PC 79-191RESOLUTION N0. PC 79~1°1 p RE50LUT 10~i OF THE AFlAHE IM L ITY PLANN ING COMt115S 101~ T11AT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 3112 BE DENlED 11HEREAS, the Anahcim City Planntng Cammission dld receive a verifled Petltlon for Varlance fram RAYMOND G. SPEHAR AND ESTELLE Y.. SPEHAR, ANU MIIRCIA Atl~i HALLIGAN~ 913 Pa~O"~a Place, Fullerton, Callfornia 92635, owners, and GEORGE l. BEAUREGAP,D, 1265 North Chrisden Street, Apartment A1D6, Anaheim, California 926807. agent, of certaln real property situoted in the Ct[y of A~ahcim, County of Orange. State of Californla described as: That portion of the land allocted to Kalisher and uartenberg, as described in the Flnal Decree of Partition of the Rancho Canon de Santa Ana, a certified copy of whtch was recorded February $, 1$74, in Book 28, Page 158 of Deeds, records of Los An9eles, California, des~ribed as follows: Parcel No. 2, as shown on a Hap filed tn Book 75. Page 23, of Parcel Haps. in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. NHEREAS, [hc City Planning Comm?sslon did schedulc a publtc hearTng at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Sep[ember 10, 1!!79, at 1:3n p,m., notfce of said Gu61ic hearing having baen duly given as reautred by law and in accordance wlth the provtsions of the Anaheim Muntcipal Code, Chapter 19.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and a9ainst said proposed variance and to investigate and make firdings and recommendattons in connection Cherewith; said public hearing having been contlnued to Lhe P~a~ning Commissian mcetin~ of September 2~±. 1979, and WHEREAS, sald Commission. after due Inspectlon, investigation and study made by Itself and in (ts behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offcred at said hearing, docs find an~i decermine [hc followi~g facts: ~, That the netitioner oroposes waivers of the following to construct three (3) wall signs: (a) SELTION - Pernitted nunber size and location o wa s~gns. ;onc ~l-s uare foot wall sign pe~mitted; one 51-s uare oot and two 130-square oot wall signs proposed) (b) SECtIOt~ 18.05.091 - Permltted si ns In the ScenTc Corridor Zone Overla . 0 ree-standing signs permiited; 1 free-standing sign proposed) Tdelcted) 2, That the above-mentloned waivers are hereby denled on the basls that the petltToner did not ddnonstra[e that a hardship exists. and that slnce subJect property Is located in the ScenTc Corrtdor 2one Overlay. an undesirable precedent r+ould be establlshed )f the proposai were approvad. Pt79-191 ~ ~ 3, That there are no exceptional ar cxtraordinary cfrcumstances or conditlons applicable to the property tnvolved or to the intended use of the property that do not app1Y 9eneralty to the property or class of use in the same vtcinity and zone. 4. That the requested varlance is not necessary for the preservatlon and enJoyment of a substantial property rtght possessed by other property in the same vlcinity and zone, and denTed to the property (n qucstton. 5, That the requested variance Nill be materfaliy detrimental to the pub)ic weifare or inJurious to the proptrty or improvements !n such viclnity and zone In which ihe property is located. 6. That no one lndicated their presence at said public heartng in oppositlon; and thaL no correspondence was received in opposi[Ton to the subJect petitlon. ENVIROHNENTAL IMPACT FI~ID1t1G: Thc Planning DTrector or his authorized representat(ve has determined that [hc proposed projcct fails wTLhin [he definition ~~f Categor•ical Exemptlons. Class 3, as defTned in Paragraph 2 of che City of Anahetm Envtronmental Impact Report Guldelines and Ts, therefore, categoricatly exempt from thc requirement to prepare an EIR. Hpu, THEREFORE, BE IT RES6LVED that the Anaheim City Fiannino Cor,+missio~ does hereby deny subject Petitlon for Variar.ce on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOp is signed and approved by me this 24th day o` September. 1y79. % ~~ir ~ii... l- Ci rt.s~.--~...~ CNAIRMAN. A~~ANEIM CITY PLAN'II~IG COMHISSION Al'TEST: SECRETA~ AI~~M~T PIANNitJG COMMISSION STATE Of CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIH ) f~ EdTth L, Narris, Secretary of the Anahetm City PlannTng CommTsslon, do hereby cerLify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commisston held on September 24, 1979~ by the fotlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: CONMISS~ONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE~ DAV~O. FRY. KING, TOLAR NOES: COM.415510t~ER5: HERBST ABSE4T; COMNISSIONERS: ~IOt1E ~979. IN WITNESS HlfEREOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand thts 24th day of September~ ~~ ~ ~ ~TbN -2- PC79-191