PC 79-174RESOLUTiOt~ t10. PC79-174
WHEREAS, the Anahcim Gity Planning Commission did receivc a verified
Petition for Conditional Use Permit from ROBERT A. NJ1H AND ADELIHE L. L. YE~I MAH.
doing business as PACIPIG TERRACE APAR7HE~JTS, 1$O1-F Parkcourt Placc, Suitc 102.
Santa Ana~ California, 92701, owners, and BOYCE D. JONES, tOQ1-F Parkcourt Place~
Suite 102, Santa Ana, California 92701, agent, of ccrtain real property situated in
the City of Anahe.im, County of Orange, Scate of Catifornia, described as:
That portion of allotments in Decree of Partitton of che Rancho
Canon De Santa Ana, recorded in Lase `~o. 1973 of [he 17th Judicial
District Court cr" California, a certified copy of which was
recorded February 8, 1874 in book 28, pa9e 15~ of DeeCs Tn thc
office of the County Pecorder of Los Angeles County, Caiifornia.
described as foliows: Beginning at the qortheasterly corner of
the land described in the deed to the Sta[e of California recorded
Oc[aber 3~. 195~ 1n book 3E43. Page 378. Official Records in the
office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, satd potnt
being also a point on the Sou[herly line of 100.00 foot HTde strip
of land~ as convcycd to thc Rivcrside, Santa Ana and Los Angclcs
Raliway Co., by deed recorded July 7, 1836 in book 164, oage 503
of Deeds. records of Los Angcles County, California, said 10~.00
foot strip bcing now vested in thc Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
Raliway Conpany, a corporation; thence along said Southerly line
North 88° 31' 41" Eas[ 787.52 feet to the begin~ing of a tangent
curve concave to the North having a radius of 5779.65 feet; thence
Easterly aiong said curve th~ough a central anqle of 0° 19' 02" a
distance of 32.00 feet to a potnt. a radial to said pofnt bears
south 1° 47' 21" East, sald point being the true point of
beginning; thence South l0 23' 00" Uest 1202.21 fcet to a poln[ on
a non-tangent curvc concavc to thc North having a radius of
1445.00 feet, a radfal to said poinc bears South 5° 29~ 1S" West;
thence Easterly along said curve thro~gh a central angle of 23°
31' 15" a dl5tance of 593.20 `eet to a point on a tangent line.
said line being the Northerly line of the line described in a deed
to Orange County Flood Control Distrtct, recorded February 6, 1939
in book 9g0, page 303, Offlclal Records of sald county; thence
along said Northerty line North 71° 58' 03" East 638.18 feet to
the beginning to a[angent curve concave korthwesterly having a
radlus of 1600.00 feet; thence along said curve through a central
angle of 13° 53~ 03" a distance of 527.35 feet to a poTnt on a
non-tangent line, a radlal to said point bears South 36° 55~ ~~"
East, said point being on the Easterly linc of the land canveyed
to Jce Leung Young, pCr Deed recorded September 13, 1955 in book
3206, page 194, Offlclal Records of sald county; thence along saTd
Easterly lino the following two courses: North 1~ 30' S6" East
918•56 fect to Station 17 of second class land~ allotied to Ynez
Yorba De Cata ln partition of the Rancho Canon Dc Santa Ana~ a
ccrcificd copy of which Decrce Nas recorded February 8, 1874 In
boo~ 28. page 153 of Deeds, re.cords of Los An,cles Coun[y,
Laltfornia; and North Q° 28' SE" East 81,05 fcet to a point on the
aforesatd southerly linc of a strip of land 10~.00 fect wide,
being a polnt on a non-t~ngent curve concave Northerly having a
radius of 5779.65 .`cat, a radlal to said point bcars So~-~ 7.Oa 30'
Z3" East; thence k'esterly along said curve through a central angle
of 18° 43' 02" a discancc of 1E83.00 to thc truc point of
beginning. Except any portion thcreof lying Southerly of ttic
ccntcrllne of La Palma Avc~uc.
W}IEREAS, the CT[y Planning Commission did hotd a pubilc hearing at [he City
Hail in the City of Anaheim on August 27~ 1979. at 1:30 p.m.~ notice of said publlc
hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter tE,~3, to hear ~nd consider
evidence for and agaTnst said proposed condttional use permiL and to investtgate and
make findings and recommendacions in connection therewtth; and
WNEREAS, said Commission. aftcr duc inspection~ investTgaCion and study made
by itseif and in tts behaTf~ and after due consideration of all evtdence and reports
offered at said hearing. does find and detcrninc the folioaing facts:
i. That the proposed use (s properly one f~r rrhich a condi[tonal use
permit is authorized by Anahelm Nunicipa) Code Section to wtt: to
pcrmit a 347~unit mobllehomc park subdfvtsion.
2. That the proposed use is hcrcby granted subJect to the approval and
recordatton of a flnai tract nap for the subdivision of the property into individual
3. That the proposed use wTil not advcrsely affcct the adJoining iand uses
artd the qra,rth and d~v~lopment nf th~ arr~ !n H!slth It IS ~fo~o5*d Io ~e )ocatc3.
4. That Lhe sizc and shape of the site proposed for the use Ts adequate to
allow thc full development of the proposed usc in a manner not detrimenta) to the
particular area nor to the peace. health, safety. and general `+elfare of the Citizens
of the tity of AnaheTm.
5. That thc granting of the Conditional Use Permit under ihe conditions
imposed~ Tf any, will not be detrimental to thc pcace. health. safety and general
wc)fare of the Citizens of thc City of AnaheTm.
6, Th~t the traffic generated by the proposed use wlil not imposc an undue
burden upon the streets and htghways designed a~d lmproved to carry the traffic in
the arca.
7. That approximately 40 to 50 Tnterested persons indTcated their presence
at sald public hearing; and that no correspondence was recetved (n oppositlon to the
subJect pctition.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDI~IG: That the Anahcim City Planntng Cammission has
reviewed t e proposa to pcrm t a mo itehome park subdlvtsTon on an trregularly-
shaped parcel of land conslsttng ~f approximately 38 acres iocated at the northeast
-2- PC79-t74
corner of La Palma Avenue and Chrisden S[reet, having ap~roximate fron[ages of 1804
feet on the north side af La Palma Avenue and 710 feet on the east side of Chrisden
Street; and does herehy approve the Wegative Declaration from the requlrement to
prepare an envtronmental Impact report on the basis that thcre would be no
significant individual or cumu!ative adverse environmen[al Impact due to [he approval
of this Negative DeclaraCion stnce the Anahelm ~eneral Plan destgnates the subJect
property for hiliside low-medium density resldential land uses ccmmensurate with the
proposal; ihat no sensitive enviror+nental Impacts are involved in the proposal; that
the Initial Study submitted by the peti[ioner indicates no signtftcant tndividual or
cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaratlon
substantlating the foregol~g findings is on file i~ the Ctty of Anaheim Planning
~~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahetm Ctty Planning Commission
does hereby grant subJect Petition for Condi[lonal Use Permit, upon the follawtng
conditions whlch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use
of the subJect propcrty in order to prescrve the safe[y and general welfare of the
Citizens of the Ctty of Anahetm:
i. That a tract map to shrnring [he approved division of subJect property
shall be submit[ed to and approved by the City of Anahetm and then be recorded in the
Office of the Orange County Recorder.
2. That all private streets shall '>e developed in accordance wi:h the City
of Anaheim's Standard Detatl No. 122 for private streets. Plans for the private
street lighting, as required by [he standard detail, shall be submitted co and
approved by the Electrical Divis(o~. Approved private stree[ lighting plans shall
then be submitted to the Building Division for inclusion with the building plans
prior to tssuance of buliding perrntts.
3. That trash storage areas shall be proYided tn accordance ,+ith approved
plans on file with the Offtce of the Executive Director of Public ilorks.
4. That the owner(s) of subJect praperty shall submi[ a let[er requesting
the termtnatlon of Condltional Use Permit No. 1138 to the Planning Department.
5. That subJect propetLy shall Se developed suGstan;lslly !rt accardartce
wtth plans and specif(catlons on file viith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1,
Z. 3, 4 and 5.
6, Thai Condition No. 1, above-mentt~ned~ shall be complted with prior to
the cortmencement of the activity authorized under this resotutton, or prtor to the
tlmc that the buildtng permtt is Issued, or wtthin a period ofi one year from date
hereof~ whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Cormission may
7. That Condltion Nos. 2~ 3~ 4 and 5. above-mentioned, shall be complied
~vith prior to final buildtng and zonirtg tnspections.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planntng Commtssion does hereby
find and determine that the adoption of thTs Resolutian is expressly predicated upon
applicant's canpliance wtth each and all of the conditions hereinabove se[ forth.
Should any conditf~~ or any part thereof, be deciared Invalid or unenforceabie by the
-3- PC79-t74
L .Y X~~
final judgment of any court of canpetent Jurisdiction, then this Resolutlon, and any
approvals hcre(n contalned~ shall be deemed null and void,
THE FOREGOIf~G RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thts 27th day of
August, 1979•
I, Edlth L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pianning Carmtssion, do
hereby certify [hat the fore9oTng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August 27, 1979, at 1:30 p.m.,by the
following vote of the members thereof:
IN 1JITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls 27th day of August, 1979.
~,~ .~ ~,~,~.~.
-4- PC79-~74