCtAL, LINITED) ZONE and to tncorpor.te said descrTbed
property lnto the RM-3000 (RESIOEtIT~AL, HULTIPLE-fiL".(~Y) ZO~~E upon the following
conditions Hhich are hereby found to be a necessory prerequisite to [he proposrd use
of subject property in ordcr to preservc the safety anci general wclfarc of the
Citizens of thc Ctty of Anahcin:
1. That [he owner(s) of subject property shali deed to che City of Anaheim
a strip of land 30 fcet in width fron the centcrlinc of the strcet along Vancouver
Drivc for scr-et widcning purposes.
2. 7hat sidewal~s sha11 bc instaficd ~long Vancou~cr Drive as required by
the CTty En~ineer and in accordance with standard nlans and specif(cations on file in
thc officc of thc City Engincer.
3. That street llghting facilittes along Vancouver Drive shatl be
installed prior Co final building ~nd zoning inspections~ unless otherwise approved
by thc Dircctor of Puhlic Utili[ics, and tn accordancc with standard specifications
on fTle in the office of the Director of Publfc Utflities; and/or chat 1 bc,n~f,
certificate of deposit, ietter o~ credit, or cash~ in an ~mount and form sattsfactory
to the City of Anaticim, sh~ll be posted wfth the City to guarantee [he installation
of the abovc-nentioned requirements.
4. That the owne~(s) of subJect propcrty sha11 p~y [o thc City of Anahclm
a fee. in an amounc as de[ermined by the City Council, for tree planting purposes
along Vancouver Drivc.
5. 7hac trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on ftle with the office of the Director of Publit Norks.
6. That the existtng trash enclosure on subJect property ~nd used by the
shopping center to the south shall be reloca~ed on the property to the south Tn a
manner satisfactory to the staff of ~he Streets and Sanitation Division prlor to the
issuance of a 6utlding permit for the condonlniums.
-2- PC79-1o7
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7. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged, as requir~d and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Depar[men[, prior to commencement
of structural framing.
tt. That subJect property shall bc served by underground utitit(es.
9. That a 6-foo[ high masonry orall shall be cons[ructed along the west,
south and east property lines.
10. That drainagc of subject property shall be disposed of tn a manner
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
11. That [he owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim
the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined [o be appropria[e by
the City Council, said fees *.o be patd at the timc the building permit is issued.
12. That a modified cul-de-sac shall be constructed at [he terminus of
Mystic Lane subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
13. That the owner(s) of subject properti shall pay the [raffic stgnal
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3a96), (n an anount as determined by the City Council,
for each new dwelling unit prlor to the issuance of a bulidtng permlt.
14. That Condiiion Nos. 1, 3, and k, abave mentioned, shall be ca~nplied
with prior to [he commencement of [he ac[ivity authorized unrler this resolution, or
prior to the tlme that the 6uilding permit is issu,ed, or wi[hin a period o` one year
from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further [ime as the Planning
Commissfon may grant.
15. Tha[ Condition F~os. 2, 5, $, a, 10 and 12, abave meniioned, shall be
comRlied r~ith prior to ffnal building and zoning ~nspectlons.
BE IT FURTtIEP. RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Ccmmissfon does herety
find and determine that adoption of this Resolutlon is expressly predicated upon
applicant's compliance ~aith each and all of the condiLions ~ereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, ar any part thereof, be declared in•~a~lid or unenforceable
by Che finat judgment of any court of competent jurlsdictiun, ~then this Resolutian,
and any approvals herein contained, shall be decmed n~li and vofd,
TNE FOREGOIt1G AESOLUTIOt! is signed and approved by ne this 4th day ~f June,
HA t9 N, ANAH Y PLA ~ tIG COH,`115S I ON
~e~.~ ~°~,,.:.
-3- PC79-to7
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I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ctty Planning Cormisslon, do
hereby certify that the fore9oing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planni~g Cortsmission held on June tt, 1979, by the foitowing vo[e of
the members thereof:
II7 WITt~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set.^~y hand thls ~!th day of June, 1979•
~~ .c • i~
-~+- PC7°-107