PC 79-114RESOLUT10~7 N0. PL79-1~4 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNtNG CO~IMISSION TIIAT PET IT 10~1 FOR RECLA551 F I CAT I Otl N0. 78-79-~+6 BE GR/1tITED. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a vcrtfied petition for Reclassification from CITY OF AfIAHEIM, 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California 92805. agent of certai~ real propcrty situated in the Lity of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Beginning a[ an angle point in the existing C1ty limit line of the City of Anaheim, said angle point being the Northwesterly terminus of the course described as "~lorth 3F° 2~' S5" West 25•00 feet" in the Anaheim Hills ~lumber t~ Annexatlon to the Ci[y of Anaheim; thence, along said City limit line Southeasterly, Easterly and Northeastcrly along the general Southcriy and Southeas[erly line of said City limit line as established by Anaheim Hills Annexation Numbers 4, 11i, 9. 12. 27. 16~ 13 and 15 to the City of Anahein co the Southcasterly tcrminus of thc course described as "South 35° 33' 12" East 381.37 feei" in said Anaheim Hilis No. 15 Annexation; thence, along said course North 35° 33' 12" West 0.68 feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of the Southern California Edison Company right-of-way described as Parcel 1 in Document recorded in Book 8321+, Page 19 of Offictal Records of said Ora~gc County; thence, leaving said City limit line and along said Easterly line Nor[h 46° 1R' 13" East 45.62 fee[, North 0~ 49' 35" East 1340.79 feeL and North 1° 30' 16" West ~852.61 feet to the Southeasterly corner of [hc Southern Californla Edison Company right-of-way described in a document recorded in Book 95°8, Page 893 of Official Records of said Or~,nge County; thence, alon9 the Easterly line of said right-of-way North 1° 30' 16" West 1802.17 feet and North 23° 17' 35" East t546.b2 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of Parccl 1 as shown on maps recorded April 16, 1973 in Statc Nighway Hap Book No. 8, Pages 30 through 42, inclusive, records of said Orange County; thence, atong said Northerly line North 78° 49' 19" East 822.58 fee[ to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius of l390.00 feet; thence, continuing along said Northerly line through a central angle of 14a 12' 37" along the arc of saTd curve Easterly 220.74 feet to the boundary line of State Htghway No. 91 described as Parcel C2616-i (Amended) tn a document recorded in Book 9431, Page 519 of Official Records of said Orange County; thence, along said boundary line North 81° 52' 12" East L70.28 feet [o a point on a non-tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius af 700.00 feet, a radlal line of said curve to said poini bears North 4~ 15' 10" Wes[; thence, continuing along said boundary and said curve through a central angle of 29~ 05' 21" along the arc of said curve Easterly 355.39 feet; thence, continuing along satd boundary linc South 65° OQ' 49" East 253-5~ Pc79-~~k feet to [he beginning of a tangent curve, concave Plortherly and having a radius of 600.00 feet; thence, continuing alo~g said boundary line [hrough a central angle of 530 5~~' 24" along the arc of said curve Easterly 564.51 feet; thence, contlnuing alon said boundary tine 1lorth 60° 55' 47" East 15.0~ feet and south 29$ 04' 13" East 130.00 feet to the aforementioned Northerly iine of Parcel 1 of State Highway Map Book ~to. 8, Pages 30 through 42, inclusive; thence. alon9 said Northerly line North hlo 06' 20" East 18tf.39 feet to the aforementioned boundary of State Highway No. 91 descrfbed as Parcel C2615-1 (Amended); thence, along sald boundary line Morth 25° 42' 13" West 96.42 feet and North 13° 11' 08" West 60.85 feet to the be9fnning of a tangent curve, concave Southeasterly a~d having a radius of 150.00 feet; Thencc, continuing along said boundary line and said curve through a central angle of 79° 55' 43" along the arc o` said curve Northeasterly 2~9.25 feet; thence, conttnutng along saTd boundary line tlorth 56° 44' 35" East 539•49 feet and North 83° t~i' 37" East 344.72 feet to the aforementioned Northerly line of Parcel i of State Nighrray Map Book No. B, Pages 30 through lF2, inclusive, said point being on a curve, concave Southerly and having a radlus of 540.00 feet, a radial line of said curve throuyh satd poin: bears Horth 12° 15' 14" Vest; thence, alona said Northerly line through a central angle of 13° 36' 15" along the arc of said curve [asterly 128.22 feet; thence, continuin9 along said t7ortherly line South 88° 39' 03" East 36k•90 feet to the beginnina of a[angent curve, concave Southwesterly and having a radtus af ~+7°Q.00 feet; thence, continuing along said Northerly line through a central a~gle of 20° 2~' 46" along the arc of said curve Southeasterly 1713.50 feet to [lie Northeasterty line of the parccl of land shown on the map ftled in Book 11, Page 24 of Records of Surveys of said Orange County, said line has a bearing and distance as shown an said map as "South 24° 55' ~+5" East 933.10 fce["; thencc, along said North~asterly li~c South 24~ 07 1~" East ?23.69 fcct to the most Easterly corner of said parcel of land; thence. along the Southeasterly line of said parcel of land South 63° 51' 05" llest 2?99.1i6 feet; thence, leaving said Southeasteriy line South 12° 39' S4" East 105.91 fee[; thence, South 3° 35' 42" 1Jest 1?1.38 feet; thence, South 14° 16' 31" West 523.15 feet; thence. South 140 09' 05" East 241.32 feet; thence~ South 0° it' 42" East 294.00 feet; thence, South 10° 17' SO" West 274.41 feet; thence South i(7° ~5' 20" East 466.19 feet; thence, South 35° 47' S1" East 128.22 feet; thence, South 16° 28' 16" East 484.3° feet;thence South 64° O1' 02" East 512•44 feet; thence, South 20a 19' 40" East 2202.14 feet; thence, South 7~ 31' 26" East 697.52 fee[ to the line shown as "N 26~ 13' S5" w 7098.95 feet." on map filed tn Book 92, Page a of Records of Surveys of said Orange County; thence, alona said line South 26° 13' S5" East 2056.52 feet; thence, South 35° 50' 38" uest 7346.09 feet and South 40° ~6' 46" West 427.3G fect; thence, North 80° 33' 18" West 411?.56 feet to a point In [he boundary linc of the City of Anahetm, California, as established -2- PC79-1~4 by Serrano No. 1 Annexation, said point being in a non-tangent curve, concave Northwesterly with a radius of 300.~Q feet, a radial to said point bears SouCh 35° 17' 18" East; thence, along said boundary the following courses; Northeasterly along satd curve 3.90 fee[ through a central angle of 0° 44' 42". Horth 53 58' 00" East 216.70 feet, and North i0° 27' S7" East 4,56 feet [o the polnt of beginn(ng. Con[atntng an arca of 1238.136 acres, more or less. WHEREAS, the City Planntng Commlssion did hold a pubiic hearing at the City Hail in the City of Anaheim on June 18, 1~79, at 1:30 p.m „ notice of satd public hearing having been duly glven as required by law and in accordance wi[h the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassiftcation and to tnvestigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, satd Corrmission, aftcr due inspection, investiga[fon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due constderation of all evidence and reports offered at sai~ hcaring, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the pr.titioner proposes reciassification of subJect property from the County of Orange A-1 (General, Agrtcuttural District) Zone to the City of Anahetm RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential, Agrfcultural - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone. 2. That the Anahcin Gencral Plan designates subject property for open space. commercial, hillside es[ate, low, and larmedium density residenttai land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification af suhJect property is necessary and/or desirabie for the orderly a~d proper develoExnent of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property does properly rela[e to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subJect property and to thc zones and their permitted uses genr_rally ~stabitshed throughout the communlty. 5. That one person indicated thefr presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was recelved in opposition [o the subJect petition. ENVIRONMEHTAL IMPACT FINDINC: That ihc Anaheim Lity Planning CornmissTon has revTewed the proposal [o rec ass y subject property from the County of Orange A-1 (General, Agricultural District) Zone to the City of Anaheim RS-A-43,000(SL) (Residential, Agricultural - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land conststing of approxtately 1238 acres locaLed southwest and southeast of the Rivcrsidc Freer~ay/Weir Canyon Road Exchange; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from [he requirement to prepare an envtronmental Impact report on the basTs ciwt there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental (mpact due to the approval of this Negative Declaratlon since the Anaheim Generel Plan designaLes the subJect property `or a mixture of apen space, -3- PC79-114 commcrcial~ hillside estate, low and low-medium dcnstty residential land uses commensurate with the proposal; that ~o sensitive envlronmental tmpacts are tnvolved in thc proposal; that the fnitial Study submltted by thc peti[toner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and tha[ the Negative Dectaration substan:tating the foregoing findings is on fiic in the Ctty of Anaheim Planning Departmen[. NON~ THEREFORE, BE ~T R[SOLVED that the Anahcim City Pla~ning Corm.iisslon does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described propcrty fran the COU~JTY OF ORANGE A-1 (GE~~EFNL. nGRICULTUFAL DISTRICT) ZONE and to incorporate said described property into the RS-A-43,000(SL} (RESIDE~~TIAL. AGRICULTURAL - SCENIC LORRlD~R OVERLAY) ZO~IE uncondittonally. THE FOREGOItJG RESOLUTIOtJ Is signed and approved by e this 18th day of June, ~979. A I tA~~, Al1AHE ~ C I TY PLAN11 I tJG CO'1N I SS I OM ATTEST: ~~,1 ~° ~~ SELRETARY, A~lAHEIM GITY PLANNIt~G GOMHISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORA~IGE ) ss. C ITY OF ANAtIE IM ) I, Edith L. liarris, Secre*_ary of ihe Anaheia Ctty Planning Commisslon, do ficteby ccriify that the fore9oing resolution was passed and adopted at a mccting of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission held on June 18~ 1979. 5Y thc foilo~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMM15514NER5: E2ARt~ES, BUSHORE, HERBST, JOHNSO~l, Kit~fi, TOLAR NOE5: COMHISSIONERS: NONE A85EHT: COMMISSIONERS: DAVID IN 1JIT~IE55 NHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of June. 1979- ~~ ~~ .~~ SECRE~ARY. ANAHEIM CIT LANNING COMMi5SI0N -q- PC79-7t4