PC 79-108t,i '.) RESOLUTION N0. PC79-108 A RESOLUT I ON OF THE ANAHE I M C I TY PLAN~J I t!G CQ141 I SS I ON TIIAT PETITIO!1 FQR COt1DITI0tIAL USE PERMIT N0. 1983 BE GP.ANTED WFIEREAS, the Anahcin Lity Plannirg Commission did receivc a verl`ied °etition for Conditional Us~ Permlt from WALTER A. FRO!1E, JR., 17291 Irvine Boulevard, ~417, Tusiin, Cali`ornia 92680, owner o` cer[ain real property situa[ed in the Ctty of Anahcim, Coun[y of Or:~nge, State af California, Jescribed as: Those porttons of Lots l, 5 and 7 of Tract tlo. 925, as siiown on a Nap recorded In boolc 29, pages 42 to 44 of Hiscell~neous Haps, recorJs of said Orange County, and that portion of tl~e 7hird Class Land allotted to P,. G, de la Riva in the Final Oecrce of Partition o` the Raneho Lanon dc Santa Ana, Case 1'?7C' of thc 17th Judiclal District, recorded February 8, 137~+ in 5oor, 2~, page 158 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles Gounty, Callfornia, descrJbed as follows: Pzrcel i as shown on a P1ap filed in book ~c9, page G of Parcel Maps in [he office of the County Recorder of Oranqr. County, California. Excepting therefrom tha[ portfon thereof included •,vithin the land described Tn deed to Orange County Flooc! Control Aistrict, a body corporate and politic, recorJed July 15, 1~375 in book 1181?, page 330 of Official Records. 17fiEREAS, the Cfty Planning Commission did hold a puhlic heartn9 ac the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 4, 1979, o[ 1:3n p.n., no[ice of said public hearing having heen duly given as requlred by la~r and in accordance with the provisions of thc Anahcim ttunicipal Codc. Chaptcr 1?.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use ancl to investigate and make findings ~nd rec«nmenda[ions in connection r.hereo~ith; ~nJ b11iEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspec[ion, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due cons(deration of all evidence and reports offcred a[ sald hearing, docs `ind and d^tcr^~inc th^ follor;ing fxts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~ahich a conditional use permtt is autliorized by Anaheim hiunicipal Code Section 18.f;1.~50.400 to o~it: to retain existin9 offices in the ~1L(SC) (Industrial, Limited - Scenic Corriclor Overlay) Zone. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's stipulation at the public hearing ta retain the established bus?ness offices o~ to establish similar-types of uses limfted to thc following: nortgage and itnance companies, investmenC security companies. insurance companies - branch or home offices, insurance agencies and brokerage firms, rcal es*_ate investment firms - comnercial and industrial, tftle and escrow companles, attorneys, CPA's, advertising, engineerin9 consulting firms, arcliitects. marketing research, interior decoration, management consultants, accounting ftrms (clerical), [ravel agencies, sales offices, manufacturer's represen[atives, and telephone answeriny servtces. 3. Tha[ the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the graath and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. PC7g-108 i 4, That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use ts adequate to allow the full devclapment of the proposed use in a man~er no[ detrimenCal to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit undcr the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, hcalth, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of [he City of Anaheim. 6, That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the sireets and highways desi~ned and improved to carry the traffic in thc area. 7. That no one indica[ed their presence at said publi~ hearin9 in opposition; and [hat no correspondence was received in opposi[ion to the subject petition. ENVIROtl11ENTAL INPACT fINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposa to retain ex sting offices in the ML(SC) (IndusCrial, Limited - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 8.8 acres, having a frontage of approximaCely 515 feet on ihe south side of La Palna Avenue, having a maximum ~epth of approximately 7P0 feet, being locatcd approximatcly 563 feet west of the centerline of Imperial Highway; and does hereby approve the Negative Declara[ion from thc requirement to prepare an environmental Impact reporY on the basis that there rouid be no signiftcant individual or cumulative adverse environmen[al impact due to the approval of this t~egative Declaratton since the Anahcin Gcneral Plan designates the subject property for general industrial tand uses corriensurate r~ith thc proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are Involved ln the proposal; tha[ the Ini[lai SCUdy submitted by the petitioner InJicates no significant inc+ividual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the t7egative Declaratio~ substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anahelm Planning Department. t~OW. THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLV[D tha[ the Anahcim City Planning Commission does hercby grant subject Peticion for Londitionai Use Permit, upon thc followt~g condiLions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequlstte [o the proposed use of thc subjecL propcrLy in order to presrrve the s~fe~y and ne~eral welfare of the Gitizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That trash storagc arcas shall be provided ~rithin 90 days ~f approval of this permit in accordance o~tth approved plans on file with the office of [he Director o` Public WorF:s. 2. That the ow~er(s) of suhject property shall pay the difference between the industrial and commercial office trafftc signal assessment fees (Ordinance No. 3896) for that portion of the building devoted to office uses, in an amoun[ as deternined by the City Council, within 30 days of approval of thls permit. 3. That the proposeJ offices shalt comply with alt signing requirements of the ML (Industrfal, LimiteJ) Zona. 4. That subject property shatl be developed substantially i~ accordance with plans and specificatfons on flle with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. -2- PC79-t OEi _ _.__. .. , ~' ; . ~ ~ ~ 5. That Condition Plo. 4, above mentioned, shall be compited with prior to [he commencement of the activity authorized under this resolutton, or prior to the time that the building permit (s issued, or withfn a period of one year fro~ date hereof~ aihichever occurs ftrst, or such further time as the Planning Commisston may grant. BE IT FURTNER RESOLVEO tliat the Rnahelm City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutlon is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance o~tth each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditian, or any part thereof. be declared invalid or unenforceable by the finat judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemAd null and void. TNE FOREG01":G RESOLUTION is signed a~d approved by me this 4th day of June, 1979• H I NAt~, A~lAH IM TY PLANtlI~IG C011MISSION ATTEST: ~~ ~° ~~ SECRETARI~AlIANE IM C I fY LAHH I IJG C011M1 SS 10~1 STATE OF CALIFORtIIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A~IAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anat~etm Lity Planning Com ission, do hereby ccrtify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted a[ a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 4, 1979, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMM15510NER5: BARNES, BUSNORE, 6AVID, HERflST~ JOHIISON, KING, TOLAR NOES: LOMHISSIONERS: NO~IE ABSENT: COMIIISSIONERS: tJONE IW WITNE55 WHEP,EOF, i have hereun[o set my hand this 4th day of June, t979• ~~,~rl_ ~i• ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAtlNING COMl11SSIOt7 -3- PC79-t08