PC 79-148RESOLUTION N0. PC79-14d A RESOLUTION Of TIIE ANAHEIM C17Y PLANNING COHNISSION THA.T PETITION FOR RECLASSIFILA710N N0. 79-80-5 BE DENIED. MHEREAS, the Anahelm Lity Planning Commission diA reccive a verified petition for Reclassification from TEXACO-ANAHEIM NILLS, INC., 38o Anahcim Hills Road, Anaheim, California 92807, owner, and LIqD 6 HILLERUO, IIIC., 2065 Hun[ington Drive, San Marino. California ?1108, agent, of certain rcal property s(tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California. described as follows: That portton of the land atlotted to Juan Pabio Peralta, Maria Jesus Peralta de Copas. and Marla Peral[a dc Alvarez, as described in the Fina) Decree of Partition of the Rancho San[Iago de Santa Ana, which was entcred September 12, 1868 in book "E". pagc 410 of Judgments of thc Dis[rict Court of thc 17th Judtcial Distric[ ln and for Los Angeles County. California. morc particularly shrnm as Parcel 3 on a map fited in book 127, pagPs 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Parcel Maps, records of Orange Lounty, California. beTng subdivided as Tract No. 8117. NHEREAS. the City Planning Commfssion did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in the C1ty of Anaheim on Juty 16, 147°. a[ 1:3~ p.m.. notice of saTd pu6lic hearing having been duly given as required by law and ln accordance Hith the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 19.03. to hear and consider evidence for and aaainst said proposed reclassificatlon and to investigace and make findings and recommendations in connection [herewith; said public hearing having been continued to thc Plannfng Lommission meetfny of July 3~, 1?79; and 11HEREAS, said Commission aftcr due inspection, invcstigatton and s[udy madc by itself and in Its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearinq. dces flnd and determine the following facts: 1, That the pe[Itioner proposes reclassification of subJect property from the RS-A-43,000(SL) (ResidenCial/Agrlcui[ur~I - Scenic CorriJor Gveriay) Zone to the RM-3000(SC) (Residenttal, Multiple-Family - Scenic ~orrtdor Overlay) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subJect property for hillside, low-density residential land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassificatlon Is hereby dented on the basls that the property ls not suitablc for a higher dens(ty residential developmcnt than was originally proposed (RS-A-43.000(SC) zoning); tha[ thc traffic generated by the proposal would crea[e potential traffic hazards with the increased volume and parked vehTcles; and that [he increased populatton would create potential problems Nith additional school children~ additlonal electric uttlity requTrements and an adverse affect on the air quality. PC79-148 4. Tha[ thc proposed reclassification of subJect propcr[y is not neccssary and/or desirablc for thc ordcrly and propcr ~evelopment of thc community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property does not properly relate to ttie aones and thetr permitted uses locally established tn close proximity to subJeet propcr[y and to the zones and their pcrmttted uses generaliy established throughout the community. G. That 1 person tndica[ed their presence at satd public hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence r~is recelved tn opposition to the subject petitJon. E~d~'IRCHNEIlTAL IHPACT FI!1DING: That the Anaheim Ci[y P1anning Comntssion has revicvied Addendum No. Z to Environnr_ntal impact Report !~o. 2~3 for 7enta[ive Map of Tract No. 211G (P.evision t~o. 4) and Tentative '1ap of Tract l~o. 2T17 (Revision Ito. 4) and has considered chis date the evldence. both written and oral, having been presen[ed to supplenen[ Addendum No. 2 to Environnental Inpact Reaort I~o. 1.D3, finds that potential environnental tapacts of the projec[ may 6e reduced [o an insignificant level by conforriance Nith Lity plans. policies and ordtnances; and Addendum ~~o. 2 to Envfronnen[al Impact Report flo. 2D3 ls in compiTance with [he Californta Envtronmental Quality Ac: and uith City and Statc EIR Gutdelines and thc Anahcin City Planning Camisslon docs. therefore, basrd upon the abovc Information, cer[ify Addendum Ho, 2 to Envtronnental impact ~lo, 2(?3, does hereby~ dcnyREsu~bJecteEPetitionsOfor~ Recfasstficatlon ConY therrbasis ofssthe aforenentioned flndings, TNE FOREr01NG RESOLUTIOt~ ts signed and approved by ne this 3^th day of Ju1y, 197°. ATTEST: ~'~o~ /y . . ~ HA RKhN, AtrANE1M CI Y AnNlrrr., C9'!"115510N ( ~^~. ~ w • SECRETARY, A-IAHEIM CITY PLANN~NG COM!115510t~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) LOUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE~M ) 1, Edith L. Harris~ Secretary of [he Anahein City Planning Cammissto~~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolu[ton was oassed a~~' adopted a[ a meeting of the Anahcim CTty Planning Cor~mfsston hcld on July 30, 197~~ by ihc following vote of the membcrs thereof: AYES: LOMNISSIONERS: BARNES~ BUSNORE, NERAST, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: DAUID, KING A95ENT: COyMISSI0NER5: FRY IN WITNESS NHEREOF, I have hcreunto sct my hand [his 30th day of July~ 1g79, `~O ~icial •~ ~l.r,ti,~d, SECRETAR , ANAHEIM CITY FIANNING CO'1MISSION -2- PC79-148