PC 79-219 P,ESOlUTION d0. PC79-219 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANANEIH CITY PLA~it71t~G COHHISSION TNAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIfICATiON N0. 79-8~-16 BE GRANTED, IJHEREAS~ ihe Anaheim City Pianning Commisslon did receivc a verified petition for Reclassification from CORPORATION OF TH[ PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH OF IATTERDAY SAIPITS, 36 South State, Suite 1434, Salt Lake City, Utah ~4111, owners, and THOMAS L. MULKEY, PR~CE DEVELOP`1Et7T LOPIPAI~Y, 35 Century Park 1Jay, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 and JAHES L. CFIRISTENSEN, CHRIS DEVELOPt1ENT LONSULTA~ITS, 3(322 Campus Orive, Suite 201, Newport eeach, Laltfornia 92GG0~ agents, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of Caltfornia, descrtbed as follows: Parcel 4, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Caiffornia, as shown on a map filed in book 98 pages 3 through 6 inclusive of Parcel Haps, records of Orange County. NFiEREAS, the City Planning Commfssion did hold a public hearing at [he City Hail in the City of Anaheim on November 5, 1979. ai 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havtng been duly given as requlred by iaw and in accordance wtth the provisions of the Anaheim i~untcipal Code, Chapter 13,03, to hear anc' consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassi£ication anJ to (nvestigate and make findings and recommendations in connection [herewith; and NHE4EA5, said Cormtssion, af[er due tnspection, inves[igation a~d study made bY itself and in its behalf, and after due conslderation of ~11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing~ does finJ and deternine [he followiny facts: 1, That the petitioner proposes reclassific~tion of subJect property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residentlal/Agrtcultu~al) to CL (Cocmerciai, Limited) Zone to construct a corr^ercla! shopping cenier. 2, That the Anahelm General Pian designates subject property for general commercial land uses. j, That the proposed reciassification is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's stTpulation at [he public hearing that all deliverfes to the proposed center, especially the building near the west proper[y line which abuts a mobilhome park~ shali be made during normal business hours. 4, That approval of this resolution supercedes the land use and zoning eler~ents previously approved in connectlon with Reclassiflcatlon No. 73-74-36 establishing the Anaheim Shores Planned Community. 5, That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary and/or destrable for the orderly and propcr development of [he community. 6. That the p~oposed reclassification of suhject p~operty does properly relate to the zones and their permttted uses locally established in close proxTmity to subJect property and to ihe zones and their permltted uses generally establTshed throughou[ the community. Pc79-2t9 ! 7. That the proposed reclassification of suhJect property requires the dedica[ton and improvement of abuttin9 streets in accordance with the CTrcula[ion Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase tn trafflc whtch will be yenerated by the intansificatton of land use. 8. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that na correspondence was recetved in opposition to the subject petition. Et~VIP,ONMENTAL IMPACT FI~~DING: 7hat the Anahcim City Planning Commlssion has reviewed thc proposa to rec assify subject property from the RS-A-l~3,000 (Residential/Agricultural) to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone to construct a commercial shopping center on an irregularty-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 14 acres located at the northwest carner of Nedical Center Ortve and Euclid Street, having approxinate fro~tages of 93~ feet on tiie north slde of Medical Center Drive and t~50 fcet on the west side of Euclfd Strcet; and does hereby approve the ttegative Deciaration frcm [he requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis [hat there would be no signtftcant individual or cumulative adverse environnen[al impact due to the approval of this Iiegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan destgnates the subject property for general commerctal land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensttive env(ronmen[al impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner tndicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Taegative Declaration substantiat(ng tE~e foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thc Anaheim Cicy Planning Lommission does hereby grant subJect Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing~ that Title 13-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrtbed property from the RS-A-43.000 (RESIDENTIAL/AfRICULTURAL) ZO-~E and [o incorporate said described property in[o the CL (CONyERCIAL LIMITED) ZONE upon the followin9 condttions wh(ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite co Che proposed use of subJect prope~cy In order to preserve the safety a~d aenerai welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That s[reet lighting facilities along Euclid 5[rcet shali be installed as required by the Office of the Utiliites General Manager~ and in accordance with speciffcatfons on fite in the Office oF Utilittes General Manager, and/or that a bond, certiflcate of deposit, letter of credit or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the f.ity of Anaheim shall be pos[ed wich thc Ctty to guarantee the tnstallation of the above-mentioned requlrenents prior to occupancy. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided tn accordance with approved plans on file with the Office of [he Executive Dtrector of Pubtic uorks. 3. That fire hydrants shall be insLalled and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of [he Flre Department prior to cortmencement of structural framing. 4, That subJect property shall be served by underground utillties. 5. That dralnagc of subJect property shall bc dtsposed of In a manner satisfactory to ihe Llty Engineer. -2- pc79-2~9 ~. • ; 6. That bulldtngs A, B, D an~ H~ as shown on the submttted exhibits, shatl be fully sprinkiered, as required by the Firc Chief. 7, That the proposed commercial shopping center shall comply with all sign(ng requirements of the CL (Lommercial. limited) Zone. 8, That subject proper[y shall he developed substantTally in accordance with plans and speciftcations on file ~~ith the f.ity of Anaheim marked ExhibTt Nos. 1 and 2; provfded, however, tha[ thc alignnen; of thc drivcrrays along Medical Center Drive shall be approved by the City TraffTc Engtneer. a, Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezonin~ subJect property~ Condition No. i, above-rt~entioned, shail be conpleted. The provisions or rights granted by [his resolution shali become null and void by action of the Planning Comnission unless satd conditions are complicd with within onc year from the date hereof~ or such further [fine as thc Planning LamTssion may grant. 10. That Conditlon Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6~ 7 and 8. above-mentfoned, shall be complied with prTor to final buflding and zon(ng inspections. BE IT FUfiTHER RESOLVED [hat the Anaheim City Planning Lormiss(on dces hereby find and deiernine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predica[ed upon ~PP~icant's compllance with each and all of the condttions herctnabove set `orth. Should any such condi~ion~ or any part thereof, be declared invalld or unenforceable bY che final Judgment of any court of coripetent jurisdiction, then this Resolutlon~ ar,d any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null a~d void. TNE FOP.EGOItJG RESOLUTION ts signed anJ approved by me this Sth day of November~ 1479. ATTEST: ~~_-- ~ f~ -,..z ~ CHAIRNAN, N hEIH t~Y~LANN11~C0yHIS510t~ SECREfA~ ~I fEIM ~` ~ OM`1 SSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAIIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Edith L, Harris~ Secretary of the Anahelm City Planning CommTssion, do hereby certify that the foregoing rasolution was passed and adopted at a meecing of the Anaheim City P1anning Camnisslon held on I~ovember 5~ 1979, by the followTng vote of the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: BAfiNES~ BUSHORE~ OAVID, FRY~ fIERBST, KING NOES: COMr,ISS10NERS: NCNE A[35ENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR ItJ WIT~JESS 4IFIEREOF, 1 have hcrcunto set my ha~d this 5th day of November~ ~979. ~~ ~ A~.~ -3- PC79-~~9