PC 79-135RESOLUT10~1 N0. PL 74~135 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONNISSION THAT PETITIO~~ fOR VARIANCE N0. 3100 BE GRAtI"iED NNEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon dtd receive a verifled Petition for Variance from KENNETH 0. ALBERS AND SNANON S. ALBERS, 739o East Woodsboro, Anaheim, California 92807, owners of certatn reai property sttuated in the City of Anaheim, Lounty of Orange, State of Calffornia described as: PARCEL l16. 1: That portion of the Nor[hwest quarter of Section 6, ToWnship 4 South Range 8 West, in the land allotted to Trlnidad Peralta de Marquez as described in [he Final Decree of Partitton of [he Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, whtch was entered September 12, 1868 in Book "B", page 410 of Judgments of the Otstrtct Court of the 17th Judicial Distric[ in and for Los Angeles County, California, descrTbed as follows: Be9fnning at the Northwesterly corner of that certain 12.745 acre parcel, as shown on a Map filed tn book 22, page 11 of Record of Surveys, in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, Cal(fornia; [hence South 1° 06' 03" Nest alon$ the Westerly line of sald Parcel, 36.56 feet; [hence South 78 34' 30" East 204.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Westerly, having a radius of 25.00 feet; [hcnce Southwesterly, Southerly and Sauthwesterly along sald curve, ttirough a central angle of 152~ 21' 0~" an arc distance of 66.48 feet to a tangent line, being that certain course descr(bed as South 73° 46' 30" West 89•25 feet in Parce) No. 1 of a deed to Tetsuo Ozaki and Hife, recorded September 12, 196:, in book 5844, page 139, of Official Records; thence ~lorth 73~ 46' 30" East 20.95 feet to the Easteriy terrninus of said course; thence South 62° 32' 30" East 98.62 feet Co the Southwesteriy corner of the land descrlbed in Parcel No, i of a deed to Philip E. Hansen and wife, recorded July 14, 1966 tn book 7989, page 190, Offlcial Records; thence North 2° 53' l4" East 147.91 feet :a an angle patnt Fn Lhe Westerly line of said land of Hansen; thence North 55° 35' 08" Nest 88.50 feet to the Northwesterly corner of satd land of Hansen, being a point on the centerline of Hohler Drtve, as shown on a Map filed in book 82, page 26 of Recard of Surveys In the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, Californfa, sald center line being the Northerly line of ~he land described tn Parcel No. t of a deed ta Paul Obler and others. recorded July 23. 1964, in book 7146, page 311 pf Offictai Records. said poTnt being on a curve in said center line~ concave Southerly havTng a radius of 700.00 feet, a radial Ilne through said poi~t bears ~~orth 0° 35' 03" west; thence Wesierly along sald curve and sald center line, through a central angle of 9° Oi' 22", an arc distance of 110.23 feet to a tangent line; thence South 800 23' 30" West 136.17 feet to the point of beginning. Said land ts also known as Parcel tA nn a Map recorded In book 82~ page 26 of Record of Surveys. Pt79-135 . ! PARCEL N0. 2: That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 8 West, in the land allotted to Trlnidad Peralta de Marquez. as described in the Final Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, which was entered September 12, 1868, in Book "8". oage 410 of Judgments of the District Court of the 17th Judicial District (n and for Los Angeles Lourtty, California, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of that certaln 12.7~+5 acre parcel, as shown on a Map filed in book 22, page 11 of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, Californla; thence South 1~ 06' 03" West, along the Westerly line of said parcel 36.56 feet to the irue point of beginning; thence South 78° 34' 30" East 204.61 feet to ihe beginnin9 of a tangent curve concave Westerly having a radlus of 25.00 feet; thence Southeasterly , Southeriy and S~u[hwesterly along said curvP, through a central angle of 152° 21' 00", an arc dtstance of 66.48 feet to a tan9ent line, being that certain course described as South 73~ 46' 3~" Nest 89•25 feet in Parcel No. i of a deed to Tetsuo Ozaki, and wife, recorded Sep[ember 12, 1961 in book 5844, page 1;9 of OffTcial Aecords; thence South 73° k6~ 3~'~ Nest along said course and its Sou[hwesterly prolongation 213•97 fect to sald Nesterly line of that certain 12.745 acre parcel; thence North i° 06'03" East 185.41 feet to che true point of beginning. Said land is also known as Parcel 18 on a Map recorded in book 32, page 26 of Record of Surveys. WHEREAS, thc City Planning Commisston did hoid a pubiic hearing at the Clty Hall in the Ctty of Anaheim on July 2, 1979, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wlth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapt~r 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendatfons in connection Cherewith; and NHEREAS, said Commission, af[er due inspection, investigation and study made by itsei` and in its behalf, and after due constderation of all evidence and reports offered at sald hearing, does find and determine the following facts: t. That the petitioner proposes a waiver of the followtng to construct a single-famity residence: SECTION 18.21.063.a3~ ' Mlnimum rear ard. 25 eet requlred; 7-1/2 feet proposed) 2. That the above menttoned waiver T, hereby granted on the basis that the petitloner demonstrated that a h~rdship exists in that a prEvate road passes through the center of the property and adversely effects development of the property; and that there are specTal clrcumstances apFlicable to the proper[y, lncluding slze, shape, topography, and location which do not appty to other property under simllar zoning classification in the vicinity. -2- PC79-t35 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or condY[tons applicable co the property involved or to the tntended use of the property 2hat do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the reques[ed variance ts necessary for the preservatlon and enJoyment ~f a subs[antisl property riglit possessed by other properiy in the same vic(nity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 5. That the requested variance will not be materlally detrfinental co the publtc welfare or tnjurious to the property or improvements tn such vicinlty and zone in Nhich the property is located. 6. That one intPrested person tndicated their presence at said public heartng; and [hat no correspondence was received in oppositfon to the subject pe[ition. EIIVIRONMENTAL lMPACT FINDING: The Planntng Director or hls authorized representat ve has determ ned that the proposed project falls within the deflnition of Categoricai Ex~~ptions~ Class 5. as defined in Paragraph 2 of the Ci[y of Anaheim Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and is, Cherefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Lity PlannTng Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the follo++ing conditions wh(ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequtsiie to the proposed use of the subject property In order to preserve the safety and genera) wclfare of the Citizens of the Ci[y of Anaheim: 1. That all requirements of Fire 2one 4, otherwl.e Identified as Fire Adminis[rative Order Ne. 76-01, wili be me[. Such requirer.ients include, but are not limited to, chtmney spark arestors, protected attic and under floor openings, Class L or better roofing material and one hour fire resistive consLruc[ton of horizontal surfaces tf within 200 feet of adJacent brushland. 2. That the owner of subject property shall pay to Lhe City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lleu fees as determtned to be approprTate by the City Louncil, said fees to be paid at the time the buildl~g permit is issued. 3. That drainage of subJect proper[y shall be disposed of in a manner satisfac[ory to the City Engineer. 4. That grading, excavatio- and alt other construction activittes shall be conducted tn such a manner so as ~~ minimize the possibility of any sTlt originating from this proJect being carried into the Santa Ana River by storm water orlginating from or flowing through this proJec[. 5. That the owner(s) of subject propercy shall pay appropriate drainage assessment fees to the CItY of Anaheim as determined by the Ctty Engineer prlor to issuance of a buildtng permtt. -3- PC79-135 ~ j f~ 6. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay thc traffic sTgnal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) In an amount as determined by the City Councll, for each new dwelltng unlt prTar to the issuance of a building permit. 7. That any specimen tree removal shall be subject to the regulattons pertaintng to tree preservation in the Scenic Corrldor Overlay Zone. 8. That subJect property shall be developed substantially In accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Cfty of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5. 9. That Condt[ton Nos. t, 3, 4 and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final butlding and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED cha[ the Anaheim Lity Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of thTs Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compllance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditlon. or any part thereof, be declared invatid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any cour[ of competent Jurisdiction. then thTs ResolutTon, and any appr~vals herein contained, shall be deemed nuil and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOtI is signed and approved by me thfs 2nd day of July~ ~ 9~s. HA~ ~ ANAIi 1 L NNING GOMMISSION ATTEST: `~a,~ .~%~, SECRETARY, A~lAHE II! C ITY PLA~IN 1 NG CONM I55ION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OQANGF. ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahcim Lity Planning CommissTon. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutton was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahcim City Planning Comm(ssion held on July 2~ 1Q79, by the following vote of the mem6ers thsreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNE5, BUSHORE~ DAVIO, FRY~ HERBST, KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIOttERS: NONE ABSENT: COMHISSIONERS: NOHE IN 411TNE55 1JHEREOF, f havP hereunto set my hand thls 2nd day of July, 1979. ~Q.~.cl ~ ~~,~:. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA~~NING LONMISSION _4_ PC79-~35