PC 79-210RESOLUTION N0. PC79-216 A RESOLUT ION OF TNE AtIAfIE I"i C ITY PLAfJN 1 ~~G CO'1M I5510~1 THAT PETITI~N fOR C01lDITION1IL USE PER~11T N0. 2030 E3E G4At~TED tJf~EREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Car.mission did receivc a verificd PetitTon for Conditional Use Pernit from RICHARD B. WINCNESTEP, A't~ HA~tCY Z. WIttCIiESTER, 629 Fontcra, Pacific Palisades, Callfornia, 3~272, ormcrs, and RUSTY TURt~ER, 19~~~ fai;child, Suite 150. IrvinQ, Californi~ 42715, agent. of certain reai property situated tn the Cicy of Anahclm, County of Orange, State of Caltfornia, described as: THAT PORTION OF i'tiE NEST IlALF OF THE NORTHWE57 QUARTER OF SECTtON 4, TOWt~SHIP 4 SOUTH, P,ANGE 9 WEST, OF THE SAN BEF."IARDINO MERI~IAN, I1~ TliE CITY OF AtlAtiEIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF LALIFORtlIA, ACCORDING TO TtIE OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID LAND FILED II1 THE DISTRiCT LAtJO OfFICE, MI~RCH 23, 1875, DESCP,IBED AS FOLLO`aS: BEGItINING AT THE II{TERSECTIO"I OF TFlE CENTERLIME OF LA PAL!1A AVEIIUE (FOP.HERLY NORTN STREET), 4Q F[ET IN ulDTii, uITF1 THE CEt~TER.LI'lE OF JEFFERSO!1 STREET, 40 FEET Itt WIDTN, SAIp POINT dF IIITERSECTIO!! BEI'!; ON THE 11EST LINE OF SAID SECTIDN; THEtICE NORTHERLY 251.00 FEET ALONG 5.41D WEST L INE TO THE NORTHIlEST LOR~IER OF TflE LAti~ DESCR I BED I!I DEED TO J. S. BELOtID AND NIFE, RECOP.DED S:PTEMBER 25, 1951 IN BOOY, 5°5Q PAGE ?QG, OFFICIAL RECORDS; THEl7CE ~~ORTH 27° 51' EAST 2?F.QO FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LAND; 7HENCE SOUTHERLY 25!.~0 FEET PAP,ALLEL WITN SAID WEST LINE; THEHLE SOUT11 87° 51' WEST :.?3.0~ F[ET TO THE POINT OF BEGI~tt~INC, WHEREAS, the Ci[y Planntng Lortanission did hold a puhlic hearing at the City Hall in [hc City of Anaheim on Octobcr 22, 197~, at 1:30 p.m., nottcc of said publtc hearing having been duly given as requlred by la~~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahefm Munfclpaf Code, Chapter 1~5.03, to hear and consider evidence for and a9alnst sald proposed conditional usc pcrmit and to investlgate and ~nake findings and recommendations Tn connectlon therewith; and 4MEREAS, saTd Ca:anission, after due fnspection, investigation and study made by itself and (n its behalf, and after due consideratio~ of all evidence and reports offcred at said hearing, docs find and determine the following tacts: 1. That the proposed use is properly onr. far which a condittonal use permit is authorizeJ by Anaheim Nunicipal Code Secticn 18.Q3.030.010 to hi[: to permit offices in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zane. 2. That thc proposcd use is hereby g,-anted suhJect to the petTtioner's stipulation that the buliding will be used for the following types of offices: escrow companies~ architectsf contractors~ engtneers. real estate ftrms, land development firms~ ma~ufacturers representatives, blueprlnters, mail order compantes. research and t^.sting companTes, acccuncing firms and insurance firms. 3. Th~t the p~opased usc wIl! not advcrscly affect the adJolning land uses and the growth and devetopment of [he area (n which it is proposed to be located. Pc79-2tia 4. That tfie slzc and shape of the stte proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full devetopment of tlie proposed use ln a manner not detrimental to thc particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Cittzens of the City of anahetm. 5. That the 9ranting of the Conditional Usc Perntt under [he con2ltions irposed, iF any, ~•rtll not he detrimental to the peace, health, safety a~d general welfarc of the Citizens of thc City of Anahcim. 6, That the traffic 9enerated by [he proposed use wil) not impose an undiie burden upon the stree[s and highways dest9ned and tmproved to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic hearing in opposi[ton; and that no correspondence rras received In opposition to the subject petttlon. EIIVIRONMEt1TAL Il1PACT FI~lDING: That the Anahcin Gtty Planning Cornission has revicwed the proposal to ,:crait o~~ices in thc t1L (Industrial, Limitec+) Zonc on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxima[ely 0.75 acre located at the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Tustin Avenue, having a frontage of approximatcly 133 feet on the north side of La Pale:a Avcnue and a frontage of 175 fect on thc eas[ side of Tustin Avenue; and docs hcreby approvc the Negative Declaratlon fran the requirement to prepare an environrnental impact report on [he basis tliat there would be no sign(ficant fndivtdual or cumulacive adverse environmental impact due [o the approval of this Nega[ive Declaration since the Anaheim General Pian designates thc subject property for gencral tndustrial land uses commensurate r~ith the proposal; that no sensicfve environmental inpacts are involved in the proposal; that 2he initial Study submitted by thc petitioncr indicates no signiflcant individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental impac[s; and [hai the Negative Reclaration substantlatfng the foregoing flndings is on file in the Lfty of Anaheim Planni~~ OcQartment. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that thc Anaheim Lity Planning C~mission does hereby grant subject Petttion for Conditional Use Permtt. upon the following conditions whtch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisTt~ to the proposed use of thc subJect property in order to preserve the safety and ~meral wcifare of the Citizens of thc City of Anahcim: 1. Thrt strcet lighting facilities along Tus[in Avenue shail be installed as requtred by the Office of U[ilities General !!anager. and tn accordance with speclFications on file in the Office of Uttlities Generai Manager; a~d/or that a b~nd, certifTcate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash. in an amount and form sacisfoctory to the Ci[y of Anaheim shall be posted a~ith the Ci[y to guarantee the installacion of the above-mentioned requirements prior to occupancy. 2, Thac the owner(s~ of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fec, in an amoun[ as determined by thc City Council, for strecc ltghttng along La Palma Avcnue. 3. Thar, trash storage areas shall be provided in acc^rdance with approved pians on file with the Office of the Executlve Director of Public Works. 4, 7hat subJect property shall be served by undergrou~d utllities. .._2^ PC79-210 , ~ ..1 5. That dralnage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner sattsfactory to the City Enginecr. 6. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay the traffic sTgnal assessment fee (Ordlnance No. 3896) in an amount as determined by the City Council, for cortmercial buildings prior to the tssuance of a buTiding permit. 7. That the proposed office shall comply with all signing requirements of the ML Zonc. 8. That subject property shall be devetoped substantTatly in accorda~ce wlth plans and speclfications on fTle with the City of Anahelm marked Exhiblt No~. 1, 2 and 3. 9. That Condition Nos. i and 2, above-mentioned~ shatl be complied wfth prtor to tfie commencement of the accivity authorized under thts resolution, or prtor to the time that the building permit is tssued, or within a period of one year from date hereof~ -rhichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 10. 7hat Condition Nos. 3, ~, 5, 7 and 8, above-mentioned, shall be camplied with prior to final building and zoning lnspectfons. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahcim City Planning Commission docs hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution Ts expressly p~edicated upon app'Tcant's compllance with each and all of the conclieions hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditfon~ or any part thereof, be declared invalTd or unenforceable by :he fEnal Judgment of any court of compctent j~rTsdictlon, then thts Resolutlon, and any approvals hereTn contatned, shall be decmed null and void. THE FORECOiNG RESOlUT1011 ts slgned and approved by me this 22nd day of ~cLober~ 1979. .~~1.r r • CH RMAN. ANAH IM ETf LANNING C MMISSION ATTEST: ~~L! ~° ~,ti..:.. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNlNG LOMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) 1, Edlth L. Har~is, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion held o~ Gctober 22. 1979, by the r'ollowing vote of the members thereaf: i~YES: COMMISSIOt~ERS: BARNES. BUSHORE. DAVID. FRY, NER85T, KihG, TOIAR NOES: LOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSE~lT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 1979. 117 WITNC55 tilHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of October, `C~ot,c.~=1 .7~ '7~ll.w.:. SECRETARY~ A~IAHEIN CITY PLAtJNING COMMISS 0 -3- PC79-210