PC 79-222RESOLUTION N0. PC79~222
NHEREAS. the AnaheTm Ctty Pianning Commission did recetve a verified
Petitlon for Conditional Use Permit from EDWARD D. ANDERSON AND ELLEN M. ANOERSON~
and HONARD ~. ANDERSON AND L015 H. ANDERSON~ 6474 Surry Road, Long Beach. California,
9~6~5, ~ers, and OONALD M. BRONN~ 2204 East La Palma Avenue, Anaheim. Caltforn(a
92806, agent. of certain rea) property situated fn the Clty of Anahclm~ County of
Orange, State of CalifornTa. descr(bed as:
PARCEL 1: The Wes[ 108 feet of the Eas[ 324 feet of the North 288
feet of che West half of the Northwest quarter of the Nur[heast
quartcr of Section 13. Township ~ South~ Range 11 West, in the
Rancho Los Coyotes~ as shorm on a Map recorCed in Book 51 Page il
of Miscellaneous Haps, records of Orange Zounty, Caiifornla.
Excepting therefrom the North 65 feet.
PARLEL ~: The NorthNCSt quarter of [he NorcMrest quarter of [he
Northeast quarter of SectTon 13~ Trnm shtp ~ South, Range 11 Nest.
in the Rancho Los Coyo[es. as shorm on a Map recorded Tn Book 51~
Page il of Mlsee!laneous Haps~ records a' Qrange Connty,
California. Excepting therefrom the Norch 298 feet.
PARCEL 3: The Nest 108.00 fcet of [he Eas[ 216.00 feet of thc
North 288.00 feet of [he North~+est quarter of the Northxes[
quarter of thc Northeast quarter of Sectlon 13~ Tormshtp 4 South.
Range ii West, In the Rancho los Coyo[es. as sham on a map
recorded in 8ook 51 Page il of Miscella~eous Maps, records of
Orange County. California. Except the South 36.00 feet of the
North 66.00 fect of sald land as conveyed to the State of
Callfornta fo~ S[atc Htghw~y pvrposes 1n Parccl g a` a`Irtat
decree of condemnatton in the SuperTor Court of the State of
Caltfornia. in and for the County of Orange~ Case No. 65987~ a
certifled copy of which was recorded March 17~ 1958 in Book 4230
Page 183~ of Offfcfal Records.
NHEREAS, the Ctty Planntng Commission d(d hold a public hearing at the Ctty
Hail In the Ctcy of Anaheim on November S. 1979. at 1:30 p.m.~ notice of said public
hearTng having been duly giv~n as requlred 6y law and In accordance wlth the
provisions of the Anahetm Munictpal Code~ Chapter 18.03~ to hear and consTder
evidence for and against sald p~oposed condTttonal use permtt and to Investigate and
make flndings and recommendacTons Tn connection th•_rewith; and
WHEREAS, said CommTssion~ after due Tnspectlon, investtgatton and study made
by Itself and In its behalf~ and after due consTderatlon of all evldence and reports
offered at said hearing~ does flnd and determtne the foitowing facts:
1, That the proposed use is propcrly one for which a conditTonal use
pcrmit ts authorized by Anahclm Mun(ctpa) Lode Sectlons and to wtt: to expand an existing mobile home park to 55 spaces with
Waiver of:
SECTION 18.04.045.p14 - Minimum setback in s ecial areas.
35 eet required rom Linco n Avenue;
-1 2 eet proposed)
2, That the requested waiver is hcreby granted, in part, to atlaw a
minimum 10-foo[ setback [o a block wall and a 15~foo[ setback to one mobilehome on
the basis that the mobilehome park is exTsting and the proposed block wall wilt be
aligned wtth an existing walt and that oniy one corner of the mobilehome wtit be
located 15 fee[ fran the right-of-way wtth no Nindow3 of doors factng the street
3. That thc proposed use, as granted, wtll not adversely affect the
adJoining land uses and the growth and dzvclopment uf the area Tn whtch it is
proposed to be located.
4. That the slze and shape of the sTtc proposed for the use, as granted,
is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not
8etrimental to the partfeular area nor to the peace, heaith, safcey, and general
welfarc of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
5. That the granttng of the Conditiona) Use Permit under the co~dittons
imposed, if any, will not be detrlmental to the peace, health, safe[y and generat
Helfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
6. That the traffic gencrated by the proposed use will not impose an undue
burden upon che s[reets and hlghways designed and tmproved [o carry the trafftc tn
thc area.
7, That no one indicated their presence at safd public hearing in
oppositlon; and that no corraspo~dence Nas received i~ opposition to the subJect
ENVIROHMEPlTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim CI[y PlannTng Commission has
reviewed the proposa to eacpand an existing mobTlehone park Nlth a waiver of required
setback in specfal areas on an Irregularly-shaped parcel of land conststing of
approximately 5•S acres located south and east of the southeast corner of Lincoln
Avenue and Da1e Avenue. having approxtmate frontages af 216 feet on the south side of
Lincoln Avenue and 370 feet on the east side of Dale Avenue; and does hereby approve
the Negative Declaratton from the requirement to prepare an environmental tmpact
~eport on the basts that there would be no sTgnificant Tndivtdual or cumulatTve
adverse enviro~~ental impact due to the approval of this Negattve Dectaration stnce
the Anaheim General Pian designates thL subJect property fo~ general comercial land
uses commensurate wiYh the proposal; that no sensttlve envtronmental impacts are
involved in the proposal; that the inTtial S[udy subr.iittcd by the petltioner
Indtcates no significant tndividual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and
-2- Pt79-222
that the Negatfve Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the
City of Anahetm Planning Department.
NOW~ TIiEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm CTty Pianning Commissfon
does hereby grant subJect Petltlon for Condittonal Use Permit, upon the following
conditfons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequTsite to the proposed use
of thc subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the
Citizens of the CTty of Anahetm:
1. That trash sto~age areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on flle with the Offtce of the Executive Dtrector of Public Works.
2. That the owner of subJect property shalt pay to the City of Anahetm the
approprTate park and recreatlon in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by [he
City Council~ sa(d fees to be patd at che time the bui)dtng permft is tssued.
3. That the ormer(s) of subJect property shall pay the trafftc signal
assessmen[ fee (Ordinance No. 38g6) in an amount as determined by the C!ty Council~
for each new dwelling unft prlor to the Issuance of a butlding permlt.
4. That the proposed devefopment shall be in accordance With the
requirements of Title 25, Caltfornia Administracivc Code and that the plumbing shatl
be provided in order that the [ravel crailer park will accommodate all traflers and
not be restricted to "Caiifornta approved tratlcrs" only.
S. That subject property shall be deveioped substantfally in accordance
wlth plans and specifications on file with ihe City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1;
provided, however. thae the block wall sh~ll be located a minimum of 10 feet from
Lincoln Avenue and only one mobilehome may be located 15 feet from LTncoln Avenue.
6. That Conditton Nos. 1, 4 and 5. abnve-menctoned, shail be complied with
prior to final bufiding and zoning fnspectlons.
BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED thai the Anahatm City Plannlrtg Cor:zTssTan dues hereby
ftnd and determine that adoption of Lhis Resolution Js expressly predicated upon
applicant's compltance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceabie
by the final judgment of any cour[ of canpetene Jurisdictlon, then thls Resolutton.
and any approvals herein contatned~ shall be deemed null and void.
THE FOREGOiNG RESOLUTIOIJ is signed and approved by me thts 5th day of
November. 1979.
~';.~~ 1._ ,~ ,~,-Y,~~
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-3- PC79-z2~
I. Edith L. Harris~ Sccretary of the Anaheim Ctty Pianning Commisslon, do
her~eby certffy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of
the AnaheTm C(ty Planning Commission held on November 5. 1979, by the following vote
of the members thereof:
IN 411TNE55 WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 5th day of November,
~i-ET ~~ HE ~ N~• N COMMTS~TON
-4- PC79-222