PC 79-143RESOLUTION N0. PC79-143 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIttG COHHISSION Tf1AT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICAT1011 N0. 79-80-4 BE GRA~~TED. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commtsston dTd receive a verificd petition for Reclassification from WALTER E. LA FDaCE AND BLANCHE HANAHAN LA FORCE, P. 0. Box 6200. A~ahcim, California 92806, owners, and JOf1N F. SWI~IT. 707 West North Street. Anaheim, California ?28~5. agent. of ccrtaln real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. S[ate of Californta. described as follavs: Thc Southerly 3~0.00 feet of that porcion of the Sou[h half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Sectton 11, Townshlp 4 South, Range 11 West, San Bernardtno ~ase and Meridian described as follows: Beginning ac a point on the South line of sald Section il, 188 feet East of the Southwest corner of said South half of the Souihcast quarter of the Southwest quarter of sald Section 11; running thence East along said South ltne, 167.42 feet; thcnce North paralicl to che Nc.t 11ne of said South half~ 520.33 feet to a poi~t in the South line of chat certain parcel of land conveyed by the FTrst National 8ank of Santa Ana co Howard S. Strange and Hife by deed recorded August 17~ 1428; thence West parallel to the Nor[h line of sald South Half of the Southeast quarter of t~c Sauchwest quarter, 157.42 f.et; thencc South parallel to the Vest linc of satd South half. 520.45 feet to thc point of heginning. WffEREAS. the Lity Planning Cormission did hold a public heartng at the City Hall in the C(ty of Anahetm on July 15, 1979, at 1:3~ D.n., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance Nith the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Lhapter 18.03, [o hear and constder evidence for and against said proposed reclasslfication and to Investigate and make flndings and recor•mendattons in connectton therewith; and NlfEREAS, said Comm(ssion, after due inspection~ Investigation and scudy made by itself and Tn its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evldence and reports offered at said hearing, does ftnd and determine the following facts: 1. 7hat the petitioner proposes reclassiflcatfon of subJect property from thc RS-A-43,000 (Resldentlai, Agrtcultural) Tonc to the Rrt-3000 (ResTdential~ Multipie-Family) Zonc. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designaies subJec[ property for low- medlum density residentTal land uses. 3, That the proposed reclassificatTon of subJect property ts necessary and/or Jesirable for thc orderly and proper development of the communitY• 4, That the proposed reclassification of subJect property does prope~ty relate co the zones and their permitted uses locelly estebtished Tn close proximity co subJect property and to the zones and their pcrmttted uses generally established throughout the communlty. Ft79-t~3 5, Thatrovementrof abutting'streetsain~naccordance~cNtthpe[he rCirculatTon dedlcation end imP Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic whtch will be genera[ed by the in[ensificatlon of land use. 6, That ~o one indlcated their presence at sald public hearing Tn opposition; and that no correspondence Nas recelved ln opposition to the subJtc[ petttlon, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAL7 FINDIHG: Thac the Anaheim City Planning ~~"~^isston has reviewed the proposai to rec asslfy subject property from the RS-A-43~000 (~ESIDENTIAL. AGRICULTURAI) to [hc RM-3~00 (RESIDENTIAL~ NULTIPLE~FAMILY) Zone to construct a 14-unit condominlum complex with walvers of mintmum build(ng slte area per dwelling untt and maximum structural helght on a rectangularly~shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.2 acres. having a frontage of approximately 157 feec o~ the north side of Lincoln Avenue, having a maxlmum depth of apProximately 300 feet and being located approximately 953 feet west of che centertine of Nestern Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negative Declara[ton fram the ~~uld~bet no prepare an env(ronmental impac[ report on the basts that there signlficant individuai or cumulative adverse environmen[al impact due to the approval of this Negaiive Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates [he subJect property for low-medium density residential lond uses co~mensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts arc involved in [he proDOSat; that the Initial Study submi[[ed by the petitioner indicates no sigr~(flcan[ individual or cumulative adverse environmentat inpscts; and tha[ th~ !~cga[!ve Declaration substantiatin9 the foregoing ~indings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Departnent. NON, TNEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that thc AnahcTm City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassificatlon and~ by so doin9. that Title 18-2oning of the Anaheim Municipal Lode be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and ca Incorporate said descrlbed propcrty lnto the Rn-3noo (RESIOENTIAL. MULTlPLE-FN!ILY) ZONE upon thc following condltions whfch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequistte to the propose~ use of sut}ec[ G~aR~r=f ~n ~'~=r ~4 Pr~s~rvw Lha sAfziy nnd aene~al trelfare of the Cittzens of the Lity of Anaheim: i, That all engineering requirements of the Ciiy of Anaheln alon9 lintol~ Avenue including Preparatlon of improvemcnt Rlans and instailation of alt improvements such as curbs and gu[ters, stdeaalks. street grading and paving~ draTnage facilitTes or other appurtenant work, shall be compiled wTth as requtred by the Ci[y Engineer and Tn accordance Nith standard plans and specificatTLl~colnfAvenue the Offlce of the City Englneer; that street li9hting facillcfes alon9 sha11 be installed as required by the OTrector of Public UtilTtTes, a~d in accordance WTth specificatTons on file In the Offtce of the Otrector of Public UtititTes; and/or that a bond, certTficaie of deposii. letter of credit. or cash. in an amount and form satlsfactory to the Lity of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the Installatlon of the above-mentToned requiremencs prlor to occupancy. y~ That the owner(s) of subjec[ property shall pay to the ~ity of Anahcin a fee. in an amou~t as detcrml~ed by the Ctty Council. for t~cc Planti~g purposes along Lincoln Avenue. -2- PC1°-143 3, That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved pl~ns on flle with the Offfce of the Director of Pub1lc Norks. 1~, That flrc hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Departmeni prior to comme~cer.~ent of structural framing. 5, That subject property shall be servcd by underground utilitTes. ~, That drainage of subJecc property shall bc disposed of fn a manner sat(sfactory to che Ct[y Engt~eer. ~, In the event thai su5ject property is to be divided for the purpose of sale~ iease, or financi~g, a tract map. to record the approved diviston of subJect property shat) be submitted to and approved by the CI[y of Anaheim and then te recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. g, That the owner of subject property shall pay to the Ci[y of Anahein the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fecs as dctermined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid a[ the [Ime the bullding permic is issued. S, That the o-mer(s) of subJect property shall pay the traffic signai assessnent fee (Ordinance No. 3896) in an amounc as determ(ned by the ~~ty Council~ for each neN dwelling unit prlor to the issuance of a butldtng permit. ~p, Prlor to the Tntroduc[ton of an ordinance rezon(ng subJect property. Condltion Nos. 1 and 2. above-mentfoned, shall be completed, The P~ovisions or rights granted by thfs resolution shall become null and void by actio^ of the Ptanning Comnission unless said conditions are complied Hith Hithin u+e year fror,s [he datc hercof~ or such furthcr [ime as the Planning Comm(ssfon may grant. ~~, That Condition Nos. 3. 5 and 5, above-mentloned, shall be compiied with prior to final building and zonTng inspectlo~s. 6E iT FURTiiLR RE~dLVt~ Chat tt~e krshcIr Cit~ P2anning tamrr,tssian dces hereoy flnd and determine thai adop[ton of this Resolutfon is exp~essly predicated upon aPPlicant's compliance Nith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition~ or any part thereof, be declared Invaltd or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of canpe[ent Jurisdiction~ then thts ResolutTon. and any approvals hercin contatned, shail be dcemed null and void. THE FOREGOtf1G RESOLUTION Is stgned and approved by me thts lEth day of July~ 1979. y, A C 1 LANN IlIG CONH SS ION ATTEST: ~~- ,~ ~.:, SECRETART~ AtU-HE1M CITY LANNING COMHISSION -3- Pt79-t~3 J } ~.i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~~ Edith L. HarrTs. Secretary of the Anaheim City Ptannin9 Commission, do hereby certlfY that the foregoing resotutTon was passed and adopted at a meetTng of the Anahelm Lity Planning Carwnission held on July 16. 1979~ by the following vote of the mcmbers thereof: AYES: COMHISSIONERS: BARNES, 9USHORE, DAVID. FRY~ tiERBST, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMHISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~N 511TNES5 I~MEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand thls i6th day of July. 1979. ~~. .~ ,~.:~, SECRETARY~ ANAHEIN LITY PLANNING LOMMISSION -4- PC79-i43