PC 79-211PESOLUTI0~1 N0. 7~-211 A RESOLU710N OF THE At~ftNE IM C ITY PLA-lN I t;G CO!!N I SS 10~~ GP.ANTING TH[ REQUEST FQR DELETtOH OF COt101TI0N PERTA1~111~f, TO REQU i RE~tEtiT FOFi A F I RE ACCESS EASEMENT IN LOII~iEtT 16Y utTfi CONDITIdtiAL USE PERMIT N0. 1~!&P WHEREAS, the pe[itioncr submitced a requesi for an amendment to the condltions of approval contained in City Plan~ing Commlsslon P.esolutTon No. PC78-?15 granted (n connection wi[h Londl:tonal Use Permit }~o. 188fi on pro~erty conslsting of approximatcly 27.8 acres, having a frontage of .approxinatcly 707 fcet on the east side of Magnolfa Avenue~ having a maximun depth of approximately 16;0 feet. bcing located 515 feet north of the centerltne of La Palr.+a Avenue; and WHEREAS, tfie pe:itioner requests dcletTon of t'~c follewina condicion contained In the above-refcrred to resolution of thc Planning Comnission: "3. Tha[ the fire access easement loca[ed on the easterly oortion of subject property shall be approved by the Lity ALtorney's Office and then be filed and recorded in the offtce of the Orange County Recorder." NHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannl~g Cor,rfission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the tity of Anahetm on October 22. 197~, at 1:3C P.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly 91ven as required by icw and in accordance alth the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Lode, to hear and constder evidence for and against satd proposal to amend the conditions of approval of CondTtional Use PermTt No. 1888, and to invest(gate and ma~:c ftndings and recommendations ln co~nection Chcrewith; and WHEREAS; said Lom~ission, after du• inspection, lnvr_stigation and study made by Itsct` and i~s t.s bchsl~~ and a`~er duc c~r,si~cra,io~ ~` al! crt~c~cc ar~ r~porLs offered at sald hearing, DOES HEREF.Y FIND: 1. That no one appeared at said public hearing in opoositton to subject request; and that no correspondence was recatved in oppositton to the subject petition. 2. That the petitioner has indicated the portion of the property whTch per[ains to the requirement for a fire access easement over the adjacent property to thc east wil) not be developed and wiil eventualty be sold to the adjotning property owner to the east. 3. That the Ueputy Fire Marshall has indicated that adequate fire access is availabla for both the industrial conplex and the property [o the east. and a memorandum has been submitted by the Fire Department indlcating that the access easement requlrement is no[ necessary In light of the petitioncr's amended plan of development. PC7°-211 1~, Tha[ the amendeJ proposed use wtll not adverscly affect the adJointng land uses and thc gror+th and development of the area in which tt 15 proposed to be located. 5, That the size and shape of thc site proposed for thc amended use ls adequate to allow the full development flf the a~ended prooosed use In a manner not detrimental to che particular area nar to the peace. heilth, safety. and oeneral welfare of the cttizens of the Ctty of Anahelm. 6, That the traffic gcncra[ed b/ tne prooosed amr.nded usc will rtot fmposc an undue t~urd~n upon the strcets and highways desi9~ed and imDroved to carry the traffic In thc arca. Et1VIR0I~NENTAL I'1PALT fit101NG: That an EIR !legative Declaration has becn prevTously approved or [h s pra_ect n tonJunction wit'~ ConcfitTonal Use PermTt No. 1988 on Hovembcr 11, 1973. NO'~t. TFiEREFORE. 9E IT RE50lVED, that thc Anahctm City Planning Cam~isston does hereby grant tfie reauest to delete the subJect conditlon of ~pproval of Conditional Use Permit No. 1883 on che basis of a~d subJect to che foregoing findTngs and recannendations. THE FORESOIt~G RESOLUT1011 Is slgned and approvcd by nc [his 22nd day of Octobcr, 147°. ~~ w.~ ~ ~ M 10.`tl~4, A!~AH `! C I T .tl! I t~ C~ . SS I OH AttEST: "T ,t~ d ~7(fi.~,~...~ SECAE7i~P.Y, A~~AHE1M CiTY PLANt~It~, CONy1SSI0t1 STATE ~F CALIFORNIA ) CGUtiTf Qr C~v;::GL ~ ss. CITY OF AtiAHElri ) I, Edith l. Harrts. Secretary of the AnaheTn City Ptanning Coerr+Tssio~. do hereby certtfy that the foregoing resolution was pass~d and adopted at a mecting of tfic Anahetm City Planning Commission hc)d on October 22, la7Q. by the foliaring vote of the members thereof: AYES: CON`11SSIONERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE~ DAVIO. FRY~ HERBST, KING, TOLAR HOES: COMf1155IONERS: l~ONE ABSENT: COM!11S5104ER5: NONE ~979• I!~ iJITNE55 ~1HEREOF. ! have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of October, ~ ITL If • ~sww_~. SECRETARY. AHAHE M CITY LAt~NING C MM15510N -2- PC79-211