PC 79-188~ RESOLUTIOt! N0. PC79-188 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CiTY PLANN(NG COt1HIS510N ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDIP7G TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF AtJAHEiH ADOPTIO~J OF ANAHEIN GENERAL PLAN AMEKDMENT N0. 152 - LNND USE ELEHEPIT WFIEREAS, the Ctty Council of thc City of Anahcim did adopt the Anahelm Gencral Plan by Resolution ~lo, 59R-6G4, show(ng the general doscription and extent of land uses within the City and indtcating the present belief of the Council as to possible futurc development and redevelopmen[ of thc land wtthin the Lity; and uHEREAS, pursuant to requests from a propcrty owncr and the City of Anaheim for Gencral Plan study, [hc Anaheim C(ty Planning Comm(ssTon dtrectr_d City staff to prepare a General Plan tlmendnent for property consisting of ~pproximately 51 acres having frontagc on 6oth the north slde of La Palna Avenue and thc east side of Inpcrial Flig Mvay, [he La Palma Avenue frontagc is located approximately 1025 fee[ east of the tntersection of Imperial Highway; and thc Imprriai Highway frontagc is located approxinately 570 feet north of [he La Palma Avenue Intersection, WHEREAS, thc Plannfng Departmcnt dcened it appropria[c, pursuant to the provisions of the Caiffornia Environmentai Quality Act, that a flegative Declaratlon be prepared in conneetfon with the GencraT Plan Amendment for the foregoing arca undcr consfdcration; and 11HEREAS; thc Anahetm City Plannfng Comnission did hold a public hearing at Anahein Lity liall, Lounci) Chamber, 20!{ East Lincoin Avenue, Anahelm, on September 10, 1g79, at 1:30 p,m.~ notice of said p~btic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wit1~ the provisions of the Anahetm Nunicipal Code, to hcar and considcr evidence for and agafnst said Amendment to the Anahcim General Plan and to investigate and make findings and recormenda,.tons in connection [herewith; and WHEREAS~ said Conmission, after duc inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aftcr due consideratton of all evidence and repor[s offered a[ satd public heartng~ DOES NEREBY FIND: 1. That evidence was presented which substantiates :he need for an anendrt~ent to thc Anaheim General Plan, and it is dcemed appropriate that "Exhibit A" be adopted. NOW~ TIiEREFORE, 9E IT RESOLVED that the Anahe(n Ctty Planning Carmtssion has reviewed the subJect proposal for a~ amcndment to the Land Use Eler.~en[ of the Gencral Plan for the area consisting of approxTmately 51 acres having frontage on both the norch sidc of La Palma Avenue and east sTde of Imperial Highw~y, the La Palma Avenue frontage is located approximately 1025 feet east of the Tntersectlon of ~mperial Highway; and the Imperlal Hlghway frontage is located approxirwtely 570 feet north of the La Palma Avenue intersection; and does hereby recomme~d to the City Council that a f~egattve Declaration from the requlrement to prepare an environmental inpact report be approveJ on the b~sis that there ++ould be ~o signiflcant individual or cumulative environnental tmpacts due to the approval of thts Negatlve Declaratlon; thut no PC79-188 ~ .! ~ sensitive envlronmenta) impacts are lnvolved In the proposal; that the Initiai Study submitted by staff tndicates no signtficart individual or cumulatlve adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negat!ve Declaration substantlating the foregoing findings are on fite in the Ctty of Anaheim Planning Department. gE IT FURTtiER R:SOLVED that, pursuant to ihe foregoing findings. the Anaheim Clty Planning Lorxnission does hereby adopt and recommend to the Lity Councll of the City of Anaheim adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 152, as follows: ~, That "Exhibit A" be adop[ed for the approxima[e 51 acres having frontage on both the north side of La Palma Avenue and eas[ side of Inperial Highway. THE fOREG01tlG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this tOth day of September, 1°79• ( ~ L.[/__~. ~ ~ Y ~ Q~~ ..~ ) CHAIRHA~i, At~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COH^715510p ATTEST: SECRETAR~~~+~'CIM~TY PLANNING COY.NISSIOtl STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~~ Edith L. Harris~ Secretary of [he A~aheim Ci:y Plannino Com ission, da hcreby certify that the foregoing resoluLlon was passed and aJopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commission hcld o~ September t~i, 1979. hY the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COKMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, DAVID, FRY, HERBST, KING NOES: LOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEt~T: COMMISStONERS: TOLAR 1979. IN W~T~~ESS HHEfiEOF~ i have hereunto set my ha~d this 10th day of September, E AR , A~lAHEIM CIT LAtINING CONN SSION -2- PC79-188