PC 79-192RESOLUTION N0. PC79-192
WHEREAS~ the Anahelm City Planning CommissTon did recelve a vcrifled
petltion for Reclassification from ST, MARK'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 3700 41est
Orange Avenue, Anahcim, California 92804, owner, and uALTER FORSYTHE, 518 South
Brookhurst 5trcet. AnaheTm, Callfornia ?2804, agent. of certaln real property
sltuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ Statc of California, described as
The south 160 feet of Lhe eas[ one-hal` of the uest cne-half of
the Northeast quarter of the Sou[heast Quarter of Section 15
township 4 South Range 11 IJesc tn the Rancho Los Loyotes. City of
Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of California, as pcr map
recorded (n book 51, page 11 of Miscelianeous Haps, in the office
of the County recorder of said County, lyfng Northerly of the
Nesterly prolongation of [hc cer.tcr line of Munaall Drive as sham
on a map of Tract No. 35Q~, as per map recorded in boot: 133 pa9es
1L and 19 of Misceilaneous Maps, in the office of the County
recorder of said County. Excepting the Nest 100 feet chereof.
WHEREAS. the City Planning Cormission did hold a publtc hearinq at the City
Hali in the City of Anahetm on Sept~nber 24, 197Q~ at 1:30 p.m „ notice of said
public hearing having been duly given as reguired by law anJ in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider
evtdence for and against safd proposed reclassiftcation and [o in~~estigate and mal;e
findings and recommendatians tn connec[lon therewith; and
WHEREAS. sald Commission, after due (nspectton. investigation and study made
by itself and tn its behalf, and after due cansideration of all evidence and reports
offered at satd hearing, does find anJ determine the following facts:
1, That the petit(oner proposes reclassifictlon of subJcct property from
the RS-A-q3,000 (Res(denttal/Agricultural) to RM-1200 (Residen;ial, MultTple-Fam(ly)
2, That the Anahetm General Plan designates subJect property for medium
denstty residentTal land uses.
3. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary
and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the cortmunity.
4, That [he proposed reclassification of subJect property daes properiy
relate to the zones and thelr permitted uses locally establlshed In close proxlmity
to subJect proper[y and to the zones and their permltted uses gencrally establlshed
throughout thc community.
5. That the proposed reclassificatlon of sub)ect property requires the
tmprovcment of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the
General Plan, due to che anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by
the intensiflcation of land usc.
6, That no one indicated thetr presence at said publlc hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subJect
ENYIRONMENTAL IriPACT FIN6ii:G: Tha[ the Anaheim City Planning Commission has
reviewed the proposa to reclassify sub)ect property from RS-A-43,000
(Residential/Agricultural) to RM-1200 (Residential, Hultiple-Family) Zone with
waivers of maxtmum building height and permitced vehlcular access to construct an 18-
unit apartment complex on a rectangulariy-shaped parcel of land consisting of
approximately Q.7 acre, having a fronta~e of approximately 230 feet on the ~orth side
of Mungall Dr(ve. having a maximum depth of approximately 128 fe~t and being located
approximatcly 750 feet west of the centerline u.` Knott Strcet, and does hereby
approve the Negative Der1-~;~tion from the requirement to preparc an environmental
'rmpact report on thP basis th~~ there would be no significant individual or
rumulatfve adverse environmentai imp~~t duc to chc approval of this Negative
Oeclaratlon sincP the Anaheim feneral Plan des~g~ates the suhJect property for medium
der:stty resi~ential land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensftive
envTro~~menral Impacts are invoived In the proposx~l; th;~t the Inttial Study subnTtted
by the petitloner indicates no signiflcant individual or cumulative adverse
environmental Impacts; and that the t~egative Dec~~ra~ion substantiatino the foregoing
findings is on file ln the City of Anaheim Planning Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ihat the Anaheim City Planring Commission
does hereby grant subJect Pecition for Reclassiftcation and, hy so doinq, that Ticle
18-Zoning of the Anahe{m Municipal Code be amended te exclude the above-described
property from the RS-A-43,~OQ (P,ESIDEt~TIAL/AGP,ICULTURAI) ZOtiE and to Incorporate said
descrlbed property into the RM-S200 (RESIDENTIAL, MUITIPLE-PAMILY) ZOHE upon the
following conditions whtch are hereby found to be a ~ecessary prereaulsite to the
proposed use of subJect property in order to preserve the safety and gencral welfare
of thc Ci[Izens of the City of Anaheim:
t, Thst sLrcet !lghtEng fa~fttttes alon, Yungall ~rfve sha11 5c Installcd
as required by the Office of Ucilities General Manager. and fn accordance with
specifications on ftle in the Office of Utilities General Manager; and/or that a
bond~ certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form
satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to 9uarantee the
tnstailation of the above-menttoned requirements prior to occupancy.
2. That the owner(s) of subJect property shal) pay to the Clty of Anahelm
a fee, in an amount as determtned by the City Councfl, for tree planting purposes
along Hungall Drive.
3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
ptans on file with the Office of the ExecutTve Director of Public Work.s.
4, That fire hydrants shall bc Installed and charged as requlred and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prtor to commencement
of struGtural framing.
5. That subJect property shall be served by underground uttlities.
-2- PC79-192
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6. That drainage of subJect propcrty shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
7. That the owner of subJect property shall pay to the Ctty of Anahelm the
appropriate park and recreation In-lieu fees as determincd to be apprapriate by the
City Council, said fecs to be paid at the time the building permit is issued,
6, That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay the traffic signal
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) in an amount as determined by the Lity Council,
for each new dwelling unit prior to the tssuance of a buliding pernit.
9. That the owner(s) of sub)ect property shall submit to and have approved
by the Planning Commtsston, revised plans for Special Use Pernlt No. 79 which reflect
the modtfied land use praposat caused by this reclassiflcatlon.
10. Prior to the introductio~ of a~ ordinance rezoning subject property,
Londition ~~os. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall bc completed. The provisions or
rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void by acCion of the
Planning Commission unless said conditions are complied r~ith wiihin one year from the
date hereof, or such further time as the PlannTng Commission may grant.
il. That Condttiort Nos. 3. 5. 6 and 10, above-mentioned, shall be conplied
with prior to finai butlding and zoning lnspecttons.
BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED tha[ the Anaheim City Planning Canmission does hereby
`ind and determine that adoption of this Resolutlon is expressly predicated upon
applicant's compliance with each a~d all of the conditions hereinabove se[ farth.
Should any such condition, or any part [hereof~ be declared invaltd o~ unenforceable
by the final ,judgment of any court of competen[ Jurisdiction, then thts Resolutton,
and any apF~rovals hcrein contained, shall be deemed null and void.
T11E FOREGOING RESOLUT~OtJ ts signed and approved by me this 21tth day of
September, 1979.
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-3- PC79-t92
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I, Edith L. Harrts, Secretary of the Anahetm Lity Planning CommTssion~ do
hereby certify that the foreaoing resolutTon r~as passed and adopted ab atheefollowinf
the Anahclm City Planning Commtsslon held on September 24, 1979. Y 9
vote of the members thereof:
IN WIT~~ESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of September,
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-4- PC73-t92
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