PC 79-150RESOLUTION N0. PL7Q-150 A RESOLUTION OF iHE AI~AHEIM CITY PLAN!11NG LOMMISSIOq THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION HO, 79-80-2 BE GRAtITEO. 4IHEREAS~ the Anaheim City Planntng Commission did receive a verified peti[ion for Reclassification from FRANY. PAGLIARI A~JD MARIA PAGLIA4t, FRANLIS NANCI AqD ANGELINA NANCI, AND V19CENT DUCOULON9IER, AND CONSUELO ~UCOULOMBIER, 13859 Russell~ Hhi[tier~ Californla 906~5~ amers, and Ut71VERSIAL LAND DEVELOPtiENT~ 1741 uest Lincoln Avenuc FA, Anaheim, Californta 92801, agen[. of certaln real property situated in thc Ci[y of Anahcim, County of Orangc, State of California, descrTbed as follows: The East 180.39 feet of the North 190 feet of Lo[ 26, Tract 743, in the LTty of Anaheim. as per map recarded in Book 22, page 10, Miscelianeous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of sald County. 41NEREAS, the City Planning Com tssion did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in thc City of Anahcim on July 2, 197?, at 1:3~ p.n „ notice of satd publTe hearing having been duly given as required by laN and in accordance with tne provistons of the Anahef~ ISunlcipai Code, Chapter iR.03, to hear and constder evidence for and against said proposed reclassl'ication anci to investlgate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; said public hearing having been continued [o ihe Pia~ning Cor.~mission mecting of July 3~, 1~79; and NHEREAS, said Commission aftcr due inspection, investfgation and study made by itsclf and in its behalf, and af[cr due consideration of all evidence ar,d reports offered at said hearing, docs find and determine che following facts: 1. That the pecitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from che RS-A-4g,n~~ {oesiden~fa2lAgrIcu2tursl) ~ORE ta the R'~t-J.kOG (Residen~fal, Multlple-Family) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Gencral Plan deslgnates subject property for low- mediun density resiJential land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassTftcatlon of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That the propased reclassification of subject properiy dces properly relate to the zo~es and [hetr permitted uses locally established in close proxtmity to subJect property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally establlshed chroughout the communlty. 5. That. the proposed reclassification of subJect property requlres the Improvement of abutting streets in accordance wlth the Circulatton Element of the Generai Plan, due to the antlcipated increase In craffic which r~ill be generaeed by the intensification of land use. PC79-150 G, That 7 persons indicated thcir presencc at the public hc~ring on July 2, 1979~ and 10 persons indicated their presence at [he publtc heartng on July 2, 1979, in opposition to the two-story buildings; and that one 1etLer r~as presented Tn opposition; and that a petTtion containing approxlmatcly 15 na~es was su M(tted 1n oppositton t~ subject peti[ton. EtIVIP,O~IME`lTAL IMPACT FI'7DING: 7h~[ thc Anahein City Planning Cor.~Tssion has reviewed the proposa to rec ass fy subject proper[y from the RS-A-43,000 (P,esidential/Agricultural) 2one to the R`1-240~ (Residential, Mul[iple-Family) Zone to construct an 8-unit apartment canplex wTth waTver of maxlnum structurat of heTghe on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.7 acre located at the southcast corner of Savanna Street and Harlan Nay, having approximate frontages of 143 fce[ on [hc south side of Savann~ Street and 172 fcet on the east side of Marian Nay; and does hereby approve the ~~egative Declaration frar che requiremcnt to prepare an environmental impact report on the Sasis that Lhere would bc no significant Individual or cumulative adverse envlronmental impact due to the approvat of tfiis Neyattve Declaration since the Anaheim Ceneral Plan designates the subject propcrty for low-medium density residential land uses comensurate Nith ihe proposal; tha[ no sensitive cnvironmental impacts are involved in the proposol; that [hc InitTal Study submitted by the petitioner indlcates no significant indtvidual or cumulative adverse environnental inpacCS; and that the hegative Oeclaration subs[antiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anahein Planning Uepartr.+ent. N0:1, Tl1EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thc Anahein City Plannin9 Ccmiission does hereby grant subject Peti[ion for Reclassiffcatlon and, by so doing, that Tltle 18-Zoning of che Anahcim Municipal Lode b~ anended to cxcludc che abovc-described property fron the a5-A-43.000 (RESIDE!~TIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZQNE and to incorporate sald described propercy into the RM-24~0 (RESIDEt:TIAL~ MUITIPLf-FA`iILY) ZOr:E upon the following conditions which arc hcreby found to be a necessary prcrequisite to thc proposed use of subject ~roperty in order [o prescrve thc sa`ety and general wclfarc of the Citizens of the Cfty of Anaheim: t. That all engineering requiremenis of the City of Anahefm along Savanna StrceL and Marian Way inciudtng preparatio~ of inprovement plans and installation of all improvements such as curbs and gutters. sidcwalks. strect gradtng and paving. drainage facilitles or other appurtenant work, shall be complied with as required by the Ctty Engineer and In accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City En9lneer; that street Itghting facillties along Savanna Street and Marian uay shall be installed as required by the Director of Pubi(c Ut(litTes. and in accordance witli specifications on fTle in the Offlce of tfie Airector of Public UtilitTes; and/or tha[ a bond, certificate of deposlt, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form sa[isfactory to [he Gi[y of Anaheim shall be posted wtth the LiCy to guarantee the installation of the above-merttlo~ed requlremen[s prior to occupancy. 2. That the arner(s) of subJec[ property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determined by thc City Council, for tree planting purposes along Savanna Street and Marian Way. 3. That trash storage areas shHll be provided in accordance wTth approved plans o~ ftle with the Office of the Director of Public Norks. -2- PC79-150 4. 7hat fire hydrants shall bc instalted and chargcd as rcqulred and determined io be nccessary by thc Chief of thc Ftrc Department prtor to commencement of structural framing. 5. That subjcct proper[y shall be served by underground utllittes. S. That drainagc of subject proper[y shall bc disposcd of in a manner satisfactory to thc City Engincer. 7, That thc o+mer of subject property shall pay to the Lity of AnaheTm the appropriatc park and recreation in-iteu fces as detcrmined [o be apDropriate by [he City Council, said fces co be paid at thc time the building permit is issucd. 8. 7hat appropria[e watcr assessment fecs as determTned by the Olrector of Public Utilities sfiall be paid to tfie City of Anaheim prTor to the issuance of a building permft. 9 7ha[ [he oYmer(s) of subJect property shall pay the traffic signal assess~ent•fee (Ordinance t7o. ;396) in an a~'~ount as determTneQ by the City CouncTl. for cach new dwelling unit prior Co the issuance of a buildTng pcrnit. 1Q. P~iof tQ the introduction of an ordTnance rezoning subject property. Condition ~Zos. 1 and 2. above-mentioned, shall be completed, 7hc orovislons or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void by actton of the PlannTng Comnission unless saTd conditions are coc+plied Hith Withln one year fron the date i~ereof, or such further time as the Planning Commisslon may grant. il. That Condi[lon Nos. 3. 5 and 6. above-mentioned. shall be complTcd with p~ior to flnai building and zoning inspectlons. BE IT FURTHER RESOL4'ED [hat the Anaheim Clty Planntng Co~'+ission does hcreby flnd ~nd drternine that adoptio~ oF this Resolutfon Is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditlo~s hereinabove set forE~. Should any such condition, or any part thereof. be declared tnvalid or unenforceable by the final Judgment of any court of canpetent Jurisdictlon~ [hen this Resolutton. and zny approvals herein cor.taTned, shall be deemed null and vold. THE fOREGOING 4ESOL~TiO~i is signed and approved by me chis 3flth day of July. 1979• ~ ,~°~.~.,~/ LM iRMkN~ NANEIM CIT LANtII!!G COMNISSION ATTEST: ~ 1L~ ~( ~ii.~~ SECREiAR , ANP.FIEIM CI~Y PLAN~JING LQMMISSIO~! -3- PC7R-15o . 2: STAtf OF LALIFORl:IA ) COUNTY OF OiiANGE ) ss. CITY OF A~~AHEtri ) I~ Edith L. HarrTs, Sccretary of thc Anaheim tity Planning Cammtsston. do hereby certify thac the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meettng of [he Anaheim City Planning Cor•mission held on Juty 30, 197°. by thc following vote of the members thercof: AYES: COMMISSIOIIEP,S: BARNES. BUSHORE. OAVID, NER05T~ KING, 70LAP, NOES: LOMHISSIONEaS: NONE ABSEHT: COMMISSIOyERS: FRY 1!11lITISE55 1MEREOF, I have hercunto sct r'ry hand this 30th d~y of July, 1~79. f! ~~~ ~ ~F~~l.l.t1.... SECRE ARY, AttAHE1M C~~Y PL4NqING G4Nl1155i0N -4- PC7q-15o