PC 79-131RESOLUTI0~1 N0. PC79-131
WHEREAS, Che Anaheim City Planning Cortmission did receive a verified
petition for Reclassification from CITY OF ANAf1EiN. PARY.S AND RECREATIOtd, 630 4orth
Anahelm Boulevard, Anaheim, Californta °2805, owner, and RILCO LO'1PAtdY EN7ERP?ISES.
6032 Lakeview Avenue, Yorba Linda, Lalifornfa 926E6, a9e~t, of cer[afn real property
situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californla, described as
That portion of the Jonathan Waison Tract, as shown on a map filed
in Book 2, page 26-1/2 of Record of Surveys. in the office of the
County Recorder of Qrange County, California; and that portion of
Lot 21, Block 3E, of thc Yorba Linda Tract, as shoY+n on a map
recorded May i7. 1918~ Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange
County; and that portion of the land allotted to Josefa Montalvo
De Serrano, as administratrir, of Leandro Serrano, deceased, as
described in the Final Decrer_ of Partition of the Ra~cho Santtago
Oe Santa Ana, orhtch was entered August 12, 1866 in Eiook B, page
410 of Judgements of the Districi Court of the 17th Judicial
District in and for Los Angeles Gounty, California, described as
follows: Beginnino at the northeasterly corner of the land
described in dr_ed to Orange Unffied Schooi District of Orange
County, recorded October 7, 1965 fn Boo{: 7694, page 771, Official
Records, being a point in that certain boundary line described in
that certai~ a9rcemen[ bctwcen Arthur Lemke and o[hcrs and C. V.
Chambers and others, recorded December 2G, 1951 i~ Eiaok 2267, page
513. Official Records; thence 5 73° 42' 10" W along the northerly
line of said land described in deed to Orange Unified School
District 245.92 feet to the begl~ning of a tangent curve in said
northerly lina, concave northerly havina a radtus o` IOQQ.00 feet;
thence Westerly alona satd curve through a centrai angle of 6~ 46'
27" an arc distance of i1E.23 feet to a line tangent; thence S 80°
78' 31" w along said 11ne tangen[ and along said northcrly line
127.94 feet to a point in the wescerly line of thc land described
i~ decd to C. V. Lhambcrs and others. recorded ApriS 25, 19b6 in
Eook 1404, pa9e ~i65. Official Records; thence t1 g° 31' z3" U along
said westerly line 765.10 fect to the northwesC corner of said
land of Chambers; thence N 6~° 58' ~+7" E along the northerly line
of said land cf Chambers 496.9~ feet to the northerly cerminus of
said boundary line described in said agreement; thence S qO 37'
24" E along said boundary linc 83?.65 feet Yo the point of
NNEREAS, the City Planntng Cortmtssion did hold a public hearing at the City
Hall in the City of Anaheim on July 2, 1~79, at 1:30 p.m., noCice of said public
hearing having been duly given as requtred by law and in accordance with [he
provisions of the Anaheim Fiunicipal Code, Chaater 18.03. to hear anJ consider
evtdence for and against s~iJ proposed reclassiflcation and to investigate "and make
findings a~d recommendatlons in connection therewith; and
4 ,
. ~`
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectlon, investigatton and study made
by itseif and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloa~ing facts:
1. Tha[ the petitioner proposes reclassification of subJect property from
the RS-A-43,000{SC) (Residentiai/Agricuitural - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to the
PR(SC) (Public Recreatton - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone.
2. That the Anahelm Gencral Plan designates subject property as a site for
a local park and fire sta[ton.
3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary
and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community.
4, That the proposed reclassiflcatlon of subject property does properiy
relate [o the zones and their permitted uses locally estabiished in close proxlmity
to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established
throughout the cortmunity.
5. That the proposed reclassification of subJ~ct property requires [he
dedication and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation
Elemen[ of the General Plan, due to the antfcipated increase in traffic which will be
generated by [he intensiftca[fon of land use.
6. Tha[ no one indicated their presence at said publtc hearing tn
opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subJect
E~1VIP,OWMENTAL IMPACT FitlDIi1G: That ihe Anahcln City Planntng Commisslon has
reviewed the proposa to rec ass fy the proper[y fron the RS-A-43,000(SC)
(Residential/AgriculCural - Scenic Lorridor Overlay) Zone to the PR(SL) (Publtc
RecreatTon - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to permit a priva[e recreational facility
with on-sale alcohotic beverages on property consisting of approximately 8.8
acres,having a fron[age of appraxima[ely S10 feet on the north stde of Rlverdale
Avenue. having a maximum dep[h of approxim~tely II10 feet and being located
approximately 595 feet west o~ the centerline of Lakevler~ Avenue; and does hereby
approve the Negative Declaration fror,~ the requirement to prepar~e an environmental
impact report on the basis [hat there would be no significant indivtdual or
cumulative adverse environmentai Impact due to the approvai of this Negative
Declaration since the Anahetm General Plan designates the subject property for a
local park sTte and a fire station site car,mensurate wtth the prcposal; that no
sensitive environmental impacts arc involved in thc proposal; that the initlal Study
submitted by the peti[toner indicates no significant indtvldual or cumulative
adverse environmental impacts; and that the ~leaative Declaration substantTating the
foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Departroe~t.
NOW, TNEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that thc Anaheim Ctty Planning Cammlssion
does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassiftcation and, by so doing, that Tttle
III-Zoning of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code be amended co exclude the above-described
OVERLAY) 20t1E and to incorporate said described property into the PR(SC} (PUBLIC
RECREATIOt~AL - SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) 20t1E upon the following conditions whlch are
hereby found to b~ a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subJect property
in order to preserve th~ safety and 9enera) rrelfarc of the Citizens of the Ctty of
-2- PC79-131
; }
1. That all engineering requirements of the Lity of Anaheim along
Riverdale Avenue including p~eparation of improvement plans and installation of all
improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving~
drainage facilities or other appur[enant work, shail be complied with as required by
the City Ergineer and in accordance with s[andard plans and specificatlons on flte in
the Office of the City Engineer; that street tighting facilTties along Riverdale
Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilliles, and in
accordance with specifications on flle in the Office of the Director of Public
Utilities; and/or that a bond~ certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in
an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anafieim shall be posted with che City
to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requirenents prlor to occupancy.
2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file wlth the Gffice of the Director of Public Works.
3. That fire hydrants shall bc ins[allcd and charged as required and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement
of structural framing.
4, Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property.
condition No. 1, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rlghts
granted by this resolution shall hecome null and voi) by accion of the CTty Council
unless said condition is complied with ~aithin one year firom the date hereof, or such
furtlier [ime as the Planning Lamission r.wy qrant.
5. 7hat Condition tlo. 2, abovc-mentioned, shall be conplied with prior to
final building and zoning inspections.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that [he Anahcim City Planning Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolucion is expressly predicated upon
applicant's complfance with each and aii of the conditions hereinebove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any pa~t thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable
by the final judgment af any court of competent JurTsdiction. [hen this Resolution,
and any approvats hcrcTn carstaincd, shal! ~c dce^~ed nsll a~d •reid.
THE FOREGOIt~G RESOLUTIOfJ is signed and approved by me this 2nd day of July,
N, ! I. C ANt11 NG COMM I 5510~I
ATTEST: . ~ •
-3- PC79-131
~.. '~
I, Edith L. Harris, Secrctary of the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion~ do
hcreby certify tha[ the foregoing resolution r+as passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planntne Commission held on July 2. 1979, by the following vote of
the members thereof:
Itl WITNESS NHEREOF, I have hcrcunto set my hand this 2nd day of July, t979.
`~aLr~. o?'~ ~i~:,
-4- PC79-131