PC 79-198, RESOLUTION N0. PC7?-198 A RESOLUTION QF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM15510~~ ADOPTING AtiD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUMCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 153 ~ LAND USE ELEMENT WHEREAS~ the Clty Council of the City of Anahetm did adopt the Anafielm General Plan by Resolution No. 69R-644, showing the general description and extPnt of land uses withln the City and lndlcating the present belief of the Louncil as to possible future development and redevelopment of land within the Ctty; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requests from the property owner for General Plan study~ the Anahelm City Planning Commission directed Ctty staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment for an irregularly-shaped parcel of land havtng an area of approximately 72 acres located on the south stde of the Santa Ana Canyon Road approximately i000 feet southwest of the centerline of WeTr Canyon Road; and 4JHEREAS, The Pianning Department deemed It appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the Californla Environmental Quality Act, to prepare Enviornmental Impact Report No. 229, in connectlon with the General Plan Mendment for the area under consideration; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dtd hold a publlc hearing at [he City Hali in the City of Anaheim an September 24, 1y79, at 1:30 p.m „ notice of said public hearing havtng been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunlcipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said Amendment to the Anahetm General Plan and to investigatc and make findings and recommendations In connectton therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatton and study made by its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sald public hearing, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. That evidence was nresented whtch substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is deemed appropriate that Exhibtt A be adopted. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Enviornmental Impact Report No. 229, having been considered this date by [he Anaheim Cicy Planning Commisslon and evtdence, both written and oral, having been presen[ed to supplement sald EIR No. Z29, the Planning Commission finds that sald EiR No. 229 for General Plan Amendme~t tdo. 153 for development of a regional shopping center on the Bauer Ranch~ Ts in compllance wlth the California Environmental Quallty Act a~d wlth City and State EIR Guidelines; that Draft EIR No. 229 Identtfles the followiny potential significant impacts whtch said proJect could have on tfie envlronment: (a) extensTve grading of the land Mill modtfy [he topography, change the drainage and eliminate or dtsplace flora and fauna in the project area; (b) considerable amour.ts of vehicular trafftc will genera[e congestion, nolse and alr pallutlon in the area; and (c) there will be an increase tn the pollutant leve) tn the downstream groundwater recharge basins; that the proJect will have a local and regional growth-inducing impact by stimulating residentlal and cortvnerclal developmenC In presently undeveloped area; however, such PC79-t98 1 ~ f environmental Impacts will he reduced by compllance t~lth City codes, polTcies and procedures, and the proJect will bring substantlaT soctal and economlc benefits to the Ctty and its restdents by provlding employment, Tncreased tax revenues and stimulating the de~ielopment af attractive residential facilittes, and sald economtc and soclal considerations make infeasible the mitlgatton measures or project alternatives )dentifTed in the EIR; therefore, the Anahelm City Planntng Commisston recarrnends that the Lity Council certify Environmentai impact Report No. 229 and adopt a Statement of Overrlding Considerations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to thc foregoing findings. thc Anahetm C(ty Planning Commtssion does hereby adopt and recortmend to the City Council of Anaheim~ adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 153. as follrn~s: 1. That ExhTbit A be adopted forthe approximate 72 acres located on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road approximately 1A00 feet southrrest of the centerline of Weir Canyon Road. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOt7 is signed and approved by me this 24th day of September, 1979. 'y /j n . _ ~i: ~ .o /- , % ..' ct-f~..-.~-cv~ CHA 1 MAtI, AN~HE I lq C I TY PLANtI I~1G COMM I SS I ON ATTEST: SECRETARY, ANAHEIK ~ITY PLANIJING COMMi5510H STATE OF CALIfORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AIdANEIM ) I~ Edith L. Harr(s, Secretary of [he Anahelm City Planning Commisslon. do hereby certify that the foregoing resoTution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning CommTsslon held on Septembcr 24~ 1979. by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM`IISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSNORE, DAVID, FRY, HERBST~ KING, TOLAR NOES: COMNISSIONERS: NO~~E ABSENT: CONM15510NER5: NONE 197° IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hcreunto set my hand ihis 24th day of September, ~"~2 ,.~ i~, SECRE~ARY~ ~AH M C LANN NG COMM SSTOI! -2- ~'c79-198